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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. Really big snag today! After the initial satisfaction of scoring a "dumb-bell" lifter, I set off to finish the job of verifying that there was adequate valve to piston clearance. Got as far as installing clay and the rocker assembly........... - - - Looking good huh!........... Could not drop the pushrods through to the lifters. Looking at the gasket and another block I have revealed the problem. Now common opinion is that you can put Hemi heads on a Poly block. They do it all the time!...... ya right! I think ambitious die grinder work is in order where you see the oval hole on the right and round hole left of the bore center. However, I am awaiting an opinion from two diff. experts before I start moving metal. - -
  2. Seems I keep runnin into snags. Was all set to temporarily install the heads to check valve to piston clearance, ya know, the clay thing, and when cleanin up the head bolts found pitting that made me nervous. At first I was tempted to use'm,...but common sense took over. It'd be a shame to break one, especially after the engine is running. So, new ones are on the way from the East Coast. - I've also been on the search for a coupla mechanical lifters to aid in the valve/piston clearance verification. Didn't want to buy a full set just for checking clearances. Came up with a "dumbell" lifter from Mopar Perf, which is also on order. So,....frustrated but wishing to make some progress on the project, I opted to try filling the timing marks on the harmonic balancer. It took several trys but I finally managed to get an acceptable appearance. - -
  3. I've been following your build. Nice to see the process "packaged". Thanks for the slide show. I know that takes an extra effort.
  4. I think that (3.55:1) ratio is close to perfect. I had a 3.0:1 in my stock P-15 and 'tho it worked well at 65/70 mph it was too tall for around town driving where there is more stop 'n' start. From a dead stop, 1st gear starts were more like 2nd gear starts.
  5. You got heat? If any studs are stubborn, heat 'em real good and melt on candle wax. Can save your good nature!
  6. Nice certificate and super pic! You done good!!!
  7. Cool! Sometimes you get lucky!
  8. Most of us enjoy a little public recognition about our passions. Sometimes we get coverage and don't even know it. It's always fun to come upon something about someone you know, or even yourself. I hope others will contribute and add to this theme. And let's keep it to items in the public media. - Here's our very own Robin Weathersbee on the Sand in South Wales in his '41 P15. I came across this in the latest Rodders Journal. 'Tho the center fold is not conducive to scanning a good image, how cool is that! Congratulations Robin!!!!!!!!! - -
  9. Bummer , after so carefully crafting something you're proud of! It's intense disappointment, I'm sure. Real downer when your about to go for a drive. I worry about that re my project.
  10. Much more progress when focused on doing rather than recording. - - - - Had to remove the fuel pump eccentric and modify the cam bolt seating to accommodate the modified timing cover which was modified to accommodate the Chevy water pump. -
  11. I was scoping out the member map and see there are approx. a dozen of us blokes in So Cal. I was also reminiscing about our Old Mopar Breakfast this past spring, the fun and BS and our collective commitment to do it again. Since this subject is now "bumped", I am hopeful that others, who are not on the map, are lurkers, or who are prospects, might venture outta the wings to enjoy a little WPC bonding. Membership in this forum is not required. It's preferred that you drive your old Mopar. However picture evidence of a project or a pending purchase will get you in. I suggest we consider meeting this Fall concurrent with the Mopar Fall Fling in Van Nuys. Near's I can tell the date is not set yet but it is usually in late October. The location is biased to the West but I'm up for the adventure. Those of us in outlying areas could caravan for mutual support. Whatcha think?
  12. Tod,...you be the pokee!
  13. "Hell box",..........that's cool! Ya learn something every day
  14. I haven't heard the term 'hellbox". I assume it refers to the nut 'n' bolt collection.
  15. Yes, it would if I had one!
  16. A videographer I am not. Yeah, I did it but it took 3 times as long as just doing the job. I think I'll stick to snap shots
  17. "Go for it!" I'm guessing that under the sheet metal, the mechanics are pretty much the same as my P-15. With the stock steering you'll probably need to off set the engine to the pass. side by an 1.5" or so. I stressed over that for some time. However, Mopar did that with their early V8s and, unless you mention it, no one will notice.
  18. Okay folks, you know about "the committee" right. You know,...it wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, "we gotta talk",...let's review,....ya know the widget you're gonna build in the morning. Are you sure bend left, why not bend right? be blue or green? aluminum or steel? .060 or .093,...yadda de yadda de yadda!... and ya loose at lease an hour of sleep mulling all that stuff. Well about 3:00am last night they suggested I do a little video of me marking TDC on the new harmonic balancer for the Hemi. Of course I wasn't quite ready for that task but we discussed it anyway,....for way too long. The committee convinced me that it was just an hour deal. Ya right!.....and besides I knew it would take me 3-4 hours just to figger how to capture the video and get it on line. Yet, as usual, I always underestimate things Well long story short, never got the video done. Got a few video clips but ran into a coupla snags. The harmonic balancer didn't want to seat on the crank snout and I had a very un-nerving "catch" while rotating the crank,...kinda a metal to metal, over center, feel while turning with the breaker bar. Got the balancer resolved with a little honing and careful heat,....one more hour. Turns out, much to my relief, that the rear counter-weight was making contact with the oil pump,....which is an easy fix. I did get the timing pointer done. - - And tomorrow I will address the interference at the oil pump.
  19. One of my many favorites. This box end wrench was part of a set I bought in the mid 50s. Still have most of them. The 1/2 -9/16 will address about 75% of the hexes in older car's and they feel good in the hand. Note how elegant the old one is compared to the newer issue of the same size. I'm thinking that's quality of material. Craftsman says they'll replace any that break but, I haven't had that problem yet in almost 60 years.
  20. Those ring compressors were invented by the devil! Several pistons took three tries to install. And then of course you worry if you've broken a ring in the process.
  21. Not graceful but a start. It's too long and I've edited down but can't figger how to save the revised file. Hope this link works. If it doesn't, I'm going to the garage to bend something,.... new link to abbreviated video........still have no idea what I'm doing
  22. I was hoping for individual pics with a brief commentary as to why a tool is special to the owner. Figured that would make for some interesting and personal stories, a widow into the character or passion of the owner. Didn't want the thread to get into who had the most or the best or the biggest. Let's see where it goes. You folks decide.
  23. mrwrstory


    What is your favorite, most used, oldest, most unique, most frustrating and/or most frequently used tool? Let's keep it to a single image per post. Post as often, with a brief comment, as you wish. How many different ones can we amass? Here's my first of what I image will be at least 1/2 dozen contributions. My little point and shoot Canon camera has been invaluable. I use it to record stuff before I take it apart so's I have a chance at correct re-assembly. It also allows me to share my passion with, and solicite information from, others i.e. this site
  24. Tx! I'm workin on it. Gotta figger how to convert from wimp.
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