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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. Howard Tarnoff's Plymouth is in the Feb 2009 GoodGuys Gazette in the coverage of the the GoodGuys East Coast Nationals, on Page #137. Dennis:cool:
  2. Merry Christmas to all the Members of this forum, and to GTK for hosting this great FORUM. Dennis:cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB-y4DT4Vps&feature=PlayList&p=E036EC40DFC58131&playnext=1&index=3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50IgzksUqp
  3. It's from so far down south that it's Christmas Day. I'm also a member of that other forum. Dennis:D
  4. Randy, I've had good experiences with the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, right now I'm waiting for a surgery date to do a rotor router job on the arteries in my neck. They said that it will be after the first of the year for my surgery. Dennis:cool:
  5. You better send some warm weather photos from down under to Rodney, I think he getting cabin fever. LOL Dennis;)
  6. Canada also gave them bail out money. Dennis:mad: From: http://www.jayski.com/cupnews.htm Canada adds bailout money to GM & Chrysler: General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC will get $4 billion Canadian ($3.3 billion U.S. dollars) in government loans from Canada and the province of Ontario. General Motors' Canadian unit will receive C$3 billion while Chrysler is set to get C$1 billion. Borrowers must accept limits on executive compensation and also report "material transactions in excess of C$125 million or more," the U.S. and Canadian governments said in a joint statement. Canada's aid builds on the $13.4 billion in U.S. emergency loans announced by President George W. Bush. Canadian Industry Minister Tony Clement on Dec. 12 pledged to offer GM, Chrysler and Ford Motor Co.'s Canadian units federal and provincial aid "proportional" to the their contribution to North American production, which is about 20 percent.(Bloomberg News)(12-21-2008)
  7. claybill, In the past we have had people on this site who liked to badger other members, and we have had Spamers come on the site. So if they are on your ignore list you don't have to put up with them. I don't think anyone here would put you on a ignore list. Dennis:cool:
  8. To bad you didn't call we could of had a cup of coffee or a cool one, I live about 5 miles from the Del Taco. Dennis:cool:
  9. I had a VW painted at Earl Scheib in 1966 while stationed in San Diego. They painted everything. (crome, tires, hubcaps) The only thing thay didn't paint was the windows. So I've never gone back to them. Of course it was only $19,95. The old TV Ad said: "Hi my name is Earl Scheib and I'll paint any car any color for $19.95." Dennis:eek:
  10. Congrats on bring it back to life. Dennis:cool:
  11. There are no words to express such a loss. We all feel the pain. A very sad day. Dennis:(
  12. Normspeed, Get ready we have about 6" here in Barstow this morning. All roads in & out are still closed. Dennis:eek:
  13. I just heard that on the news. The newscaster said that Chevy and Ford are going to follow. Dennis:cool:
  14. I've been in this house for 32 years and do not remember it ever snowing this much. And it's still snowing. dezeldoc Is at a little higher Elev than we are. Dennis:eek:
  15. The news just said that the Airport in Las Vegas is closed due to snow. Yhey don't have snow removal equipment. They say that this is going to contiue thru Thrusday and they don't know when they will have the roads open. Dennis:D
  16. Yea, We got about 4" here now and it is still snowing. Dennis:eek:
  17. Tim Didn't answer you so here it is. http://www.fiftiesweb.com/dinah-chevy1.wav Dennis:D
  18. I know that it is not much to you guys up North, but here in the Middle of the Mojave Desert it is. The temp is in the 30's & it is snowing. All roads in & out of the area are closed. Dennis:eek: Our Back Yard Front Yard and it is still snowing.
  19. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, to you and yours. Your cars look great and that Christmas card is great. Dennis:cool:
  20. It's in the 30's here and we have some White Stuff coming out of the sky. It's mixed with rain and not sticking on the ground yet, but Interstate 15 is closed thru the mountian passes. Dennis:eek:
  21. YEA!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Hope everyone has a great '09. Dennis:)
  22. All I get is the Red X. But I heard about your snow on the TV News. Dennis:D
  23. I still use a percolator in our trailer. Nothing beats the smell and sound of Coffee being perked in the morning. Dennis:D
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