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John Rogers

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John Rogers last won the day on January 13 2020

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About John Rogers

  • Birthday June 7

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Benson, Arizona
  • Interests
    I love music and history . Im a Civil War as well as Revolutionary War living historian / reenactor. Last but not least as one would expect I love working on my Pilothouse.
  • My Project Cars
    1949 Dodge B1B

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    Im a retired bodyman and I love working on and restoring old cars truck and bikes
  • Occupation
    Retired slightly beat up and slow moving bodyman :)


  • Location
    Benson, AZ
  • Interests
    Gear head since birth , Civil War artillery reenactor, history geek and musician

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  1. Hi Jon 

    I am here in the Uk with my 1949  BiB Pilothouse pickup, Looking for a full 3 speed gearbox. , for parts 


    if Anyone could help , I would very much appreciate it, Dont know where to start.


    Mobile  +44 (0) 7771520037   Phone  watsapp , Facetime would be appreciated 

  2. Thank You for posting this. I was watching the most recent Roadworthy Rescues episode last night and this gentleman was helping Derek get a badly neglected Model T running. In the episode one of the things that he did was to install one of these and it got me to thinking. Thanks again, John
  3. Great job. That came out absolutely beautiful ! John
  4. From the movie Home from the Hill staring Robert Mitchum, George Hamilton and George Peppard .
  5. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
  6. Congratulation on your "new" '53. It looks like a great truck that was pretty well taken care my the previous owner. Enjoy ! John
  7. That was one heck of a collision. I'm glad that your ok. John
  8. Welcome to the forum. Im looking forward to seeing the photos of your cars. John
  9. Welcome Bill. Your truck is coming along nicely. Looking good ! John
  10. Your truck is turning out fantastic Bud. Beautiful work ! As for the sideways pics...no biggie. I looked at them while eating a taco and as if by magic they turned right side up ! John
  11. Man that looks fantastic. Beautiful truck ! John
  12. The Cowboys, Geronimo: An American Legend with Wes Studi, Tombstone, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Last of the Dogmen .
  13. Newbomb Turk's Pie Wagon, Project X. Funny movie with lots of great cars ! John
  14. After re reading the original post I saw my reply would be of any help so I deleted it. John
  15. It sure looks a lot like the Model 36 Mopar Deluxe heater that I restored for my B1B. There are some differences but its very close to mine. Perhaps it is an earlier or later model . John
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