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Hi guys, having a great trip to Fla. Later this week I'll be taking the opportunity to camp and fish at a privately owned 35 acre lake nearby. A friend of Grandadeo's bought it years ago, it was dug up as a gravel pit when Interstate 75 was built years ago, and the contractor let it go for taxes after the project ended. It is TEEMING with fish.

Here are a few travel photos. The first is Stone Mountain park in Atlanta before the snow started. Then one of the Atlanta roads when the white stuff started coming down. Next is a tiny town in Fla called Micanopy, mentioned in a Tom Petty song. Then, the backyard shop of a good friend in Melbourne Fla, Gary Moore. Last, a nice shot of the P24 enjoying the warm Florida sun.

Hope to hook up with Greg G and Olddaddy tomorrow, and stop at a local cruise night in Melbourne, then off to see a night space shuttle launch on the coast.

See ya..







That's a Porta Bote, a 12 foot folding boat. Has a 6 hp 4 stroke Nissan outboard motor. I've owned a lot of small boats and this is remarkably seaworthy. I've been using it for about 5 years.


Norm, glad you made it to Florida safely. Looks like the car ran well and is enjoying the warm Florida weather as much as you are. Right now where I live it is about -25C (-10F), windy, and snowing. I am tired of winter and enjoy seeing your pictures of somewhere warm. Keep them coming!



Glad to hear that they got there safe and sound and that the Plymouth motored right along.

Would it be possible for you to take some photos of tonights space shuttle lift off and post them?




I'll sure give it a shot, pun intended. I just got a new camera and it will be a good test. Joe, I'll be glad to round up some interior shots. Meanwhile this is the best I have locally, taken at Stone Mtn when it was 22 F outside. As you can see I have some canine heating units on hand.



So if it was 22 degrees outside what was the temp inside? How much heat do those canine heating units produce? :D


Norm, just called Charlie, perhaps he has called you by know. Told me he is working a heavy schedule and tomorrow may not be good for traveling to his place however, he seemed real interested in the possibility of viewing the Shuttle launch. He said he would call me at lunch time to confirm the visit situation.

So we will keep our fingers crossed for things to work out. So I will give you a call after I hear form Charilie.

Great pics of the car and the trip. Wish I could soaak some worms with you.


Greg, no problem, just let me know. If we did get together with Charlie, early afternoon would be best. If not, there is still the Melbourne cruise night and the shuttle which could be viewed from nearby Melbourne Beach. We'll wait to hear from ya.

Cruise is at corner of Wickham Rd and NASA Blvd. Good food.


That is way cool Norm! Oh yea....K-9 heaters are the best for camping.:D



let one of these big ole female alligators tending a nest full of young come at him and it will quickly become a porta-potty..I got rammed once by a mother gator..I was lucky enough to see her hit the water from the bank and though my small motor was not fast..the leading angle got me a bit further from her side of the bank and her immediate burst of speed..my bud Richard froze and turned white as a ghost..I think that was the last time he went fishing with me..



Sounds like you are having way too much fun in your retirement. You'll have to return home immediately and start work again.:)

We were at the Cape in 2,000 for the full tour. Was interesting. Like Tim, there was no blast off at the time. Did go in a shuttle bay though.

I don't think I would enjoy fishing in Florida of all places. You may have one of these come out of the water and take a bite out of you, if not careful.

Actually, I don't fish much up here either. But........I'm an expert fisherman if I do say so myself. I always come home with as much fish and the exact kind of fish I want every time I go fishing. You just have to have the right kind of bate.:)


I guess that they will not be happy tonight, as the launch was postponed due to a leak associated with the gaseous hydrogen venting system outside the external fuel tank. The system is used to carry excess hydrogen safely away from the launch pad. At 2:37 p.m., managers officially scrubbed the launch for at least 24 hours.

Dennis:mad: :(:rolleyes:


Yeah the launch was cancelled. But we did hook up with Greg at the cruise night. Only problem was most of the cars blew out of the cruise early and there wasn't much left for Greg to see. I'm sure Norm will fill in the blanks for you tomorrow and provide more pics. He's got a new camera.


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