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Everything posted by steveplym

  1. Scotty hoped you had a good time at the show, sorry you had trouble. Glad you found out what it is. If you drove really slow and were really careful you shouldn't have had any trouble driving it less than 10 miles without brakes. I drove a truck to a car show several years ago that had brakes on the way over, and lost them on the way back. Drove 25 miles on the two lane highway with traffic, nothing but an emergency brake. Was not fun, but didn't have much choice as I didn't want to tow it. Wheel cylinder went bad and I replaced it and it fixed the problem. In these rural areas sometimes you can drive 10 miles and not see another house let alone a car. Just get those brakes fixed so you don't have to keep your fingers crossed the next time you get it out.
  2. I was talking with a friend last night and said I'd like to get another Plymouth. I enjoy mine so much, why not have two. Wife and lack of funds will keep that dream from happening. Hate to see you sell it Arthur, you've got a good start on that project. How is the body? Is there much rust, or any other damage? Hard to tell in the dark photos. I'd think it would be at least worth $5k as it sits if you have the front clip. If the body is in really good condition maybe a bit more. How's the interior? As with anything, it's worth what someone is willing to pay. I'd figure up what you got into it and then go from there.
  3. Took the old plymouth out last night and went to a local cruise. Wasn't as many cars as there usually is with the bad storms we had on Friday. Too many people down here still without power. Didn't see any early mopars. Lots of '60's and 70's, but not much else. Many of the usual Furds and chebbys. I took my camera, but of course my battery died. Gotta learn to take extras with me. Car ran great and runs really strong now with the HEI. Wish I would have converted this thing to 12 volt a long time ago. I'm taking off next weekend and heading to Piggott, Arkansas. Big cruise down there next weekend on Saturday and Sunday. I'll be taking the old Chevy truck down there, but if anyone lives nearby or between Du Quoin and Northeast Arkansas let me know. I'll have a lot of time on Friday traveling down and would like to meet up with folks if interested. Glad the car show season has started. Now if the rain will quit falling and the wind will stop blowing I might be able to get out and enjoy a few of them.
  4. Chet I'm thinking 4-6 grand would get a nice paint job. I know shops around here that would do a nice job for around 3k. Keep looking you'll find someone out there. If not pull it down here to So. IL. I'll do it for half that guys asking price.
  5. steveplym


    I did the same about two months ago. I haven't got to drive it much with all the rain the last month or so, but I drove it about 30 miles after I installed it and it ran great. Mine likes about 5-6 degrees advance, smooths out nice at that setting. I'm thinking about getting some new plugs to. As I have Champions I need to upgrade. May be a job I need to do on Saturday.
  6. Okay, I did a little research and found this on the WPC national website. April 19, 2009, Elmhurst, IL. Northern Illinois Region Swap Meet and Car Show. Held at Larry Roesch Chrysler. More info to follow. Then I found the club regions homepage. Looks like this is just a local car show and swap meet put on by the Northern Illinois Region of the WPC club. All makes and models are apparently welcome. http://nirwpc.50megs.com/
  7. I know this show goes on every year as I have seen the pictures from past years. It may just be called the Walter P Chrysler car show, as it is at a local chrysler dealer, and not be affiliated with the WPC club. Or it could be put on by the local WPC club if there is one. I'm not sure.
  8. Found some pictures on a friends website of the WPC Car show in Elmhurst, IL. Which is up by Chicago a few weeks ago. Some nice old mopars on here, thought I would share. http://public.fotki.com/hazardman/wpc-club-car-show-2/
  9. How difficult are those to change Ed? I assume the longer they have been in there the harder they'll be to get out.
  10. That looks pretty good, but I'm not sure I would paint my mother-in-law with it.
  11. Awesome pics! Glad you had a good time. The blackwalls look good. Glad you like the radials, my car drives so much better on them.
  12. Going to car shows have a way of motivating you.
  13. I've sprayed urethane primer with iso's in it and always used a charcoal filter mask. I usually do wear a mask, but sometimes when you paint small items are in your garage you take the mask off before you realize the solvent fumes haven't left the area yet. I did that a few times and the worst that happened was I got sick at my stomach. Other than that no lasting effects. Don't lose hope Fred. I painted my first car when I was 14, in the back yard at about 6am. Weren't as many bugs at that time. It was a good learning experience and I've tried to do everything since then to get more experience and learn from other folks who are very good at painting. If you never do it you'll never learn. Some people just don't want to mess with it and I understand their sentiment, but if you want to learn there will be a whole lot more pride knowing you did it. Personally I think the most enjoyable part of restoring a car is the refinishing part. Get to watch that color get laid on and see all your hard work pay off.
  14. Is this the acrylic enamel or basecoat/clearcoat they sell? I used it on my car and it worked out very nice. I used enamel on the interior pieces and wheels and the basecoat/clearcoat on the rest of the car. I was extremely happy for the price I paid for the paint. Your car is looking good there. Can't wait to see it all in that color.
  15. Looks really good to me Fred. Get er painted and then spend some time sanding and buffing it. It should turn out pretty nice.
  16. You could always have someone make you vinyl decals for the bumper. Not sure how you would get a pattern to be made, but that would be the easiest solution I would think.
  17. Actually I paid about $4 for mine. I'll put a mopar sticker on it and put it in a real nice box for $250 though if you want it.
  18. Here you go.
  19. I couldn't find the illustration of the 4114, but I did find the 4114S. It is similar to that, but higher on one side. I put that side up against the door and the shorter side goes up against the door. It lays down a bit after being in use a while.
  20. On my car I bought the stuff from Roberts. It does conform once installed and allowed to sit against the jamb for a while. I just glued it to the doors with 3M weatherstrip adhesive. No noise in the car so far. I did find it easier to put it on with the doors already on. I should rephrase that...It was easier to put the doors on this way, not necessarily the seals. The doors were harder to get lined up right with the seals pushing the doors out.
  21. I'm not sure what my 12 volt conversion cost all together, but I can tell you what I needed and what the rough cost was for each part. Alternator - $70, remanufactured three wire GM from a very good rebuilder. Runtz Fuel gauge volt drop - $20 Silicone resistor for heater motor - $20 Wider pulley for alternator - $20 Alternator fab bracket to bolt lower side of alt to flathead - $35. Upper bracket - I cut an original one and made it fit. $0. Battery 12v - $75 from O'reillys. I took my battery hold down along and found one that would fit it. Had to modify it a little bit, but still looks original. Ballast resistor and 12v non-internal resisted coil - $5 for the resistor and about $25 for the coil. All new bulbs, inc headlamp bulbs: $40, I found a neat 6v to 12v bulb conversion chart if you need it too. Additional connectors, wiring, etc.: $10 Grand total of about $250 give or take. Other items I added: Volt gauge: $10 Langdon's HEI: $185 Once I save enough this summer I plan on buying the 12v electric wiper motor for my P-15 as well. I've been very happy with my 12v conversion so far. Another option on ac would be to get a vacuum controlled unit correct? or would you still need 12v to operate the ac clutch?
  22. Trust me, it happens a lot. Cruise the photos on Ebay for awhile and you'll see very nice cars and no one has touched the engine compartment. Heck even at car shows there are cars that look like that. That is why most people don't open their hood.
  23. Man, if I only had three things. 1. A trailer. 2. The $300 bucks. 3. A wife that would believe me when I said that I needed it, or I could fix it up and sell it for much more than I paid for it. Then I could bring it home. Pretty straight old car and I could really use those rear fenders.
  24. Well I decided I would make me a carpeted mat for the trunk. I bought a roll of black carpet from Wal-mart for about 10 bucks and I had an old trunk mat out of a Nova a friend gave me. So I cut the rubber mat to fit where I wanted, then cut the carpet as well. I glued the two together and now I have a very decent looking mat. Will be easy to vacuum out and looks a lot nicer then what I had in there to begin with.
  25. Nice looking car Tom. Good to see another more door in the group. Welcome to the forum.
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