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The new top is now on..........finally


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It took a while, but the new Haartz canvas top is now on.  

Thanks to my upholstery man Larry, who had to actually do

certain finishing work on the top.   And, he also made a new



He's the same guy who installed my last top and boot a few

years ago.   Which was still good until the 2011 tornado damaged

it (just enough to require a new top and new wooden rear top bow.)









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Yes...........the car was at my son in law's house for about 3 years while he worked on it, and that

work was slowed by his open heart surgery.  Then I had give and take with the top manufacturer.....

they sent me several tops, none of which was quite right in some manner.  So they and my trim

man discussed it and they sent an unfinished version so he could make adjustments.  


My son in law also totally re-did the interior while he had it.  Back to an original look.





He re-did the trunk as well.





Even without a top, it was voted by participants as second place in the convertible class at an area

show in October of 2014.  I don't think anyone realized there was no top..............



Edited by BobT-47P15
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Not trying to be nosey but, what's a ball park cost on buying and installing a top like that. I have a 49 Wayfarer conv. that's will be needing a new top some day.


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Yes..........Ulu........we were very lucky.   Many cars including the ones in our driveway were total losses.  Somehow the Plymouth

and the garage around it were damaged, but not completely devastated.    My old Fender bass amp (in a case) was sitting about 3 feet from

the car and it was not damaged.   The upper portion of the garage was totally gone, but things closer to the floor fared better.  Strange.

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Hi James.  The kids have had problems with both their cars......so they had to replace one......and the coupe is on the back burner.

Son in law is working in an upholstery shop...and the owner keeps him working overtime.


A kind of funny story about the exhaust pipes on the coupe........while it was still down here, he made and bent some pipes from the

manifold back to the mufflers.  I would give him measurements over the phone and he would bend the pipes.  They actually came out

O K and worked fine.  The engine had a split exhaust manifold when we bought it.  


Later, he installed some cutouts and added some chrome side pipes.......so he can bypass the mufflers when the mood strikes.  


Otherwise, the coupe is just sitting, covered up, for now.  Don't know if it will ever get done or not.

Still needs quite a bit of work.








Yep.........for those who may not have seen it.........here's a picture of the coupe and tree...........



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