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busycoupe last won the day on January 2 2024

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Boylston, MA
  • My Project Cars
    48 D24 Business Coupe

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  • Biography
    I have worked on cars on and off for many years. I enjoy learning how things work.
  • Occupation
    High School science teacher (retired)


  • Location
    48 D24 Coupe, Eastern NC
  • Interests
    I also enjoy fixing motorcycles, pinball machines, juke boxes, etc.

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  1. When I was a little tyke my Father had a 53 Plymouth. I remember that he took the interior door handles off of the back doors and covered the holes in the door cards with snap in chrome buttons. I always told myself it was so that my brother who was 2 years younger than I wouldn't fall out. It was probably to keep us both in.
  2. Dodge has studs on the drums. Plymouth has bolts.
  3. I'm in the Masons and Hiram is a nick name for a fellow brother, so I sometimes call my coupe Hiram.
  4. I had a cracked manifold that sounded like that. When the engine warmed up the manifold expanded and sealed itself. The break was on the ear at the front of the manifold. I took it off and had it welded.
  5. It was 55 degrees in Massachusetts on Thurs. and my wife and I got the old Dodge out of the garage for the first time since New Years day. Our local dary opened for the season this week so we took a ride to get lunch. A great way to star the 2024 old car season!
  6. It was in the upper thirties today in Massachusetts. Sunny, dry roads, no snow or salt. My wife and I took the Dodge for a mid winter ride. The ground is entirely bare as it has been in the 50's since before Christmas, but still I wanted to have some snow i my photo. The only snow we could afind was on the "bunny slope" at the Wachusett mountain ski area. The car ran great and we put 35 miles on it in mid winter.
  7. As far as I know, five window plymouth coupe door will no fit onto a Dodge3 window coupe.
  8. I think that the photo may hve been from my post. I used one of those kits to fix the passenger door on my car. It worked great and is still functioning well. The kit can be flipped to the other side, but like itsays on the box the right front kit will work on the left rear... left front to right rear.
  9. For years I averaged around 1500 mi/yr but when I got the car inspected this last April it had only gone about 500 mi since last year. It is only 5 mi to the ice cream stand and with diabetes I don't eat as much ice cream as I used too.
  10. Ditto to what others have said, but if it is third gear it should go much faster than 40 mph. It's sluggihness could be because something is out of adjustment and youdo not really have it in third, or it may need fresh gas and a tune-up after sitting for years.
  11. I got seat belts from Juliano's. They have different colors to coordinate with your interior and they sell backing plates to go under the floor for anchoring points. I don't remember the length I bought, but my advise is to get the long ones.
  12. I noticed the same thing that Andyd did. I don't think it could be assembled backwards. However, if you loosened the bolts holding the top frame to the sides of the radiator mount I wonder if there is enough "slop" to allow you to straighten up the top frame. On the picture I posted you can see that the hole in the radiator mount is slotted.
  13. It is located by the front nose piece and the positon of yhe center strip.
  14. I couldn't get a good angle for a picture, but on my 48 Dodge the e-brake cable leaves the firewall, curves down through a clamp attached to the steering column, continues to curve down and passes over the transmission cross-over between the transmission mount and the transmission. I have no idea if that is the factory routing, but it seems to work. I've had the car 15 years and it has always been that way.
  15. I could open it on my ipad. He has a HF meter set to dc voltage and it reads 1888. The image does not show how the leads are plugged in.
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