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Everything posted by steveplym

  1. Looking good Fred, keep at it.
  2. Here's what I found on the links page. Hunley Acuff Running Board Mats 706-866-4875 (GA)
  3. Not sure Ed. I went to the hardware store and they could not help me. I had to buy my blanks off of epay and then the store could cut them, that's it. Probably need to find an old time locksmith or mom and pop hardware store.
  4. Here's a wiring diagram. It may not get you there, but it will show you the road map.
  5. So at the bigger race is Norm's coupe still expected to pick up the tab for supper?
  6. Certified Power in St. Louis, MO. I think it was around $375. Just took my old shaft there and picked up the new one a few days later. It was fresh and new. They even painted it. They were recommended by another forum member and I'm very happy with my decision to convert.
  7. Looks like a PT Cruiser swallowed a '49 Plymouth. That's all I could come up with.
  8. I did mine earlier this winter. Another very good upgrade I did on my car. Plus much easier to maintain and find parts for.
  9. Pictures look great Ben. The old sedan looks great in all the scenery.
  10. Welcome to the site Donnie. I'm sure you'll find lots of good info here. Looks like you got a good project going there. I enjoy the mild customs too. I like the original looks, but enjoy all kinds of customs as they show the owners creativity. Good luck with your project.
  11. Glad you guys got to meet Bob. Those two cars look good together. How was the BBQ? I always love going to a good BBQ place.
  12. 6 so far.
  13. Anybody notice this one. This is a nash rambler made up to look like a Chevy Nomad. It was kind of neat.
  14. Not sure Dan. I've only got it on my fuel gauge. I'd say not much because in the instructions it advises not to use on any electric motor. Just small electrical items like gauges and the like.
  15. Thanks Clay. I researched the forum a bit and found the picture of your coupe. Very nice, I don't remember seeing it before, but I'm sure I had. Good info on the Dodge. I didn't notice the sunvisor. Lots of people always notice my visor as it is kind of a plexi-glass type of visor. That is a neat little visor though. Wondering where you would find one of those?
  16. Cool sedan. I like the color combination. I'm not sure I've seen another P-15 painted like that.
  17. That Dodge was super nice. I know Clay spent some time speaking with the owner. There were several nice cars there. There's a four door P-15 I usually see there, but it was not there this year. I did see Dahmer's old Chrysler coupe there though.
  18. Had a great weekend down in Piggott. Good eating and a great show. Pretty good weather too. Mostly overcast, but just spotty showers and no big downpours. I took my old Chevy truck and left the P-15 at home this trip. With the storms and all the interstate driving I decided to take the old truck. Will be taking the old plym on a few overnight trips this summer and hope to take lots of pictures to share. While I was down in Piggott I met up with forum member Clay Diggs. I met him and his wife. Both are super nice people and we shared a laugh or two. I didn't get to see his car either, but hopefully sometime in the future we will both get to see each others cars. This forum has some really great people on it. Here's a link to the photo album. A few mopars were there as well as others. http://s167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/siufan6/Piggott%202009/
  19. I forgot about that Pete. If I have any troubles with mine I'll have to keep that in mind. Right now I use the heater about one month out of the year. Usually October, after that the car sits in the garage until around March. Thanks for the info.
  20. I think David Maxwell posted that link a few years ago. He said he had good luck with that and I see others have too. If you don't want to switch, you can always use it to charge your cell phone, GPS, or a modern radio.
  21. That's what I was wondering. Wondered if you have to take a different car with you every year for another chance at a photo shoot.
  22. Hey Mark, I searched for one a few months ago and found one. Try this link. It worked great for me and I was able to go to the auto parts store and get what I needed. http://www.power-21.com/federalmogulpower21i/RelatedInfoWindow.aspx?f=4102.pdf I used 1156 for the front parklights and rear center stop lamp. 1157 dual filament for the rear taillights/brakelights. Forgot what I used for dash lights, etc, but check this chart it will give you the number. Also I used a Runtz for the gas gauge. Bought it from speedway. I also purchased the voltage reducer for the heater blower motor. I tried it this past weekend and it works good. They are both listed on the page linked below. http://www.speedwaymotors.com/12-Volt-to-6-Volt-Reducer,2374.html
  23. Keep at it Fred looks like you are getting everything ready. I'd try the hardener definitely. Will make it look better. I've personally had good luck with Nason single stage enamel. Used Acme about 10 years ago and had really good results. One thing about it Fred, if it fades out, or just doesn't look right it is better than just being in primer. Primer doesn't seal out moisture, so that can get in and damage your body work. You can always repaint it if needed and your only out $42 bucks. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Good luck!
  24. Yeah it is 5th avenue. I've got a couple rebuilt ones on the shelf. A few I don't need too.
  25. Very neat car. Great find. What are your plans for it?
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