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Ralph Pearce

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Ralph Pearce last won the day on April 24 2019

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135 Excellent

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Jose, California
  • Interests
    History, old trucks, old bicycles.
  • My Project Cars
    Currently a 1948 Dodge B-1-C pick-up. Daily driver with rebuilt P15 flathead converted to 12 volt and electronic ignition. Mostly complete and original.

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    Have owned 10 trucks from 1925 Dodge through 1957 Ford
  • Occupation
    San Jose Public Library's California Room (state and local history)


  • Location
    San Jose, California
  • Interests
    Old Trucks, old bicycles, local history...

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  1. The cause of the backfire. The guy who came over gave a convincing explanation of how the carb could be the cause and it def needed a rebuild. In any event, the carbs back in, I've put in new plugs, cap/rotor and she's starting right up and running smooth with no issues so far.
  2. UPDATE: So I found a reliable guy who does mobile classic car repair. He noticed that the carb leaked when I gave it a little gas before starting. He checked all the plugs and distributor operation (all looked good), and was of the opinion that the carb was the likely culprit. So the carb's being rebuilt, will get it back next week (last rebuild about 10 years ago). I'll update again when I'm confident that the issue's been resolved.
  3. Thanks for all the responses. The backfire happened on start-up. The "clunk" happened when I turned the power on and off (without starting, but had been running earlier). Anyhow, will take the truck into the shop and see what they say.
  4. So yesterday I had a backfire on start-up after sitting for a couple hours. Then a while later at the store after sitting about a 1/2 hour I had the clunk after turning ignition key on and off. After driving home and turning the engine off, I had the clunk again when turning the key on and off. This morning (w/o starting the truck), I turned the ignition key on and off many times (sometimes letting is stay on for a bit), with no response. All stock except 12v with Petronix ignition.
  5. Should also mention that I'm running Petronix electronic ignition (12v).
  6. So had an immediate backfire on start-up, stopped by the store on the way home, so wondering if it would do it again. When about to start up again and head for home, I turned the key on then off cause I decided to call my wife. When I turned the key off, something kind of went "clunk" and the truck rocked a little. After my call, I went ahead and started, no trouble, and drove home. After I got home and turned off the engine, I decided to turn the key back on and again, "clunk" and the truck rocked. Thoughts?
  7. I used a good enamel after repairing some cracks, then put a good cover on it (protects and also fattens the grip). Topped it off with a high quality spinner knob and have been very pleased.
  8. I'm yet another with a 6 volt starter on a 12 volt system about five years no issues. I never over-crank, and I have a rebuilt spare handy just in case.
  9. Well, first thing this morning I pulled on the headlights and nothing. Lifted off the battery cover - yeesh, what happened to that fresh clean battery I put in there four years ago (marked 4/15). Then the cable clamps lets go when I tightened in the new battery, so back to the store for new cables. Fired right up. Have an extra bendix spring and gear if I ever need it though. Thanks for the input, though, all good to keep in mind.
  10. Thanks, I was reading a bit on the H.A.M.B site and sounds like that may be the culprit. Any recommendations on who/where to have the bendix drive replaced?
  11. So I was going to drive the truck to work today. I stepped on the starter and it engaged the flywheel as usual, but that was it; didn't turn over and didn't disengage. I thought maybe it was stuck and tried rocking the truck in low gear, but nothing, still engaged. Couldn't explore further as I had to get to work. Just exploring the archives here, and thought I'd put this out for advice - could it be as simple as the battery (about 6 years old)j. This is a 6 volt starter on a 12 volt system, though never ask much of it (starts easy). Thanks.
  12. And here's ggdad1951 receiving his award, "Key to the Ranch" (wire cutters) I think for his many contributions with preparations and otherwise being a swell guy.
  13. I'm just the photographer, you'll need to speak with our stenographer. Maybe Tim can chime in with names/awards...
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