Thanks guys. James, the hole saw I used was slightly smaller than the pipe so I was able to turn the ends of the pipe on the lathe for a friction fit. It all held itself together before welding all I had to do was make sure the holes were in the right place. Mr. Bill, I come from the draw a picture and tack weld bits of stuff together first camp as well. I worked with a guy that could figure everything out with math on paper and never even draw a picture... I spent a lot of time not understanding and smiling and nodding. pflaming, not many inspection plates are needed. The brake master cylinder is far enough ahead to be accessed for under the hood, and I moved the battery to the inner fender. All the floor panels are homemade, the score lines were put in with a cheap bead roller I bought at our local tool house. I've also seen them at eastwood's and harbour freight.