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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I have a 1949 cutting Windsor chrysler that comes out of catering, I live in France, thank you for welcoming this forum
    4 points
  2. In my experience, when you turn on the parking lights the keyhole switch is illuminated also.
    2 points
  3. Ice will crack your block long before any core plug will pop out. They are there to remove casting sand, any other function is a myth.
    2 points
  4. hey, you did good as the one you found is not readily seen in the photograph, the rocker moldings are beltline molding off the P23...bumper guards and turn signals are factory pieces for a Morris Minor,
    1 point
  5. You did good and when finished, knock it down and have the metal for the next project. I have a metal recycling place near me and they first sell as many parts off a car they take in before crushing it. I make out well not only in car parts but recycled metal like angle iron and such for my projects for pennies on the dollar as compared to other place, often on the metal the picking is limited...but have made off with some excellent deals.
    1 point
  6. I was browsing around looking for electrical stuff and found this: https://snap-usa.com/products/1950-1955-dodge-plymouth-mini-12-volt-starter-replaces-mch6101 If or when my 56 Plymouth starter on my truck dies this would be a great replacement. Lots lighter and smaller. Should be much easier for my old arms to put in place. More cranking power too and that neat (or not so neat, depending on your taste) reduction gear cranking sound. The original 56 pickup 12v is the foot stomp version so it is getting the Plymouth with a solenoid/bendix drive arrangement.
    1 point
  7. The van has been out and about for a few runs over the past couple weeks or so. Shake down runs if you will. First run to town resulted in me benching the unit for better mirrors as the wing mirrors were useless. With that done I got it back out and rear vision I may add, is excellent, do not look through the vent, nor is vent post is the view and with a passenger in the other seat, unobstructed view. Other folks fitting door or peep mirrors still list these issues with their mirrors. Moving on, my lane change results in a bit of dip, I have no dive in braking so I either have too much sidewall flex. Too light an oil in the shock or need a sway bar. Well benched for a few days as the sway parts all arrived and installed, it immediately correct 50% + of dip but I wish a bit stiffer. Will run it next with bit more air in the tires and trying to locate some higher viscosity shock oil without having to buy 1 or 5 gallon containers. The stance is in my opinion about 2-3 inches less that the profile I like in the rear and will install some air shocks to get the look I like. Other than that, she is checking out well, I am not having issues sifting left-handed as I thought I might. Three obvious Mopar parts shown....
    1 point
  8. I did upload a few videos on the M6. I tore down a spare one that I had. I wanted to learn more about it and how it worked.
    1 point
  9. The light tube is to light the glove box and ash tray on an S-11 DeSoto. It's wired with the clock light and the other dash lights. The round thing is the back of the clock. Its light socket is barely visivle behind the socket-light tube. The light socket for the glove box is at the foreforont. It's light tube descends to the ash tray, the rectangle at the bottom of the picture. This socket needs that shabby ground wire, since the glove box is non-metallic cardboard
    1 point
  10. when i had mine done i think .060 was the limit. i had mine milled only .010 as i just wanted to have a flat surface. i have also taken heads off and put them back on with no milling.just check for a good flat surface. capt den
    1 point
  11. My '40 came with nickel plating on the dash, which I redid. IMO chrome would have looked out of place. Too "bright".
    1 point
  12. I know my 51 has a lot of painted trim where is used to be chrome. Because the Korean war was on and Nickle was a strategic material.
    1 point
  13. I hope you are doing this rewire with a manual handy. That manual should answer your question. Looking at my Plymouth manual, it's nothing more than a light to light up the ignition switch area so you can see it at night,
    1 point
  14. That is not their job and if you ever have ice in your block to the point that it will push out a core plug you probably have a cracked block.
    1 point
  15. I didn’t really want it to be so elaborate, but I built it out of junk that I already had. Anyhow, my wife is still out of action until her arm heals up from surgery, so I spend a lot of time doing household things instead of working on my car.
    1 point
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