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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. Are you talking about the Jan 2009 issue? It was allready covered. Dennis:cool: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=12438&highlight=Street+Rodder
  2. That is a great link. I love looking at some of the old Ads. Dennis:cool:
  3. Was this the one? Dennis:cool: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=12773&highlight=san+francisco
  4. Welcome to the FORUM. Where are you located? Dennis:cool:
  5. Why would anyone want to eat a fungus? Dennis:D
  6. Sorry, The Cookie Recipe That Cost a Bundle-Fiction! http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/e/expensivecookie.htm Dennis
  7. Welcome to the FORUM, you can learn a lot from the guys here, I know I have. Dennis:cool:
  8. Thanks for the good words. It's just the waiting that gets to me, when the doctor asked me when I wanted the surgery, I told him NOW. I get tired just walking to the garage. Dennis:cool:
  9. You can come out here and try it on my car. The temps are going to be in the 60's & 70's this week. Dennis:cool:
  10. I think that your car would look cool painted Satin Black. Keep all of the stainless and chrome on the car. Dennis:cool:
  11. I went to see a Vascular Surgeon at the Loma Linda VA Hospital Friday and he said that I will have to have a roto router job on my carotid arteries (75% blockage) and that my name has been put on the surgery list and they will call me with the date. He said that it would most likely be after the first of the year. I go to see another VA Doctor this Friday to find out if I need a Elect Fuel Pump (pacemaker) to fix the heart murmur they say I have developed. Last week I made 3 trips to Loma Linda & 2 trips to Victorville to see doctors and have tests done. So happy gas prices are down some. The worst part about this is that Kathy was in the room when the doctor said that I have to take it easy and NO working, so she will not let me close to my garage. Now with all these trips to Doctor's Offices I've caught the flu. So if I seam out of it, some days, this is my story & I'm sticking to it. Sorry about the rant. Dennis:(
  12. Living & working here between Edwards AFB and Area 51 we hear & see a lot of those types of aircraft. The SR 71 sonic boom cracked our windows before the government even agreed that they had one. Dennis:cool:
  13. I listen to the local Oldies FM Radio Station until our 5 year old grandson comes over to visit and wants "New Music". Dennis
  14. Go NAVY!!!!! Here is a song that Army personnel must love, as they heard it played all day Saturday. GO NAVY!!!!! NAVY 34 - ARMY 0 http://www.brownielocks.com/navytheme.html Dennis:D
  15. Welcome to the FORUM from the West Coast. I'll let those far more expert than me answere your questions. I have a 48 P-15 with the original engine with 1-2 barrel carb. Dennis:cool:
  16. It was 26 here this morning when we left to go to the V.A. Hospital, it was 62when we returned this afternoon. Dennis:D
  17. If you see my post in reply to Ed's Christmas lights, You will see the only decoration I put up. Dennis:cool:
  18. Young Ed, Just hang a flag like mine next to it. LOL Dennis:D
  19. PatS.... I remember going to Las Vegas as a kid to see the light and cloud in the sky. Dennis:eek: This is a post card from Early Vegas.com.
  20. Rodney, you have to watch out for those wringers, I had my arm ran through one when I was a kid. I still have the scars from that. Dennis:eek:
  21. Nope! I got the Red X this time. I got my Christmas Decoration out today and ready to hang up. Dennis
  22. I get the following message when I try to look at the photos. Dennis:( Forbidden You don't have permission to access /photos5158/4/51/48/49/18/2/218494851406_0_ALB.jpg on this server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.39 Server at upsa-im107.ofoto.com Port 80
  23. I don't think that is David's, He has a YOM Licence, Spot lights, no Fog lights and David's is a 4 door. Dennis:cool: Here's David's Car.
  24. I paid $1.78.9 in Yermo, Ca today on our way home from Las Vegas. It was $1.99.9 in Las Vegas. Dennis:eek:
  25. Yea Pat 30 miles will not get me to the next city or from my house to where I used to work. Dennis:D
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