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Everything posted by MarkAubuchon

  1. no manual, probably a good idea
  2. not able to open your document/picture
  3. Well time to put the motor in my 1950 Since I didnt take it apart, and the previuos owner threw all of the parts in a box with no lableing. What size nut and bolts hold the mount to the frame? Does the bell housing have a mount a rubber mount as well. Pictures would help. Thanks Mark
  4. Joe, I just did it in for the "No Plymouth Left Behind saga" UHaul and the rest of them have it figured out. They would only rent me a box van with the car hauler (pickups dont have a hitch plus you will sign a contract that states what you can and cannot do). Since it will be a one way trip, they base the rate on the mileage zip code to zip code. My trip was 1,000 miles they gave me 5 days but only the mileage zip to zip. Rental was approximatley $1300.00 and probably $300 in gas those trucks are pigs. Believe, when I was trapped on the side of the road for fourth time, I ran all of the scenerios. Cheapest, fastest and least stressful for you, fly out, rent the truck and trailer and haul it home, I would make sure I had my rental inplace before making the trip.
  5. I replaced the manual fuel pump with an electric to make the conversion easy I mounted it up close to the motor (in the spot I had put an in line filter) started and ran great so I thought. On my way home from my shop/storeage area (70 miles) I found out that at cruising speed the carbs demand for fuel or lack of caused the pump to create too much pressure causing the carbs to flood out. Removed the pump and moved it back closer to the tank, just like the directions said. Runs fine know.
  6. So what is the fuel pressure levels?
  7. Buy it and say its Greg's or Mine and you are going to store it for a few years:rolleyes:
  8. Finally had time to recap the final days of the trip. As Greg G had previously reported on my way oback from the Vermont show, just outside of Syracruse, my motor screamed it had had enough. Finally got it home ( two day drive in a rented UHAUL truck and trailer) too frustrated and the weather too hot to work on it. Last weekend I pulled the pan to inspect the damage. The pin worked its way out of the fuel pump arm (runs off the cam) after it bounced around and was chewed up it shot thru the pan. Good news is that it didnt nick up the cam, piston or rods although it did hit them a few times. The only visiable damage is that it chipped the bottom of the #1 bore. I took a dremmel tool and filed off the rough edges, pulled the oil pump and oil filter and cleaned them out, then washed the bottom end of the motor down with brake cleaner. Put the pan on, new filter, new oil added an electric fuel pump, cranked it until I had 40#'s of pressure, started it up let it run for 5 minutes, drained the oil, dropped the pan, cleaned everything out, new filter, new oil started it back up. No smoke, No knock so I am pretty confident it will be AOK. Keep and eye on those fuel pumps. I can now say my car has been cross country and almost all of the way back.
  9. never have done it but would think it shouldnt be hard. Clutch pedal in place. Depending on the 4 speed, would probably need to change bell housing and perhaps the starter and drive shaft.
  10. if the clutch is slipping that much you would surely smell it
  11. Steve, I have the exact same problem. We had our drive shafts done by the same place. My 47 has 16 inch rims with Coker white wall radials. swapped my 15 inch wheels with goodyear radial, vibration went away. Took all my 16inch wheels for rebalancing two of them have are "hub bent" causing them to wobble creating a vibration. I have bought three more 16 inch rims and am planning to take all 7 of them to a tire shop that balances those big oh 22's low profile tires. Find the best 4 and balance them
  12. Come on Guys. Admit it! Everything over 60 years old leaks and drips a little !
  13. My aunt who has lived in snake country her whole life told me the best way to have snakes by your house, :eek:were you walk, work or play is to have firewood stacked. the wood pile makes for a great place for rodents to live, (all the holes you found), stays cool and is like a neon buffet sign for snakes.
  14. Greg, Sounds good. I am ready to go. By mid June I will have a better idea of exactly when I will be leaving. A pretty good chance I will be switching jobs on June 1. This trip was/is part of the negotiation on time off, so I am good there. Its just a matter of do I want to leave Friday night and drive the 47 to Georges or trailer it to Georges. Really looking forward to this trip, seeing new sights and sharing our tail gate tradition with others.
  15. Which size? I have both and they are number matching. Price is $250 for the tube and the stick
  16. Duals on my 49 BC +22 47 Sedan 16,
  17. nice
  18. Sounds like we are getting some traction on the Road Trip to Vermont. Spoke with Greg yesterday, good to catch up and start making plans. In looking at the WPC information, this show looks to be much more laid bad than the POC National meets. So with that said, once we get here we do what we want or go with the group. Greg remeber thats how we went on our private tour of Richard Petty Motorsports a few years ago, jsut showed up. One tradition we started is for the official Friday Night Tail Gate Party, is that we have foods local to each guest area (yes Beer is food). Greg can share more details. Looking forward to this trip. talk with you soon.
  19. I'm still in! Made my room reservations, joined WPC, for the magazine. Won't really know when I am going to leave the St. Louis area. Want to plan a stop at the World Headquarers for AOK Racing (George Asche). Greg I will call later to talk more specific logistic. I do want to hook up with you for the drive up to Vermont.
  20. I am with Greg on this. Replace the front springs, but make sure they are the right height. While you are at it check the king pins and bushings
  21. Greg it is cowl mounted thanks
  22. does anyone know a source for the radio antennas for my 1950 dodge 1/2 ton. The antenna mounts on the drivers side, two holes?
  23. Come on, I drove my 47 from Portland to St Louis and Back 5800 miles. Why limmit yourself to a 100 miles. Sounds like everyone agrees driving them is the way to go. Hope to see more people make it either Minnesota in August or Vermont in July.
  24. here is my 2 cents Pumping the pedal to get a firm pedal can be related to several variables 1. Air in the line, easier to fix. Start with the RR, then LR, RF and then LF. Remember to take your time and let the fluid settle between bleedings 2. Out of adjustment brake shoes, what is happening is that the first push on the pedal uses all of the fluid to push the shoes out against the drum, the extra pumps help build pressure. With the proper tool it can be trciky but done with patience. 3. As far as one shoe grabbing, sometimes I have found it to be the Rubber flexible line, over time they collapse and restrict the flow of fluid. Remember its your life you are dealing with, dont scrimp on good brakes, I would have the shoes religned, drums inspected and if need turned, replace any lines that are questionable
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