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This is what forum friends do.....

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At the recent Elko Party Tim Adams looked my car over and noticed I did not have a P-15 clock. A couple weeks back I ask another forum member if by Chance he had a spare P-15 starter button in a car he was parting out. He looked but did not have one. But he must have told Tim I was looking.

I am sitting around at Tims sipping a tall glass of Iced Tea and telling lies to all forum members present when Tim suddenly starts pulling boxes off the shelf and going throurh the contents. Next thing I know he hands me a P-15 clock and a P-15 starter button. I did not ask for this stuff. He just had extras and thought I would like them. I do like them. Over the years Tim and I have traded parts and not once do I recall ever cracking open a bill fold in exchange for this stuff. This is what good forum friends do.:)



Thanks for mentioning,Don.It was nice on Tim's part, and perhaps an example for others to follow...:)


Thats the beauty of this great forum, folks will to lend a hand or offer gifts.

I have been on the receiving end a few times, as well as on the giving end.

It is great to be part of this group.....


Tim's a good guy for sure. He guided me through some diagnoses for my daily driver a couple of years ago. His help was instrumental in helping me find the broken power wire to the fuel pump.

All this from about 3000 miles away!!

Thanks a million, Tim!!!


I like Tim, reguardless of what I've read on the bathroom wall about him he's a nice guy.


Attaboy Tim! :cool:

I must say that my experiences with fellow car guys have been overwhelmingly charitable and positive (except for some of the Corvette folks); however, the P15-D24 is without question the most civilized of all of the auto forums that I participate in.


Sounds like a we have a lot of good parents who raised their boys right. Our country could use a few more of those these days. Pray for our nation, guys. She needs it pretty bad.


Don, I know what you mean. Just after I joined the forum Tim sent me a message about a trim piece he had that would work on my Dodge. It also gave me a good reason to stop by and introduce myself.


Yup Tims a good guy. We've traded a few things between us. I was just looking for something else and came across the taillight reflectors he mailed me.

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