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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. In retrospect, next time I'd consider mounting the fuse panel in the drivers kick space behind and below the parking brake handle. Access to this is a pain now that the seat is in place and I am "older". The wires that you see somewhat obscured in that area, are for an additional power buss and relays for power windows and the starter button circuit. It all kinda evolved. I'm not done yet. Still need parking lights and turn signals. The dimmer switch came with the American Autowire kit,.....which I highly endorse.
  2. This works for me on the P15. Everything is inside and accessible under the edge of the carpet,.......when I get carpet
  3. It's not real if there are no pics
  4. Yeah, I'd like to see a front 3/4, a rear 3/4, a straight side shot, the interior and engine compartment,..for starters
  5. If you'd consider the Mopar LA engine series, that's a bit more of a challenge but very doable. You'll need to figger a trans mount but thats probaly the case with any mod you do. The upside of the 318 is smaller displacement, maybe a bit better mileage, the upside of the 360 more inches and a bit more power. All are readily available w/transmissions in used cars or wrecking yards. That's what I did but took it a bit farther. Check "I'm Back" http://p15-d24.com/topic/22985-im-back/page-22#entry373806 If you decide to go that way, feel free to PM questions or ask for more pics.
  6. I have read this thread several times and focused on understanding your goals. ​I get it and I applaud your perseverance! Please press on. The folks who are interested will continue to support with information, questions and "atta boys". Those who are rubbed the wrong way will go silent. The idea of an old car with updated and adequate power that fits, w/o major surgery, in the hole available sounds like a fun and satisfying project. It's something where you can learn while you solve the "build issues" and then enjoy the driving experience with something different. All that said,.....I did the "shoehorn bogey" with no regrets. Not for you, however, one item that may apply to your search is that the stock radiator can be moved forward by several inches by simply reversing the "radiator hoop". It was the means by which Mopar accommodated the longer 6 cyl engine and that has been done by several on this forum. The extra inches may allow you to consider other engine options 'tho the Slant-6 is still too long. Somehow I'd lean toward the Turbo 4 cylinder. Mercurys, Lincolns and I believe Fords had them. I'd guess you could get the engine, trans and computer in one package, maybe even get a whole car for cheap. The wrecking yards are full of them and I'd guess that parts and service are readily available. The challenge for me would be the electronics. 'Tho must be lotsa YouTube info on that. Success at clearing the electronics hurdle would be very satisfying. Good luck. Don't take too bigga bite for your abilities. And, keep us posted.
  7. In support of Wayfaring Stranger, I identify with his idea of building something different but within parameters he has established. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT????? He is looking for a little input from those of us who might offer some experienced, constructive and/or objective opinion. Can't we respect that request. Those who are predisposed to stock, or flat head only, or Mopar only, need not chastise. "Let it go" and let others of us enjoy the dialog that this subject may instigate.
  8. I was hyper-ventilating when that thing fired-up. Too cool, eh!
  9. Ya just use the tool as a storage shelf. Just keep stackin stuff on top of it.
  10. Beyond suspicious!!!!! I played along with something like that a few years ago. I told them my mother was sick and I needed to raise the price. No problem. I raised the price more and they were still intent on buying my "item" via a third party who would deliver a cashiers check for even more $ if I would just refund the diff. I strung them along ad nausaum and they never gave up. They were more patient than I. I finally gave up. I just post on the classifieds. Maybe I'll get the same results.
  11. Here's a little "side bar" to this OT subject,...thata OT/OT? So, I'm gettin antsy,...and while waiting for the engine mount bushings, I decided to modify a way to expensive crank pulley recently acquired from the local wrecking yard. Trouble was my two go friends, for machining stuff, were away for a week or more. I finally decided to get beyond procrastinating and figger how to use this machine that's been staring at me from it's custom bench for 10 years. I bought this Smithy in 2000 when I had the where-with-all to write off its' cost, and with visions of modifying/making neat parts for my car projects. It can even be upgraded with a CAD module,..like I'll ever get to that capability . Some folks snicker at the Smithy as not being a real machine tool. However, I'm not a real machinist and I believe it will provide all the capability I'll ever need in a compact package. That's as far as I got until late last week. After a full day of scraping Cosmolen impregnated with 10 years of shop dust I finally got down to the shinny stuff. A very tentative start got me my customized pulley without damage or personal injury. I'm not up to cutting threads yet but the ideas on all the cool stuff I could do are flooding in once again. - -
  12. Amen! Looks like it was well used. That's a good sign. However, the flame cut plate looks crude and the existing gussets are weak. I would worry about the welds. Extra gusset won't hurt. Keep your feet clear and be ready to move,...F A S T !
  13. I did the "0" mark with the bandsaw (hacksaw would work too) made the 10 degree marks w/ a cold chisel and 5 degree marks w/center punch,...then paint filled.
  14. You lucked out. Coulda been a part where a paint match was crucial. Satin black would work well in my opinion.
  15. I love this stuff. Good job! Keep the updates coming.
  16. When I went to school, in the last century, dividing 4 by 1 yielded "4". If that's still true, you are off by four quadrants,..........or would it be sixteen as 4 divided by .25 equals 16
  17. That's the address of the factory in Sae, It's a small village in Northern China.
  18. Here's Dale's Olds to give you an idea of what these guys do. - -
  19. Good luck! Anxiously waitng for the next pics.i
  20. Unless I'm mistaken, all Hemis, Dodges, DeSotos and Chrysler all have that oil channel detail that completes the circuit to the cam and rocker shafts. The only one that had crank issues was the smallest i.e. 241/270 Dodge and that's attributed to less than robust journal diameters. No other, 315/325 Dodges or Desotos, or Chrysler had problems with crank failures.
  21. Yes, I found the perfect one from Prothane. They're in the mail.
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