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mattimuss last won the day on February 28 2015

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70 Excellent

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  • Gender
  • Location
    El Cajon, CA
  • Interests
    Old cars, Krav Maga
  • My Project Cars
    1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe
    1965 Plymouth Barracuda

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  • Biography
    Old, Fat & Bald
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  • Location
    El Cajon, CA
  • Interests
    All Politically Incorrect Shtuff

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  1. Hey Paul, I empathize with your loss. My hearing has degenerated severely over the last decade. Too many years on the flight line while serving in the Air Force. Too many years on the firing line while teaching others how to handle a gun and shoot. Too many years around heavy equipment. Add that it's genetic in my family, and I fear that I too will be soon facing what you are experiencing. I am very interested in hearing about the implant process so please keep up up-to-date on how it goes for you. v/r, Matt
  2. I too am interested in converting my '41 from the 6V pos ground to a 12V neg ground system. I have done several searches though the topics and have found lots-o-info, but not one "group approved" guide to complete this process. Is there one that can be "pinned" to this forum for easy access for "novices" like me?
  3. If you live close to me you can use mine.
  4. DITTO!
  5. Good Morning All! Thanks for the replies and info. After reading Sam's post, and instructional topic, I think I am going to go this route. I like the clean look of the setup, the availability of filters, and the ease of a spin off filter. Thanks again!
  6. Hello All, Thanks for the info and replies! Attached is a picture of the oil canister type I have. I have been using a WIX 51080 filter and straight 30w oil when I do oil changes. I have been doing changes once a year since the car seldom sees over 1K miles a year. The car does not smoke and probably leaks more oil that anything else! After reading your replies I think I am going to stick with what I have been doing. I might increase the oil/filter change frequency if the yearly miles increase. Any additional thoughts/advise?
  7. Hey All, I was at my local mom & pop parts store today and the topic of installing a spin-on oil filter adapter was brought up. The guy behind the counter is an older gentleman with lots of experience with pre WWII cars, so I often ask him a lot of questions. He informed me that putting one of these adapters on my '41 would be a waste as only a portion of the oil in the old flat head engines is filtered. That not all of the oil is pumped through the filters. That the oil filtration system is not a fully enclosed system. Is this true?
  8. Thanks Los! I guess I just thought the Dakota/Durango/RAM would be easier. Maybe, subconsciously at least, I just hate putting other car manufacture's parts in a Mopar...
  9. I'm sure this has been asked before, so please forgive me if it has... Wouldn't a Dodge Dakota/Durango diff work better? Or a Dodge RAM diff?
  10. mattimuss

    car cover

    I park my '41 outside in a car port [San Diego County] and use the extra large car cover that you can get at Costco. Not expensive, you can wash it in the washing machine, stays on the car even in high winds, and it's lasted nicely for over three years since it's not in direct sunlight. The only downside I have found is a light layer of dust gets through.
  11. Hey Paul, Congrats on soon approaching another birthday! I have always appreciated your help/advice to my questions...even the 'dumb' ones ? One of my bucket list items has been to meet you in person with our 'classics', grab a bite to eat or a cup-o-joe, and bs for a few hours. One day, but I will have to tow the '41 since you are 6 hours north of me!
  12. No, not running boards. Someone, I think either Don Coatney or pflaming, told me that they are optional running board delete pieces. I think of them more as "scuff guards" as that seems to be their function. I need to fabricate replacements for the black, rubberized plates as they are pretty rusty. I also need to either find replacements for the rear fender chip guards, or fabricate new ones as they are also in bad shape. Does anyone know if replacements are available?
  13. I try to get the '41 out at least once a week, not always achievable, but I try my best! If there are any members in the San Diego area feel free to contact me, I would love to meet you!
  14. Mat i saw the cost for the emergency brake band and I would like to purcashe the unit from you. i have posted my address on you posting inthe for sale section. Let me know the total cost with shipping. i do have a paypal account or can send you a check.


    Let me know what works for you.


    Rich Hartung


    cell 484-431-8157

  15. Hey All, I have been having an issue with the parking brake disengaging when I release the handle and finally decided to take a look. I am pretty sure that what I found was the original setup from the factory...original parking brake lining plus 77 years worth of dirt, grease and rust! Gotta give Ma Mopar credit where credit is due...77 years on one lining! I pulled it apart and found the the lining was worn down to the rivets. And knowing my Gramps as I do I know that he never, ever considered changing it as he never, ever used the parking brake! I knew I had a spare parking brake assembly in a box-o-parts, but when I pulled it I discovered that it was for a 1938-40 Plymouth and the mount point was about 10 degrees off to the right [see attachment]. Now, I probably could have made it work, but I didn't want to take the chance, and I am lucky enough to have a lining repair company less than a mile from my house! So I spent a few hours removing the old lining & rivets, cleaning, sand blasting and painting. Once this was done I took the original assembly [with original lining as pattern] over to Peck's and had them reline the assembly. I took it in last Saturday at 1:30pm and picked it up today at 3:30pm. Not too bad and it looks damn near new [see attachments]. Now I get to clean the tail shaft and parking brake drum, put her all back together, adjust the parking brake and take her out for a test drive to the milkshake shop ?
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