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Everything posted by steveplym

  1. No problem Jerry, only problem is I sold it already. So I won't be of much help. Sometimes it's better to just put on a new one anyway. It costs more, but gives you a bit more peace of mind.
  2. I haven't been to gateway yet for the Model T club swap meet. I went to it when it was out at Riverport. Very big swap meet. You're right about the mud. It can get pretty nasty to walk around at Waterloo.
  3. I did the same thing Ed. Just glad I got that fixed rate mortgage. Funny, when I had trouble making my house payment the wife and I got second jobs and had to start selling some of the things we have around the house to make the payments. I didn't go to the government and ask for a handout.
  4. I hadn't checked the weather yet Phil. If it rains that will be too bad. It's been a few years since I went, but it was always a pretty good size swap meet.
  5. Bob's post reminded me that the Waterloo, IL swap meet is this weekend. Anybody else going on Sunday. It is at the Monroe Co Fairgrounds, starts at 7am.
  6. This cruise is about a month away. I was just wondering if any one was planning on going. As of right now it is marked on my calendar. Unless some unforeseen circumstance comes up. Let me know if any of you are going to be there, or would like to meet up on Saturday anywhere in the area as I'd like to meet some forum members while I'm up there.
  7. Glad you got it fixed Jerry. It fixed mine as well.
  8. I think it looks kind of neat. I wouldn't want to do it to my car, but it has a nice look. Plus it looks like that guy did a pretty good job with it. I don't know if I've seen too many four door P-15's chopped. I know I've seen a few coupes.
  9. I'm not sure how it would affect the motor, but I don't think a runtz would help you. Seems it will not work on motors like another voltage drop would. Others may chime in here, but I have a ceramic type resistor for my heater motor, I would think you would need that, could be wrong though.
  10. Rodney I have never had any street rodders talk down to me because I did not have a V8 in my car. That is crazy. Most car people I run across are just happy to share a hobby with others. Best to ignore them, as Fred says they are jealous anyway.
  11. That seems the new way for our country now Greg. The achievers and people who were responsible and made good decisions are now going to be punished to help those who were less responsible. Eventually if we continue down this path there will be no benefit to working hard and saving your money. Eventually the people pulling the wagon are going to get sick of it and stop pulling and want to hop in, ride with the rest. .
  12. Well I was using "Bipartisan" as a joke. You hear our politicians say they are doing things in a bipartisan manner when really only a few people from either side signed on. I was joking at that. I don't really adapt myself to either party. The republican party has been to moderate for me lately, I am a true conservative and believe as such. I don't agree with the democratic party, especially now as they have gone far to the left. I agree with the libertarian party on a lot of issues as well. Guess you could call me independent, but mostly leaning to the right, if not far right.
  13. I agree with you there Robert. We can actually settle things in a bipartisan manner.
  14. Actually Robert if we went to a fair tax system where everyone paid their fair share I would be in favor of that. If that means I have to pay a toll or pay a higher sales tax that would be fine. Lower income taxes and property taxes and just have people pay for what you use. I don't see a problem with that at all. What burns me is the people who depend on government for everything their entire life. I work hard and pay taxes while others live on welfare and never have any interest to get a job as it is all paid for. Problem now is the fact that the government is so involved is making this crisis worse. If they would have stayed out of it many years ago, and been more fiscally responsible maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Somebody is getting right off all this, aka George Soros, and it ain't me.
  15. This goes back to the same principle. The government should stay out of the private sector. I never thought I would see a US President fire a CEO of a private company. That is insane. The government should of never got in the business of bailing out anyone. Let the free market work and it will decide the winners and the losers. All this is doing is prolonging the recession. Bush should have never gone ahead with the TARP and started bailing out companies. The Obama administration is tossing money out like candy at a parade. If you have a bad business or have bad business practices it should fail, and we should let it fail. Then the competition who had a better business or practices will survive and thrive. This is how the free market works. What we are seeing now is like a socialist government. The government is deciding who wins and who loses. They also have been talking about setting salaries of CEO's. I know some people are in favor of this, but once the government starts where are they to stop? When will they start telling us what our salary is? Ok, I'm done ranting, I'm just sick of seeing the goverment in my pocketbook everyday. Problem is sounds like it is going to get worse before it gets better.
  16. You're right Mark. That is just up the road about two hours from me. I've actually got to go see a customer tomorrow about 20 minutes from there. I didn't know there was a vendor up that way.
  17. Cool, by the way your shipment is packed and ready to go.
  18. How much was he asking for it at the time? I assume V8, is that a '66 or '67?
  19. That is what I was thinking Tod. I tried to use as much larger wire on my car as I could where needed. I had and still have plenty of 10 and 12 gauge. Now I have converted to 12 volt so I guess it doesn't matter as much.
  20. You don't have a Chrysler 300 in that mix do ya Ed? My Dad is looking for a '66 four door.
  21. I would use a DA sander and start sanding that roof. Sandblasting would be good too, but I don't own a sandblaster. DA will not heat up the metal. I have used good etching primer in a spray can. They sell it at most auto parts stores like Carquest, etc. It would be a good base to put your regular primer over.
  22. I would use at least 12 gauge. I'm pretty sure that was the factory wiring. If you look in a shop manual and go up to the '49 or '50 diagram it gives you the gauges. 12 would work well.
  23. No I left it as it was intact. I thought about this last night after I posted a reply and I may have welded that seam. Seems I was thinking at the time about it possibly cracking as I've learned my lessons about that before. Who knows, but right now it's holding. I do agree with you that it is best to weld it up.
  24. I thought it would too, but the one fender has been holding with filler for 25 years. Hasn't cracked yet. I filled it with fiberglass, but it still may crack.
  25. I don't know of anyone who has done this. Seems like I have seen it before though. I'll have to go through my P-15 pics in photobucket. Would make sense though if you are going the a/c route. Plus it would give it a different look.
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