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Everything posted by thrashingcows

  1. Wow that 36 Plymouth 5 window is nice!! Very straight and rust free...and a clean title!
  2. This is good info...Thanks! I'm going to look into this for my Desoto, since it has a two arms spinning on a single motor.
  3. I finally got my original 6V wiper motor out of the Desoto recently...found that it's a dual arm set-up on one motor. Never seen this kind of a set-up before Not sure how I am going to convert it now. I read somewhere that maybe a 12V wiper motor from a 56-64 mopar would be the same and you can just swap the guts?
  4. I bought one of E-bay not long ago...and old Plomb unit from the 50's. Nice HD unit. Was missing one leg...which Proto still makes. Paid $24 for the puller, then $15 for a new leg...so $40 total.
  5. I will try and be as complete and thorough as possible of my wiring install. Thank you for the information on the seals. As for the dual heaters...I am not going to be installing them again. Going with a compact vintage air, Heater and AC unit. No the pedal just came loose while I was trying to get my 6'8" frame under the dash...
  6. Here is the 12V wiring system I got from EZ wiring....21 Circuit system, with the large fuses. I think it`s a great looking system, and should go in relatively easy. Comes with very good instructions, that pertain to all kinds of different makes and models.
  7. Surprising everything was in good shape...no rust out. Scrapped out a couple pounds worth of guff from the bottom. Only minor pitting on some parts. Should clean up well and then I can re-install everything. And here`s the dash with everything out. Just trying to decide what to do about firewall insulation. But I need to get the Vintage Air heat and AC unit installed, then I can start the re-wire.
  8. Then I had to get the fresh air cowl assembly out. Which was a bit of work since the hinges were seized, and the Phillips head screws holding things together had not moved in 60+ years. I had to use a lot of fire to get things apart. Eventually I got it all apart, did not burnt the car,, or garage down either.
  9. Well been busy trying to get the kitchen finished, so have not had much time to work on the old Desoto. But working on things here and there. I have removed the dual Heaters, and then got the dash and wiring out.
  10. Did you do the door panels yourself? Looks really nice. What color are the window garnish going to be?
  11. Hey Welcome aboard. Nice looking car you have there. I like what you did with the PLYMOUTH lettering on that front rim. Do you have a pic of it installed? And what is that round thing in front of the rad on the passenger side of the car?
  12. If your wiring is in great shape when converting to 12V the only thing you need to change out really is the lights, and a voltage drop for the fuel gauge, wiper and heater blower motors. At least that is what I have garnered here from reading all those posts in the archives.
  13. Nope it's the right item....even stamped with the Steele part number. So unless it's a bad seal that got through quality control...I can't see it being any different.
  14. I sent them a bunch of pictures and they are "looking into the problem". I'm probably just going to send in the piece I got for a refund...and then go with a Roberts unit.
  15. I don't know for absolute sure...but I think the voltage through the switch is irrelevant. The switch is just that, a switch. And the power coming into it...be it 6V or 12V makes no difference to the switch. Hopefully someone with more knowledge then myself will chime in.
  16. Do you have apic of the Plymouth apron on your Desoto?
  17. Nope those are from the new board....I had probably 40+ from the old board I had subscribed to.
  18. link not working.
  19. Sorry no I didn't have them saved anywhere else.
  20. I tried going to the old site to retrieve the thread URL's....but it won't let me do anything when I get there. Just the information the board has moved.
  21. I was just trying to find some info i had in some saved threads and ran into this problem. Where am I to get the URL for the old threads?
  22. I have been watching a couple of those E-bay auctions. When they are selling over $500 this is good information so you don't get taken. Thaks for posting up the info and pic.
  23. I absolutlely love those bumpers. I hope to maybe have a set like those built for my Desoto one day.
  24. I just went down the the local jobber and bought a brass blind plug for that top threaded hole. Then I ordered a new Stant cap.
  25. Well I did use the original straps with the same tank in the Desoto. It was a tight fit to get the bolts started though...since I added rubber between the top and bottom of the tank.
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