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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. That's one sweet machine. And as pretty as it is here, it's even more stunning in the flesh.
  2. I feel your pain! That's Hot Roddin, eh! But then, nobody's shooting rockets into your back yard. In the over all scheme of things,...we're pretty lucky to have these kinds of problems.
  3. Finally got to the BBQ while my wife was away. VHT satin clear header paint reqs. baking 20 min. at 250 degrees then after cooling baking again at 400 degrees,..then at 600. Couldn't quite get to 600 but this is the same as I did with black on the Plymouth exhaust manifolds and it has worked very well. The "satin" is a little more "flat" than I wanted. May try another clear over this to enhance the color. Another feature is that my garage now smells like steak
  4. I can't contribute any pics but my first thought would be red in a satin black engine bay with satin black brackets and accessories. Any aluminum pieces left natural. Bare metal, like carb linkage and Boden cable covers dusted with aluminum rattle can spray. Wires and attachments in their natural colors add little color highlights.
  5. What a great experience! To think you might have run to the hardware store and missed them. But the stars aligned and you and your family made a rare connection to the past.
  6. I tried pennies and they did not lenghten the spring enough. So,....I made a stirrup that hooked into the lower part of the spring and hung down by the splash panel to about 4 inches off the ground. Place a 2x4 in the stirrup and stand on it. If you weigh more than 150# your weight is enough to stretch the spring. I posted a pic several years ago but by now it has evaporated into the cosmos. If you would like a pic,...give a yell and I'll shoot one tomorrow. Good luck!
  7. like tryin to catch light off in a closed frig.
  8. That's a great looking car! Salt Flats ain't bad. WSW work too. It'd be a tough choice if'n it were mine.
  9. That is one ugly vehicle! However, the highlight for me is the image of Shrine of the Little Flower. I passed it about 1000 times in the late 50's. Had a very close call at that corner that still gives me chills. Dosed off when returning late from a date and nearly took out a cop who was standing in that intersection. He saved his own life by jumping outta the way. Tragedy averted. It was winter. He'd been outta his car for awhile and was freezing. He was shivering violently and so angry he just yelled at me and told me to get some coffee before I killed someone. I'll never forget how close I came to a life altering mistake.
  10. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we start a thread 'stead of hi-jacking 40 plymouth's Bragging,......or,...... contribute to my earlier invite to "from the drivers seat and other images" http://p15-d24.com/topic/34721-from-the-drivers-seat-and-other-images/
  11. I was thinkin,...why not a thread with pics of our cars, like in reflections,.... like this by linus6948 http://p15-d24.com/topic/36397-bring-my-48-dodge-d24-to-life-again/page-5# (couldn't figger how to paste image) or as 1940plymouth's above. Kinda indirect or abstract. Kinda artsy, eh!
  12. Just be sure that loose nut is not behind the steering wheel!
  13. I think I checked J C Whitney a few years ago and they had many choices including chrome,....I think!
  14. Those are the cool pics, the surprises that are there but one doesn't usually notice until they're driving a neat car and taking in all the peripheral visions. Do we look at the world with more attention to the good stuff when driving our special cars? Well yeah!
  15. That's one great looking car. "Unfinished" as it is, it'll be a hoot to drive and maybe you'll never get'r done
  16. Way over priced in my opinion unless there's a lot of modification/restoration done that you could not see.
  17. Finally got the Urathane bushings for the engine mounts. They worked as planned. I'm really liking the color of the steel after welding. Been dancing around how to achieve that as it corresponds to the theme I've had in the back of my head for a while. They're s actually a little less "green" than the pic shows. Florescents over head. I plan to enhance that and then clear coat,
  18. Ditto to the general thread of advice. Disappointing but ya gotta take the plunge or bail out.
  19. ​And not to belabor the Ford theme, 'cause that irritates some folks, there's always ideas lurking to be implemented in the old blue Plymouth. I'm looking for a Plymouth emblem to graft into the horn button on my car. I'd like "round",....4" or less, "plastic", showing the Mayflower or a Plymouth logo, and that exudes early 40's to 50's style. Doesn't need to be an original horn button. I'd cut the Ford graphic out and cement in the Plymouth ID. I've checked eBay from time to time and the classified on this site with no luck. No more than $25.00-$30.00. Ideas and/or any leads would be appreciated.
  20. This one slipped past me. Sorry! My friend Mike lives right down the street. I'll get a pic of the engine compartment and dash 'cause if you like outta the box thinking you'll enjoy the project that he did for his wife. In the meantime,..........Ford called it a "Courier", based on the Tudor wagon. Most would call a sedan delivery. Ford built them on the passenger car chassis from '53 to about '57, '58 I think.
  21. Cool! Why not a removable glove box that allows access to the firewall behind. Coupla screws from below and the box comes off and you access the panel while sitting in comfort. Wish'd I'd thoughta that a few years ago. Oh well,....maybe that's connected to experience.
  22. And now that I think about it, don't remember that I thought about it at the time, why not mount the fuse panel on the passenger side fire-wall or kick panel??????? Yeah, it's a little further from some of the connections in/to the instrument panel and engine but, by how much???? like 18-24 inches. After getting my body stuck, my head and my hand stuck between the seat, the pedals and the steering column,....and not being able to see anything,....mounting the panel on the other side seems like an reasonable option to consider,....next time.
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