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Everything posted by oldodge41

  1. She is a beauty. I would use a light oil as well.
  2. Peaked out about 72 here. I hope it stays like this until about March and then gets nice.:D:D
  3. Congrats!
  4. Bob you are a fine Santa indeed!
  5. Exhaust sounds good!
  6. Looking good!
  7. Looks great!
  8. Happy Thanksgiving all.
  9. Looking forward to the exhaust video too. Nice job.
  10. Not sure Greg. I work with a lot of people from that area so I will ask around. The Centre County Historical Society may be able to answer that question too.
  11. 26 here in PA this morning.
  12. :):):D:D:
  13. We took advantage of the nice weather and drove to Bellefonte for a picnic in Tallyrand Park today. Stopped at Black Moshannon State Park for a couple pictures: Then on to Bellefonte and a couple more pics: Just under 100 miles round trip all secondary country roads and averaged 16.8 mpg. Better than I expected considering all the hills and some idling.
  14. Thank you! To all veterans for the freedom we all enjoy.
  15. Great pics.
  16. Nice!!!
  17. We had three little ones show up. All together. My wife asked their names and they told her they lived down over the hill. The little boy said: "I ride the bus past here every day, I told Mom I wanted to go to the house that has the old cars".
  18. Sorry for your loss. Nice project. Keep going.
  19. I would say sorry for offering that suggestion, but I am not. Seems to me now that you already know what you want to do and just need someone to validate that position. Good luck and goodbye.
  20. I have a 230, original fluid drive tranny and a 3.27 rear. I am considering going T5 in the future. Not for the lower first or higher 5th but for the variety in between. My low and high are fine. I just feel I could use another between 2nd and 3rd at times. A four speed would be great I think. Having said that, I too am fond of the column shift and that has kept me from making the swap. A friend put a 318 and auto in his 50 Plymouth last winter. When I asked how he likes it now he replied." I love the 318 but I really miss the old car feel of the column mount three speed." The floor shifted 5 speed may give more of that original feeling than the auto though. Like Don said, only you can know what you want.
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