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D35 Torpedo

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Everything posted by D35 Torpedo

  1. You will have to trace the path of current through the switch. Usually, if the resistors go bad, you still have full blast. Use an ohm meter on tone. Probe around from piece to piece. I've seen where bus bars are riveted together, and the connection lost continuity. Soldering a bridge was enough to fix the problem. Ya never know. Good luck
  2. If you set a gap with feeler gauge, how could you possibly mess it up? If you did back off a lifter that was in the open position, it wouldnt open anymore. The only thing I can think off is not enough cold gap will hang the valve open when hot. Good luck
  3. Ok goood. I'd hate for FJ to mess it up and have to start again. I'm a stickler for correct terminology. It wasn't clear to me what you were conveying. So, to prevent confusion, I posted. Not a witch hunt?
  4. What car are you working on?
  5. Pretty sure the accelerator spring will force the throttle open. Once the throttle linkage is installed, the return spring overcomes it.
  6. There is no way the bolt is 1/2 inch. It's more like 5/16ths with a 1/2 head.
  7. It's called vacuum advance because it advances with vacuum... high advance at idle helps it run cooler. As vacuum drops the mech advance takes over.
  8. How do they hold up long term? Generally, a bushing is better than a bearing for all out strength. There is more surface area in a bushing.
  9. No
  10. I paid about 50 Canadian
  11. Ooof, i meant to say. I gapped the plugs to .030. Glad someone is paying attention.
  12. Valuable scrap copper score
  13. I guess carbs are voodoo to most. From what I can tell, they both have the same ventury bore size. Anyway, soaked the carter over night in CRC tyme-1 and threw it back together today. I did this because there is no other way to clean the emulsion tube. Id say it's running even stronger now. But I messed with the ignition system as well. So it could be that. There was some oil in the dizzy fouling the points. And I opened the gap to 30 thou. More than factory but thought id try it.
  14. Interesting, I thought if it faced the firewall, it would draw a vacuum as air passes it. Which would combat the vacuum at the road draft. Face it forward and there is a slight "ram air" effect, adding to the vacuum made by the road draft. Anyways, it's a product of its time and it did work. You really don't need to be moving that fast to pull a vacuum. Pcv's came in for emissions, not because the road draft was not effective. If my engine was old, I'd probably fit a pcv just to manage the blow by and eliminate the stink when stationary.
  15. It's hard to see what's going on. It looks like the hinge isn't bolted to the hood correctly.
  16. Non fluid drive three speed.
  17. Ahh yes, the Good Day Power Nap. Always a solid choice.
  18. They certainly are good and heavy. I rigged up a rope so i could stick it in and loop the back with the rope. It takes the weight while i fiddle with bolts.
  19. I purchased mine from Napa
  20. Power Cushion! That's a good one. I romped around on four different tires for a few weeks before i got new ones. Wish I had of taken pics. Lumpy, cracked and different catchy names.
  21. It's a hard knock life. Get a stethoscope and have a listen. It might point you in the right direction.
  22. The top of my tube is all kinds of wrecked. Looks like it was crushed a few time. So the cap fits on several ways. I was pondering the same question. Right now i faced it forward so the fan can force air in, to help the road draft tube scavenge the crank case. Makes sense to me. I guess i could google images to see what way the sticker orients.
  23. Well, I think I've read every forum I could on the topic. So now It's time to talk about it and gather opinions. My Plymouth came with a Stromburg in next to new condition, so I thought I'd try it out on the Dodge. What I've noticed so far is the throttle linkage is loose on the shaft and the linkage binds. It takes more pedal force since it has stiffer springs inside. My scission doesn't seem to work on it. It doesn't make as much power and acts really funny until hot. I havent compared cfms. It doesn't appear to have any more adjustment than the carter. I was under the impression that the Stromburg was a better Carb. But not now.
  24. I find these old bias plys to be quite comical. The buzz words never stop. No cracks! Save your shoe polish.
  25. That is true. Mine was in rough shape. The bearing races had roller imprints, the screw has some pitting and the sector gear has a bunch of play on the pin. It certainly helps to start with a good unit.
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