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  1. my neighbor started a chicken farm...... as for the squirrels......they don't get them all this time.....fresh out of the oven, no sugar added cobbler.......
    3 points
  2. We have lots of squirrels and chipmunks - they don't bother our fruit trees as far as I have seen. Lots of rabbits, too, and they have pretty much no fear. I can walk almost right up to them before they take off. Wasn't that way back in Oklahoma. We used to have a next door neighbor who would shoot them out of an upstairs window. Now there's a neighbor across the street who feeds them, and leaves a strip of tall grass as a "bunny refuge". So I haven't taken any active (read destructive) action against them. My wife just sprinkles some sort of deterrent all around the garden area. The birds are a real threat to our cherry tree, raspberries, and blueberries. If we do not cover them in nets, we don't get much of the fruit. The sweet cherry tree we had died, and now we have a sour cherry tree. We did still have to compete with them to some degree, but not like with the sweet cherry tree. (My wife had hung aluminum pie plates and a wind chime in the tree this year, but after awhile they were no longer deterred by those things.) When we had lots of raspberry bushes, I planted some down along the corner of our property, where there are a bunch of trees, thinking I'd let the birds have those, and maybe they'd leave the garden patch alone. Didn't really work. We also have lots of (mostly Concord) grape vines along one side of our lot, and I don't think anything has bothered those, except for the Japanese beetles.
    2 points
  3. A couple photos and measurements of the stud in question. The threaded ends are 10-32. This one off of a D24 attaches to the fuel pump in place of a screw directly above the outlet.
    2 points
  4. Update: compression check, okay. Leakdown test, okay. I spun engine by hand and carefully watched each lifter. They are all travelling fully. I did find one valve way out of adjustment - thanks to Keith's videos. So, false alarm all around, but thanks to the wisdom of this group I learned alot. I think the engine is pretty tired, but there's no damage.
    2 points
  5. I will do a bit of an update here. While I made a trip to the farmers market for a nice watermelon and cantaloupe, I also snagged a full box of tomatoes. I have never before seen such nice and well boxed tomatoes at the market. Price was also excellent so I told mums if she is willing, I will help her with processing these into salsa. Bought the box, we did two cookoffs with these tomatoes, zero waste and with what she made earlier from our garden, we processed right at 3 3/4 gallons of salsa. right place at the right time with the purchase of the fresh tomatoes....pic of them as they came out of the box to be washed.
    2 points
  6. Small surplus of tomatoes from the garden so mums decided to make a bit of salsa.....about two tablespoons of mix left over for me to sample....she did good!
    1 point
  7. Thanks Ric. A guy named Vincent recently contacted me based on your list. His dad has a '41 Plymouth wagon in his garage in NJ since 1980. He is attempting to recover it and transport it to his home in Virginia- I'm trying to answer his questions. I was able to help my friend Charlie Chisholm sell his three '41 Plymouth woodies - they went from Northern CA to Southern CA to a guy named Al. Who plans to restore at least 2 of the 3. Also helping with questions! He may already be on your list. I also have a neighbor Ken who has probably the best restored stock '41 on the planet. His is up for sale do to health and other issues. They are still out there.
    1 point
  8. The critters seem to stay away from the cultivated stuff in our yard. But we do have wild raspberries and strawberries all over the place that the birds and other wee forest creatures scarf up. When those get ripe, it takes me an extra hour or so to mow. I'll be mowing all biff-and-happy and come across a strawberry patch - "ooh, strawberries!" Turn off the mower, sit in the grass, and eat strawberries. Itty bitty things, but they're the strawberriest tasting strawberries I ever recall eating. The raspberries stick around longer, but we have to watch for bears in the raspberry patches, especially later in the summer.
    1 point
  9. for sure the Remmington 700 BDL is a varmint gun but not at all sporting. I will avoid disturbing let alone killing any wild wife or poisonous snakes IF NOT IN MY YARD....dodge them on the highway, aim for them in the yard. I care not for them trespassing. The squirrels have picked clean my peach tree in the back yard and laying waste to the two trees in the west section. The have cut all the pears from the tree and it was loaded...they destroyed the apples and will be working the pecan as soon as the milk starts to form in the shells. For reasons unknown they stay out of the veggie garden. The all METAL roofing and fascia has put them at bay along with removing any tree not on the 10/12 roofing side of the house so they no longer traverse the roof, they cannot get traction on the steep angle. But they so cute all the neighbors think....I am reluctant to set traps for fear of killing or injuring any of my birds about the place. Targeted kills the best method but new neighbors are ammo-phobic. Just sighted in my East German pellet gun, it is pretty powerful but still has a resounding pop when fired....next up, silencer....lol
    1 point
  10. In the installation instructions is says 12V negative ground only
    1 point
  11. There are many friends here I’d like to meet. Many remain faceless with fabricated ID names. Lol. I get the feeing many of you probably know me pretty well. Thanks to YT. 😁 We are on a road-trip for 1 week. We are in Denver and a MLB game tonight. We just arrived in Denver. Sorry @LazyK our travel schedules didn’t allow for a stop in Cheyenne this morning. Lots of neck snapping going on as we drive by heaps of old cars on people’s property. I’ve seen a few old Mopars for sale. Although I’m not looking to buy, I still like to look. @Sniper and @Los_Control if I was headed to Texas I’d make time to drop in. Sorry not this trip.
    1 point
  12. Lucky b@stard! I have a hard time with tomatoes here. Just gets to hot in the summer and the blooms fall off never produce. So I get a few tomatoes in the spring, then in the fall get a few more .... never enough for salsa though .... funny cherry tomatoes grow great .... I eat em like candy though while watering.
    1 point
  13. I agree with Keith. I phoned Mopar Pro a couple years ago and happened to talk to the owner. I wanted to know why a particular part was twice as expensive as his competitors. He got offended and started to raise his voice because my enquiry may have suggested he was making too much of a profit for the same part. He said he stood behind the quality of his parts 100 %. I then asked about his return policy if I wasn't satisfied. He detected from my "accent" I guess, that I was Canadian. He then said that I sounded like I was going to be an "expensive customer" Raising his voice even more. Then said he wouldn't be selling me anything and promptly hung up the phone. At least he was right about that.
    1 point
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