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Bob Riding

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Bob Riding last won the day on March 17

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394 Excellent


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sanger, CA
  • Interests
    Vintage cars, fishing, camping, history, geneology, film, travel, winemaking (and tasting)
  • My Project Cars
    1940 Plymouth Suburban
    1952 Plymouth Suburban
    1954 Chrysler T&C wagon

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  • Biography
    Grandfather, married 45 years (to the same woman), have 2 grown boys
  • Occupation
    Retired from a major electric and gas utility company


  • Location
    Central California
  • Interests
    Old cars-have 6 Mopars (2 Dodge B1Bs), 5 Plymouths from '40-'51

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  1. Favorite movie..."a laurel and hardy handshake".
  2. Or the reverse lovitator...
  3. Looking at it, it reminds me of a '42 Plymouth crossed with a '51. It called it a "Suburbial".
  4. I've been working on installing the electrical system on my '51 Suburban, and I had been using ChatGPT to assist. It's very interesting how it "scrapes" the internet for answers. Numerous times it referred me to this Forum, which I thought was a good response. However when I asked it create an updated wiring diagram to combine my '51 Suburban 6 volt original layout with a 12 volt one where it included an GM mini HEI distributor, one-wire alternator, turn signals, etc., it came up with the attached. I'm having a little trouble following the diagram. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. If it's the flat 6, it would be the most hp motor that Chrysler made before production stopped in '59 - 131, or 132 hp
  6. I sent mine to Lauderdale Speedometer. Refurbished it and set it back to zero. Great work- nice people.
  7. Good lookin' car- great patina!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I find it a treasure trove of info on our old Mopars. Show us some pictures!
  9. Great, thanks!
  10. Cool. Do have any pictures?
  11. I've been working on my '52 Plymouth Suburban for 6 years now 🤪 and in that time my plans for it have changed-I was going to use a rebuilt Chrysler 360 motor and 200R GM OD automatic transmission, which meant I'd lose the lovely stock Plymouth tail-shaft E brake. I ended up sourcing a ’93 Ford Ranger rear end with 3:73 gears, so that I got to keep the wheel-bolt pattern and E brakes too. Fast forward a few years- Not being a fabricator and tired of all the mods required to get the motor and trans to work, I decided to go back to what I know - a tried and true rebuilt '56 Plymouth 230, with the 2bbl WW Stromberg "Power Pack" and stock '56 3 speed tranny, which included an E brake in great shape. yesterday, I installed the pull-handle mechanism under the dash, and it got me to thinking that the Ranger wheel E-brakes are superior to our driveshaft brake, but is there any way (or benefit) to try to combine them?
  12. Almost done! Epoxy on the floor is a great idea. I wish I would have done it on my shop.
  13. Hey Joe. I thought so too until I saw the original owner's manual - the woodies only had the center grease caps- no need to "fancy" things up with extra flash like a hubcap, after all it's a utilitarian vehicle meant for work- not a soccer mom wagon!! My friend wants to keep it stock.
  14. My buddy and I have been working on getting his Peugeot woodie ready for the National Woodie Club event being held this year in July in Santa Barbara. I would be driving my Plymouth woodie to the event, but I will be trailering his wagon, which has never been shown before. The 1948 Peugeot 202 U (Utility) was directly copied from the 1934 Airflow. Peugeot engineers visited Chrysler's engineering team in 1934 to get permission and design ideas. As you can see, they saved $ by putting the headlights behind the grill! As far as we know, my friend's wagon is the only one of it's kind in the US. And you thought finding Plymouth parts was hard!
  15. This part: "We used to say it needs an Italian tune up. Make suree your choke is fully open, at high idle pour about 1 quarter can of Berrymans carb cleaner slowly down the carb, pour about half of whats left in the can into the gaa tank. Now drive out to the country roads then drive the wheels off it till you run about about a quarter tank through it. 60 to70 miles or so. Get every thing g nice and warm then let her eat. In the words of Enzo Ferrari, "Brakes? We don't need brakes! They only slow you down!" Make sure you use all the carb circuits, idle, acc pump, climb so long hills to get the step up valve gets some work. Speaking of the step up, if it's not working correctly it might be stuck open, which will cause wet exhaust, black smoke, lousy fuel milage and fouled plugs. What do your sparkplug look like?"
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