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Bugger, I hate it when my cars leak...

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I've been driving my '50 every day to work (about 30-50 miles a day) for a couple of months.

My tappet covers have had a slow leak since I installed them, and I haven't fixed them because I have to remove my Langdon Headers to get the thumb screws out. :mad:

I've been parking the car on the gravel beside my driveway so that it won't mark it's territory too badly. Yesterday, I drove home in a torrent of an Idaho mountain thunder storm, and parked in the garage because my wife wasn't home with her car. I left the car there for the night, and when I moved it this morning, there were four puddles of oil on the floor, each about 1.5-2 inches around...

Time to tackle the valve adjustment and fix the leaking covers... I'm dreading it because not only do I have to remove the intake and exhaust, I have to pull my heater and heater duct out too. Ugh.

End of rant, I wish I had the cast iron headers now...

On a side note, I've noticed that I'm getting quite a bit of oil film coming out of the oil filler breather that is landing on the side of the engine, distributor, and firewall. Thinking my road draft tube filter is clogged. I put a foam filter in there when I rebuilt the engine, but haven't looked at it since. Wonder if the foam is full of oil and not letting any air through. May be time to do the PCV conversion while I'm under the hood.



Well if you want a Mickey Mouse fix like I had to do with the gasket between the timming chain and the cover (It also leaked). I just cleaned up the surface area where the matting surfaces sit and mixed up some epoxy and spread that in the area where the leak was coming out and it fixed the problem. Now who cares if it's their as nobody is going to look at it and notice the epoxy. Worked and I did not haft to pull the engine to just clean up the gasket area and spread some permatex in that location.:cool:


My flat head leaks oil like crazy, out the tappet covers too, they are new gaskets. I just keep a big plastic office chair mat on the garage floor and clean it up as needed, I also have a large old cookie sheet with cat litter in it.

I am going to tackle the oil pan leak this fall, will try and stop the valve cover leaks too.

I figure these engines porbabvly all leak oil, , mine happens to be a big leak though.

The rear end leaks when the car is not driven for prolonged periods, stops after regular use.......Fred


..I figure these engines probably all leak oil...

I now understand why my car had 4 inches of dirt impregnated oil caked to the engine and frame...



If I'm concerned about a leak,usually I use heavy corrugated cardboard (as used to pack furniture or appliances) under the vehicle -It doesn't cost anything and it will absorb the oil.When appears it may be nearing saturation,I change it.


I originally had a problem with the rubber gaskets I first installed on my

engine. I switched to cork and no more problem.

This cardboard is 3 years old and lives under my engine.





Guess the cork absorbs oil swells and seals.

I have been told to make neoprene gaskets for my oil pan from the cork set I have in the box, by some forum members.

Maybe I be best to use the cork gaskets on the oil pan too.........Fred ps I could make that oil mess in about 1 week on my engine

Gee a week? My car can do that faster.

Just went under the car to have a looksy, I have oil leaking a bit from the rear tappet cover, the bottom rear oil pan, and a little from the front of the oil pan.

I probably would leak more than what I stated.

I plan to drop the oil pan, clean and install with new gaskest, will see what I can do with the tappet covers.

I am not gonna try a rear main seal job, at least not in car.

I guess this is what I get for having an old engine, some day will rebuild my 251, and install.

Right now will live with oil leaks, what else can I do.....Fred

Is this a common deal with our engines, I don't mid oil leaking, and adding when necessary, just don't want any mechanincal problems because of it


I use hospital bed pads, They really soak up a lot of oil. My side covers leak, and I still get a few drips from the rear main. Cheaper than the bed pads are puppy training pads, they are a bit smaller but they are about 4 bucks for a box of 10 or 12. Started usig them at ice racing events in case of spills or leaks they were required to keep oil or anti freeze of the ice. Tried the Dot style spill pillows but they were way expensive so I switched to the bed pads.


I have learned recently what it means to get the gist of life. In the last few years I have had to see, the cardiologist, the Urologist, a Rhumetologist, an Alergist, the opthomologist, a neurologist, an imunologist, and a dermatologist.

Yipee!!! all my new friends are Doctors.

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I have learned recently what it means to get the gist of life. In the last few years I have had to see, the cardiologist, the Urologist, a Rhumetologist, an Alergist, the opthomologist, a neurologist, an imunologist, and a dermatologist.

Yipee!!! all my new friends are Doctors.

Wow, Greg hope you not leakin oil

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