Finally had time to recap the final days of the trip.
As Greg G had previously reported on my way oback from the Vermont show, just outside of Syracruse, my motor screamed it had had enough. Finally got it home ( two day drive in a rented UHAUL truck and trailer) too frustrated and the weather too hot to work on it. Last weekend I pulled the pan to inspect the damage. The pin worked its way out of the fuel pump arm (runs off the cam) after it bounced around and was chewed up it shot thru the pan. Good news is that it didnt nick up the cam, piston or rods although it did hit them a few times. The only visiable damage is that it chipped the bottom of the #1 bore. I took a dremmel tool and filed off the rough edges, pulled the oil pump and oil filter and cleaned them out, then washed the bottom end of the motor down with brake cleaner. Put the pan on, new filter, new oil added an electric fuel pump, cranked it until I had 40#'s of pressure, started it up let it run for 5 minutes, drained the oil, dropped the pan, cleaned everything out, new filter, new oil started it back up. No smoke, No knock so I am pretty confident it will be AOK. Keep and eye on those fuel pumps. I can now say my car has been cross country and almost all of the way back.