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There's a P15 under there somewhere.....

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We had a wind storm here this morning with winds up to, and possibly,

more than 90 mph. There was damage all over town. Power was out

many places (except our neighborhood), trees down, a tv tower was

blown onto the roof of a local station. A real mess.

Here's one thing that happened:




Yes......the brown coupe is now several inches shorter thanks to that

huge, old walnut tree. I gues the "P" now stands for "pancake".

Until the tree is removed, can't tell the total extent of the damage.

Both doors are bent and I don't know what all else. Wasn't insured

since it wasn't drivable due to no brakes. So........son-in-law thinks

we might be able to put on a new roof and doors. We shall see.

Otherwise, it looks like it may become a parts car. Damn.


Have to go back to Nashville today (Sat) as my mother-in-law passed

away about midnight Thursday. Funeral will be on Monday.

On top of this, plus the car thing, the winds broke out the top of one of

our huge pine trees in the front yard......it fell into our yard and not

the street, so it can just wait a few days for cleanup. And, with all the

rain, the grass has gone crazy and needs cutting. Guess I'll try to find

the neighbor guy down the street.....maybe he could use a little extra

cash for mowing.


Bob, sorry to hear of your troubles, especially your mother-in-law. These times are always hard on family. Also, not a nice thing to happen to your coupe. Hopefully it can be repaired but if not as you say it will have to be a donor so other cars can live on. Wishing you well and know that you have lots of friends on the forum.



Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. We also had a wind storm early Saturday morning but it was not as bad as yours. Give me a call while you are in Nashville as I am home this week.


Bob, condolences on the loss of your Mother-in-Law ..... and I'm feeling a little bad about the coupe too! That was some work you didn't need!



Really sorry to hear your news.

My sympathies to your family.

Also sorry to see the result of your bad luck with the coupe, but I guess the loss of a loved one helps put the damage to the car in perspective.

Best wishes from England.




Sorry to hear of your mother-in-law, your family will be in our prayers.

Talked to mom yesterday and they lost a couple of trees as well as several shingles. The roof and back two rooms of her house were new as what happend to your coupe happened to her house in the tornadoes that hit the area a few years ago.

Hopefully things are not as bad with the coupe as they appear now. There are possibilities. As you said maybe you can graft on a new roof, or make a roadster out of it like that blue 0ne that has been on ebay several times. Our just straighten out the wrinkles and make a chopped tail dragger custom like this.



Bob sorry to hear about your losses. A guy in our ply club fixed a 4dr that got smushed in a barn colapse. Hope you can save yours when you get back


Bob , Condolences to you and your family in reference to your mother in-law . Hopefully the ol coupe can be saved ... i guess it could have been worse and hit the house ..... Good luck in all that you have to do to get back to normal .



Bob, sorry to here of the troubles you have had, condolences to you and your family, we have winds like that all the time out here but we don't have the rain so things aren't as bad when they hit. hope you can fix the car without to much problem.



Another thought on your squished car. Hammer it out as best as you can. Remove the hood, grill, glass, hubcaps, and all chrome and stainless. Then give it a "brush" paint job with numbers on the doors. You now have a period correct race car clone.

We had a wind storm here this morning with winds up to, and possibly,

more than 90 mph. There was damage all over town. Power was out

many places (except our neighborhood), trees down, a tv tower was

blown onto the roof of a local station. A real mess.

Here's one thing that happened:<<

Bob,I have a 47 coupe parts car with a good top and good door tops. It even has the rear you want for your convertible. No front frame or suspension,though. I bought it from a guy that was going to do a frame clip,and cut off the old one before he figured out he didn't have the skills to install the new one.

I'm sure we could work something out if you want to come and get it.


Damn, Bob, when it rains it pours... Sorry to hear of your troubles.

Looks like the P15 has a pretty good squish in the A pillars... hope it can be straightened out.




I am sorry to hear about your mother in law's passing. The car can possibly be saved if the body damage doesn't go down too far. The windshield frame will be critical but certainly possible as long as the cowl is not badly bent. In the photos the cowl does not look too bad but you can determine that better after the tree is removed. Please keep us posted and best of luck to you.

John R


I've used all kinds of excuses to do things to my cars and trucks but.....if you wanted to chop it you didn't have to drop a tree on it to have an excuse. Sheeeeeeesssss. Some people.

Actually, I hope things turn around for you. Good luck.



Didn't see this post until just now as I wasn't following the forum that close last week. Older brother was in the hospital in critical condition. He's a little better now, has moved to serious but improving now.

Sorry to hear about your mother in law.

Also sorry to hear about your damage at home. But........the coupe and tree are just things and can be replaced, if you want. You could always cut the roof off of the coupe and make another convertible.:)



So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.

And, sorry to hear about your property losses.


Got back from Nashville about 5:15 pm on Wednesday.

Then had to go to the club for our Wed night music gig which starts at


Thanks for your kind words, guys. They are appreciated.

As has been pointed out, it's just a car. And can maybe be fixed.

I tried several times to call my friend who lives where the car is -- get no

answer so apparently his electricity is still out since last Friday. It's about 1 am

on Thursday now.

So, I don't know if the tree has been removed or is still there. Won't be able to

find out till later today (Thurs) as I have another playing job today at 1 p m.

Going to entertain for about 30 minutes during a district meeting of a group of

area hospital people. Weird but true. Then, on Friday evening, we're playing at

a local nursing home for the patients and their friends and families.

On my way home from Nashville today, I went thru Wycliffe, KY , then over the

Mississippi and Ohio Rivers into the corner of Missouri. I go on Highway 60.

The water is up, and with just enough more rain, might get over the road between

Wycliffe and the bridges.

It's getting close now

More rain and thunderstorms here tonight, with a tornado up north in

Kirksville, MO.

And, we won't even talk about how tall the grass has gotten with

all this rain.

Last winter's ice storm broke the top out of one of our

large evergreen trees out front. Then last weeks's wind broke the

top out of the other two. They're now still about the same height,

but no tops. Ah, well. Gotta call the tree trimmer people.

A fellow told me tonight there's supposed to be a car show this

Saturday at Carthage, MO.......maybe I can get to that.

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