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oldodge41 last won the day on April 3 2024

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About oldodge41

  • Birthday 06/26/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central PA.
  • My Project Cars
    1941 Dodge Business Coupe

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  • Biography
    I am an avid do-it-yourself guy. I like all types of cars, stock, modified, antique, muscle, trucks
  • Occupation
    Supervisor at PSU Power Plant - Retired


  • Location
    Central Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Old cars, motorcycles, dirt track auto racing

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  1. Possibly a coil issue. If it has one? I have seen coils fail with temperature rise.
  2. Modified schematic assuming your truck horn switch is still creating the ground for the relay.
  3. Wild ass guess here. Maybe place on a cookie sheet, place another cookie sheet on top. Heat in oven and add weight to top sheet as needed. Then, once flat, let it sit as it is until cool. I would start at very low temperature and increase temperature slowly until I saw movement. Then back it off a bit and wait awhile to see what happens. Oops Los_Control typed faster than me.
  4. https://hubcapmike.com/vintage-hubcaps/baby-moon-hubcap-wizard/ Ditto what Los_Control said.
  5. I have been window shopping. Looking for what I would call a Personal Luxury, Sport Oriented ride. I know better, but can't seem to stop myself anyway. Obviously no sense asking for an intervention here, I see how that works out. LOL! I like some of the Genisis models, but like everything here in nowhere land, the closest dealer is 95 miles away. Locally, within 40 or 50 miles, I have BMW, Lexus, Mercedes, Audi, Cadillac and maybe a few others. Don't know if I'll buy anything but window, I mean internet, shopping is fun. I blame it all on @Sniper, sorry, but the missus wants to know who I get these crazy ideas from, and its your turn. LOL!
  6. Good topic. I know durability would be an issue, but, has anyone tried vinyl wrapping a bumper in chrome?
  7. Not sure how cold it got here yesterday morning. My indoor/outdoor thermometer was reading "LL" for outdoors which means below sensor range. Supposed to be good to -20F, but who knows. I do know that for the first time since installed in 2023 my heat pump auxiliary electric heat coil activated when the 3 degree step up in temperature occurred from night to day temperature setting at 7am. Didn't stay on long, actually probably the minimum run time. The heat pump supplied all heat throughout the rest of the day without issue. The programming for the aux is set that if below X outdoor ambient temp, the indoor temp is more than X degrees below Setpoint without increase for X seconds the first stage aux coil kicks on for X time. If indoor temp still doesn't begin to climb after a certain time the second coil kicks in. (don't think it did) The step up in temperature allowed this to occur. I may add a couple additional indoor setpoints to ramp this temperature up over a short period of time versus a one step increase.
  8. -5F here this morning. Got up to 14F this afternoon. Colder expected tomorrow.
  9. Word of the day is "ameliorate". I looked it up. Learn something new everyday. LOL
  10. Thanks for the follow-up. Let us know how it goes.
  11. I am impressed by the response from your machinist. Sounds like a stand-up guy. Keep us posted as to how it all works out.
  12. My$.02 is,I also would run it if I were into it as far as you are. Easy for me to say, I know, but I would.
  13. Sorry, I can't answer, but some of our members may be able to. Welcome to the forum.
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