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B1B Keven

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B1B Keven last won the day on February 19

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310 Excellent

About B1B Keven

  • Birthday 07/22/1960

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  • Location
    Coos Bay, OR
  • Interests
    God. Biblical prophecy. Rugby. Camping. Scale R/C.
  • My Project Cars
    None right now.


  • Location
    Vancouver, WA
  • Interests
    God, camping, rugby

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  1. LOL You're killin' me.
  2. Just a quick poke around. https://www.steelerubber.com/search?year=1954&make=dodge&model=c-series&style=2-door-pickup-6-5-foot-bed
  3. That's a hell of a nice C series!
  4. Hey all. I'm not getting enough business off of the web page to justify keeping it. I'll still be around here and on ebay. Keven
  5. https://www.dcmclassics.com/catalogs/c/all/parts_by_year-1957_1960_d_series-rubber_and_weather_seals
  6. Looks like a 315 c.i. 'poly' head. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_C_series https://www.dcmclassics.com/catalogs/c/all/parts_by_year-1957_1960_d_series
  7. It has to do with the parking brake. I've only seen the center mounted bracket on '48's and '49's.
  8. The trucks that had the dealer installed heater and the optional 'fresh air' package had an extra bracket bolted to the bottom of the dash.
  9. https://www.rusticdiscbrakes.com/product-page/c-1950-1952-dodge-truck-front-disc-brake-kit
  10. Nice project truck! Welcome to the forum. Hand crank nut is 1 3/4". https://www.handhwiring.com/cloth-wiring https://www.ledlight.com/ledlight-6-volt-positive-chassis-catalog.aspx I know a guy that works on gauge clusters and speedometers.
  11. I believe so. The guy that bought has a '71 R/T Hemi Challenger too.
  12. Just read your signature. Sold it about 7 years ago. GT clone.
  13. Welcome. X's 2 on the pics!
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