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Brent B3B

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Everything posted by Brent B3B

  1. For sure.. but, it was really Just done to benefit to the fifth gentleman who’s not on the forum and who has the issue. I just thought it was fun 😂
  2. I feel your pain on this Bob! I had the shoes locked to the drums in “Jimbob” my B3GA. what a pain! I used a winch, come-a-long a floor jack to get it on my flatbed trailer. 😵‍💫
  3. Pre BBQ and Merle has already been seen working on someone else’s truck Lol, and we have collectively solved the “ b-series” horn button removal scenario Ggdad1951 (with beer) John T53 (flannel left hand try) Merle (left of 48 dodger holding down the steering wheel)
  4. What?, I thought you liked jumping out of planes. figured you would ask to sit by the “plug “with your pack on 😂 think of this one as a new challenge…..
  5. Man, I wish I was bringing a truck this year! Getting excited for some cool rides, CA sunshine and world problem solving!!
  6. I remember a few years ago Bob, someone was giving me a hard time about having a few trucks….. hmmmm 😂 cool story indeed. (now if you would just make it to the bbq in CA…..) my 53 had that electric starter doohickey on the firewall also but, I switched it and the starter out. This will be fun
  7. Not the same year but, my B3GA has 7.50 up front and 8.25 on the rear and I agree, i think it steers a little easier without a load than my B3HH that has 8.25 all around.
  8. Been nibbling at my “to do list” before retiring…. the hobby is getting sidelined. From what I saw, price wise you had them beat. I kinda hope they expand the odd ball stuff on the big trucks ?
  9. Wow 48, that is just mean! I just call him Mark ? (JK buddy)
  10. Selfishly, I hope they stayed local ?
  11. Man, that photo makes me happy!
  12. Sadly, no truck this year coming with us and our air bnb isn’t available, we will be staying way down in Lockford! ? this sucks! Gosh, Sure hope it rains!! (JK) can’t wait to see everyone.
  13. I feel like I remember the truck side of this forum came along after the car side. I don’t remember how but, I purchased a part for my b3b from our host, (back when he had his “merc583” email address) at the time, seems like the truck side was being considered? I joined and never contributed, then forgot my password and just stalked. Finally joined again when I was Financial able to work on my truck. I have had my truck for over 40 years now and this site has helped me feel not alone with my old Dodge and introduced me to some great friends! THANK YOU!!! On the flip side this site has encouraged me to buy more trucks! And for that, Julie might have a different option of the site (but not the people) ? Keep on truckin! BnJ
  14. Great, hope it works out with Gene’s for you.
  15. Did you already purchase the kit from Mike’s?
  16. Not sure this qualifies for a vintage photo but, a local to me garbage company, has their first garbage truck on their website top front “page” when I first saw it, I was so happy, I called the company and talked to the “head mechanic”. Asked if there were more photos….. he said no. it was kinda cute when he tried to tell me what year he thought it was (46) and how big the truck was (a three ton) yes, I told him I was pretty sure it was a 48-50 and a 1.5ton ?
  17. Lol, mine are amber on both sides ?
  18. At least cut a hole in the new siding for pest control entrance (cat door) I wouldn’t pay for it but, I’ll come over and cut the hole for you ?
  19. I am with you Keith. I have 3yrs left myself. Been checking off some big ticket items (new roof, new appliances, vehicle etc) while still working. Man time flies….
  20. Dang! Missed it! Ate lunch in Cheyenne at “the office” had myself the “brown noser”and moved on to Laramie.
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