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About OldPly

  • Birthday 02/07/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mansonville Quebec
  • Interests
    Old stuff
  • My Project Cars
    48 Plymouth business coupe green

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  • Biography
    U,S, 48 plymouth business coupe deluxe only. . Mobility dipper II loader
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    wynyard sk
  • Interests
    48 plymouth

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  1. My 48 p15 has a large temp bulb, motor has been changed (I think mid 50's crate motor) with small hole in head Member Keith has a video about drilling out the hole (but his cars are 37's) it can be done as far as I know it's pipe thried Photo What someone in the past did ? (Must have been a pipe fitter )
  2. I remember cars in the 1970's when a light bulb would burned out the other (good ones) would not flash Also if you plugged in trailer lights (or added more lights) thay would flash faster The timing was set by the amp flowing through flasher
  3. Nice , the Chuby guys with thair fancy high lift , power cams, cannot even dream about a motor that's runs that smooth My father told me one time he was in a car with a straight 8 (do not know make or year) that the only way he could tell it was running was to put his hand on gearshift and feel for small vibration
  4. Does this help ?
  5. From my 48 Plymouth with a hand throttle
  6. Maybe it's stuck open ? In the old days people would test them in a pot of hot water , hang it in water (don't want it touching sides or bottom of pot) if you want to get Fancy add a thermometer You can do the reverse and put in freezer dry don't want any mosture freezing it stuck and stopping it from moving
  7. Will this help you understand
  8. Not all relays ( like a starter or horn ) will not stand up being engaged for long periods of time
  9. My 48 Plymouth 218 23inch oil pressure is 40lbs running off 12v starter. If your car is 6v starter turns shower . Oil relief valve keep oil psi around the 40-45 psi range oil thickness I don't thank should make a difference oil pressure and the valve just opens more or less off the pressure . Maybe broken spring or dirt in valve. I think I have seen kits for these valves I don't remember who or ware try Andy b oldmopar
  10. Hi Keith l really believe these old cars like to be driven on long drives & all parts up to temp good oil, grease, & all adjusted/settings set right etc (front to back) l know you drive your car a lot so you should have the winter storage gas out and fresh gas in tank by now I have driven actress Canada many times in last 25 years 5 tanks of gas at least,per trip started to get good milage that I could not believe, (to the point of starting question my math) (vehicle computers km to empty only go to 999 need more) These old cars like to perr (like a happy cat) Every one knows "Happy wife happy life . Happy car happy driver"
  11. Is Your gas milage of 12.5 mpg US gallons or imperial gallons ?
  12. Saw this old post by dezeldoc from July 2011 I have been laughing and gigeling to myself for a day now just to bring it to top so you all can read
  13. Take the fan belt off , it will be easier to find a oil leak, without the air blowing the oil all over the place. Also much safer without open fan and generator spinning (water pump has nothing to pump anyway ,motor will run a long time off the battery)
  14. What parts should I keep on my parts shelf ? In stock I understand tuneup parts (points, router, cap, etc) fan belt , seal beam headlight, (ever wonder why cars parked and not beening driven are missing headlights) oil filter, motor gasket kit, and a few other gaskets , starter,horn relay (have a few from Princess Auto) break shoes,wiper blades, Not wanting to upset some people but some have so many parts it would put a parts supplying store to shame But if I could find a p15 not repairable I mean really bad for a parts car , I would save everything I could
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