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Bob Riding

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Everything posted by Bob Riding

  1. Great ideas all. I will incorporate and let you know when she will be ready to join the Forum!
  2. Who said the next generation isn't interested in the hobby- my 7 year old granddaughter asked me the other night if she could help me "work on the old cars". We immediately went out to the shop while I was frantically thinking of things for her to do that would be fun and not dangerous. I got some 1/4" bolts, washers and nuts and had her tighten them on the intake manifold of a 218 I have on an engine stand. I showed her how the open end wrench works, righty-tighty,lefty-loosey, and how a lock-washer works. She did a great job..Needless to say, I am getting her a set of tools for Christmas!. Any suggestions for projects that she could "help" me with?. I have 2 Suburbans (a '52 and a '56) in various stages of destruction.
  3. Paul, I'm now out of spending money, so you will have to soldier on with your '53-'54 wagon.
  4. yes, 2 or 3 different models, all with V-8s, I believe
  5. I have an extra Suburban script, if you really wanted to be in the club!
  6. Thanks, I think! The Standard Catolog of Chrysler still lists Plymouths using the Suburban name in 1961. In '62 they list them as whatever model they were such as Belvedere, etc., plus the words station wagon.
  7. Well, I couldn't resist when I saw that the seller was a member of our Forum, Shaneyk88, AND he lives 15 minutes from my house! He had a couple of nice threads going earlier this year '56 Wagon thread . Turns out he is the same fellow that sold me my "40 Plymouth Suburban woodie wagon back in 2003! Not that I need another project as I'm in the middle of the teardown on my '52 Suburban, but I will be retiring soon and it's always good to have another one waiting in the wings. Thanks to Paul for rooting this one out! Now that I have 3 Plymouth Suburbans in my barn, maybe I should change my handle to "SuburbanBob"? ? (Inspired by AndyDodge)
  8. Great info James. I will be putting a GM TH200 4R automatic behind my 230, using a Wilcap adapter plate. Would you think I would need to upgrade the rear main to something beefier?
  9. Always learning new things I thought I already learned!
  10. Thanks for additional detail - I hadn't heard of that on an earlier engine than the P20.I think I will follow your lead.
  11. I think I got that ?...so even though my older block doesn't have the extra hole for recirculation, it won't make any operational difference, but actually might be an improvement if I'm using the newer NAPA water pump?
  12. Just found this excellent thread. Water Pumps. I have a 1950 (P20) 218 engine that came from a local hotrod shop- a young guy in Kerman CA who collect and restores 1950 Plymouth Suburbans. He sold me this motor with a Wilcap adapter that will allow it to bolt up to a GM automatic tranny (I'm using a TH 200 4R) He said it was running and driving great when he had it, but the 218 didn't have enough off-the-line power for him. It has the '53 and later internal bypass thermostat, and straight neck and it looks just like JB Neal's pictures , including a newer NAPA water pump. Am I understanding correctly that even though the new NAPA water pump will work with both pre and post '52 block designs, using the internal type on the older external blocks will lead to warmup and/or operational problems?
  13. Just found this excellent thread. I have a 1950 (P20) 218 engine that came from a local hotrod shop- a young guy in Kerman CA who collect and restores 1950 Plymouth Suburbans. He sold me this motor with a Wilcap adapter that will allow it to bolt up to a GM automatic tranny (I'm using a TH 200 4R) He said it was running and driving great when he had it, but the 218 didn't have enough off-the-line power for him. It has the '53 and later internal bypass thermostat, and it looks just like JM's pictures above, including a newer NAPA water pump. Am I understanding correctly that even though the NAPA water pump will work with both pre and post '52 block designs, using the internal type on the older external blocks will lead to warmup and/or operational problems?
  14. Gary Goers Gary Goers Classic Car Restoration on page 13 lists vent window weatherstripping for 53-54 Plymouths. I have purchased from him over the years...good quality stuff.
  15. I've had great results with 1Shot lettering enamel 1Shot.com. I thinned it with lacquer thinner, then bushed it into the recessed detail, then wiped it off the highlights, leaving the color in the recesses. Comes in small cans for convenience.
  16. That's even cooler -vinyl gator! That dash looks slightly padded...optical illusion?
  17. You mean pick up a telephone and talk to them? Wow, so 20th century!?
  18. Great info- I went to their website but couldn't find Tolex. How do I get a sample?
  19. Interesting technique...I might just try it, thanks!
  20. I really liked Carryall50's dash and would like to duplicate in for my current '52 Suburban Project. Are there products or companies that will duplicate the look, similar I guess to wood graining?
  21. I used YnZ for my 1940 Plymouth wagon. I needed some custom loops for dual taillights and turn signals, which they created and added to the stock '40 Plymouth. I ended up calling them a couple of times and they answered the phone, and were very helpful. Not the cheapest, but very high quality.
  22. Crazy that Desoto interrupted that nice wooden "floor" with the spare! You would have thought that they could have hidden it underneath, or made a continental kit, or something. I love your upholstery pattern and color. I am planning to do a similar style on my '52 Suburban.
  23. Boy, that's one you don't see everyday...classy styling. What year?
  24. can't ell Cambridge vs. Savoy from cowl location or were they all that way?
  25. Left Cowl...I never noticed that before. What does that tell you?
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