Look at your brake pedal linkages and you can figure out how much mechanical advantage you have. Multiply that by how much force a big adult could press down with one foot when in a emergency situation. That gives you the force into the master cylinder. If I recall correctly, the linkage on my '33 gives at least a 10 to 1 advantage. I figure if I was in a panic situation I could press 300 lbs with my right leg. So you are up to 3000 pounds. Now look at the surface area of the master cylinder piston. A 1 /18" diameter piston has a surface area of very close to 1 sq. inch. Divide the force by the area to get PSI. So that would be 3000 psi using my example numbers.
Pick your own numbers. But when selecting components, I'd probably at least double that number just to be safe.
No clue to the equivalent calculations for power assist or anti-lock braking as the forces there depend on the design of the booster, etc. which I've never much thought about or looked into.