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I was telling my neighbor about my 15 year old Diehard battery and now two days later it's dead. It was in three different vehicles, still holding charge just fine, the positive terminal separated from the case. Case was dated 12-95. Every time I looked under the hood I couldn't believe this thing was still working. Don't know what I'll get this time. Diehards are getting some bad reviews now, must have cheapened them or moved manufacturing off shore. This vehicle doesn't justify the cost of Optima. What do you guys think of Walmart batteries?



My family gets all our batteries at Fleet Farm. I don't know if you have one where you are though.


That should teach you not to brag about your car battery. :)

I get my 6v Interstate brand batteries at my "local better auto supply" which happens to be a CarQuest affiliate.


Take a look in you local yellow pages if they still exist or do an online search for battery warehouse. We have Excide and Interstate location here in town. I have been dealing with bothof them for quite a few years. I have an Excide in my car that is going on 6 years old and an interstate one in my lawn tractor that was built in 03. Both are factory seconds, both cost about 40% of thier retail prices. Both were seconds because they has some scratches on the exterior of the case. Neither have given me any trouble since they were installed.

I have also run them in other various vehicles over the past 15 years, can not remember on lasting any less time than a full retail one from a store.


An old friend, Walt Jarzabek who ran the motor pool at Barksdale AFB, LA in the 70's used to say, "If you want a truck, buy a Mack". If he was around today, he'd probably say, "And put an Interstate battery in that Mack".:)!


ive always been partial to east penn mfg batteries aka deka. they have always performed well for me and i have fond memories riding to the plant in pennsylvania when i was small to get some of the factory seconds with my grandfather.


we have always used "everstart", they are made by delco, they're less expensive, and we never had one give us problems besides them wearing out after about 7 years, but i dont know if they make 6 volt...

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