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Young Ed

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Everything posted by Young Ed

  1. And if you watch walk the line they got the car wrong and had a 53. Well kinda since they never show Johnny in the 53 either.
  2. Jeez Tim maybe you should come visit good ol' MN. You could eat for a year on the rabbits in my area. They are everywhere! Keep watching for those fins. I found a set cheap on ebay a few years back.
  3. This is weird. The headlights are for sure like the orange truck. But there is no parking light on top of the bucket. Just a chrome strip.
  4. If I recall from dads 54 the flag shape in on the 1/4 wanna be fin pieces but there is no working on it. I think its just split 50/50 red and blue.
  5. Allan be prepared for a slight puzzle. The directions with our harbor freight one were horrible. Also the bolts for the fixed wheels in the back were too short so the wheels wouldn't turn! Other then that it seems like it will be just fine.
  6. Tucker is a great suggestion. I love that movie. I've read the indomitable tin goose a few times too. Its great also.
  7. Allan are you looking for a stand or more of a cart for storage? The stands you can buy will work just fine on a flathead. Because of the length get one with the H shaped feet. The T shaped feet ones can tip-we tipped a /6 on one of those last summer.
  8. The back to the 50s show here always shows 2 for drive in night. One modern and then American Graffeti for the other.
  9. Dad and I had this problem after assembling one of his flatheads too. Called the shop and after checking everything again he told us to hit the crank back and forth. He called it seating the crank.
  10. Its a 46 Ford. 47-48 have parking lights below the headlights instead of next to them.
  11. Are you familiar enough with them to know if my theory on the headlights is correct?
  12. Glad to hear that Dennis. You'll get a much better job with no trim on it. My car has had the minimum amount of trim on it for this very reason. Now I just need to work on the painting part......
  13. Dennis Are they pulling the trim before painting???
  14. Ok just got back home from checking this thing out. Yes it does have 6 bolt wheels. The serial # tag is missing from the right side of the cowl. Gauges are missing too. It had a crank out windshield with the wipers above. The headlights happen to be on the front seat which is I think a big clue. They look very similar to the 2 panels pictured on here. However instead of a parking light on top there is just a chrome fin. I'm thinking this means its a 39 truck and originaly it had parking lights and headlights together in the one fixture. Currently it does have sealed beams in the housings but I know lots of the late 30s vehicles got converted in the 40s. I did find an engine head in the back for a flathead 6. Wouldnt both the chevy and GMC trucks have an OHV 6? Of course being in the junkyard so long both the headlights or the engine head could have wandered in from some other vehicle. Ed
  15. Nope it was somewhat far away even though basically in the same town. When I found it this spring I didn't have my camera with or they may have bought it sooner. I knew it was the same last name but I didn't know it was actually the same company. Time to leave work so I can go look at it now
  16. That looks pretty close. I was thinking that dent in the cowl might be the appropriate size for a chev 6. I would think a ford would have a wider indent for the v8. I'll take a look at the dash and for serial #s etc when I stop to look at it after work.
  17. Greg Dads 54 international had this done to it over the years. And it still leaked. We tried to continue it but it kept leaking and we kept loosing more rows. By the time we gave up the first 6-8 rows were gone. Its now got a used one out of the junkyard
  18. Greg you're too funny. Wasn't it a general store back then??
  19. My dodge just has one sticking out behind the drivers door. Maybe thats a hint to its identity. The mopar trucks fill on the other side.
  20. Im looking for some help identifying it. Pretty sure its brand X though.
  21. My best friend works for a place here in the cities called Beisswenger's hardware. This spring I found an old panel truck in a local junkyard. My buddy just called me to say they bought it! I might be spending some time working on it. I'm going to stop over there on my way home and see it again in person but I think it was a mid 30s ford. Anyone confirm that?
  22. The 39-47 trucks are the same way. 16s stock on 1/2 ton 15s stock on 3/4 tons. However the 3/4 ton 15s have a different bolt pattern.
  23. 51 was the first year for internal bypass. Here is the really crusty looking engine in my 51.
  24. Axle problem was solved long ago. Swapped it out for a straight one. Other one could have been straightened but we had one on hand. Might as well add your springs to the collection if they look good. One of these days I am going to rebuild a 40 plymouth pickup......
  25. Feel free to ask any questions. Someone might as well benefit from all the stuff I learned doing stuff over. I did luck out that mine isn't too rusty. The axles were supposedly rebuilt but the rear bearings were shot from being improperly shimmed and the new front springs were the wrong length so you couldnt have shocks! Oh and the axle was totally bent too.
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