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Everything posted by MarkAubuchon

  1. Is it going to make it to Vermont, No worries I have a trailer hitch:eek:
  2. It was a great visit, Old grand Dad would be proud of the work you are doing. thanks for the battery tray and vacuum advance. I had to go thru TSA screening three more times that week and each time the vacuum advance and the magnets you gave me caugt their attention for a better look. Ed and I will be gald to come back and help keep you focuses and on track. KEEP THOSE SPARK PLUGS IN
  3. 12 volt is easy, plug it in and go.. let a more than that, in line fuses all of the bulbs, coil, generator or switch to alernator, leave the starter 6volts, starters tend to like the jolt!!
  4. Bob, thats exactly what I will do. Since I have been working a lot in California, i recently started an infusion of "tiger blood" and not thinking clearly
  5. Bob, did it mention a town?
  6. Thanks Jim, Hows the car coming along. think you can make it to Vermont
  7. Is there a way to replace the clips on an existing 16inch Plymouth wheel?
  8. Went to the Man Cave for a little R&R and Car work. Decided to wake the fleet 1947, Plymouth P15 Sedan, a few cranks and it fired right up. While it warmed up, noticed the Odometer has 6500 miles since I put it together a POC trip to Maryland (on the trailer) and then 5800 was from the POC in Portland trip. As I shut it off i swear I heard a little voice say "I'm ready for Vermont" 1948, Dodge B1B, after sitting for 4 years, over Christmas we tore it completely apart, really rough and a lot of rust. Frame is sand blasted, welded and primed. Got pushed aside from my latest project. It will be a while before it goes back together. 1949, P17 Business Coupe, couple of cranks and it too started right up, Odometer has 80,000 on it now. this car has been to POC Meets in Indianapolis, Charlotte and Detroit, 2 Monster Mopar drag races. Now semi retired 1950, Dodge B2B, slowing comig together each week a have a couple of parts blasted, prime, body work. Learned a valuable lesson about Out of State purchases. Since the Truck came from Illinois, valid title with Vin#s signed and dated you only have 30 days to transfer into your name, or fines and penalties start (had that with my 49 $250.00 worth) So I go to the DMV only to find out I need what is called a OD/ID inspection. A call to the State DMV office to confirm and what that includes. Well you can't do parts it has to be the vehicle. Now the vehicle doesnt have to run, but the key parts to inspect must be on it and you have to take it a licensed inspector. So since the cab was already mounted to the frame, I reinstalled the doors, put the vin tag on the A pillar, installed the Odometer, and dash gauges, seat, Inner fenders, radiator support anf radiator. Loaded it on my trailer, drove it 60 miles for the two minute inspection. Actually they take pictures of the truck, drivers side for vin tag, dash with Odometer milage. Cost $12.00 spent 4 hours, $40.00 worth of gas, but now I have the title coming in my name!
  9. I had one built for my 47 Plymouth. Started with a hitch off of my old 94 astro van, cut it donw, added some angles and bolted it to the frame, looks good, strong and out of the way.. I went to a welding shop that does a little custom work,, Cost about $300.
  10. Pulling isnt the problem Stopping is
  11. Pull the backig plate, axle and bearing should come out.. I would think the bearings a race ar OK, unless it had been full of water.. I would be more concerned about the seals, inner and outer
  12. Odds are good that none of our trucks will be loaded to the point of flexing the frame, so have or have not the springs probably isnt a big deal
  13. Why do you need the springs?
  14. What color are the inner fenders, splash panels, fender braces, under hood etc. If black is certain finish, satein vs shiny ?
  15. That is correct!!!!
  16. Nice,, just curious, Is your car painted Aviator Blue?
  17. The George Asche World Of Speed HQ, Actually its known as AOK Racing, is clearly a must stop for this trip. What worked for us heading to Portland was designating a route we were taking and the evenings lodging and contact phone #'s. Day one we met in Grealy Co (three cars), the next night KOA in Laramie Wy, (when we woke up the next morning three more cars had joined) etc etc until we Had 10 cars and where heading into Portland. I am flexible on my route. I like it when a plan comes together
  18. Greg, in looking at the meet activities we should be able to have a couple of tail gate parties. Maybe Wendnesday or Thursday, a little Happy Hour and Then Friday the Full blown Salt Taters, and BBQ pork. I am planning on staying at the Host Hotel, want to schedule travel to arrive there by Wednesday leave by Sunday, not sure if I am going to visit the falls before or after. For those who have never been to big meet or experienced a long road trip, you can't fully appreciate what you are missing. I like working on my car, but I like driving it and like driving it long distances even better. This forum only has few members who get out and cover some miles, Pete, Don C, Greg, Lee, the Canadians and myself. HERE is my offer to anyone from the Midwest I will meet you anywhere you want east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio, I will drive as fast or slow as you feel comfortable, take as many days as needed, travel back roads, front roads, dirt roads whatever
  19. My 2 cents, Pull the carb off and have it rebuilt. Odds are good you have a bunch of gunk built up in the bowl, the accelerator pump is eaten up by the newer fuel and the float and seat are not set correctly. You can buy a kit or send it off to George Asche 814 354 2621.. Better than new and you will wake that 265 up!!!!
  20. I have a 251, $350 plus shipping St. Louis Area. Bought it, turns over, complete never tried to start it.
  21. Nice piece, it answered a few questions. since I didn't take it apart, not sure of a few pieces, but now I know where everyting goes. On sunday, went to my man cave (where I keep my cars , 47 P15 Sedan, 49 P17 Business Coupe, and trucks, 1948 1/2 and my newest project 1950 1/2). When I bought the 1950 it was all apart 3 trailer loads of parts some for the 50 and others previous had accumulated. we laid everything out in piles and started putting it back together (50 has a few differnt peices than the 48) but its looking good. Thanks for the help
  22. have hauled my 48 1/2 ton dodge as well as my 47 Plymouth Sedan with my 02 Ford F150 2wd from St. Louis to DC and back. Only tip I would offer, is make sure your trailer has good tires, trailer brakes and load the truck so you don't have too much tongue weight on the tow vehicle. At least in Missouri, when you go thru or by a weight station they will check to see how you have it secured to the trailer. Good luck, try and not stop at every gas station you see. I too got about 11mpg
  23. Thanks great information
  24. A 5 pound sledge works best
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