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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. The only problem with that photo is that Marylin was dead when that 66 Pontiac was made, August 5, 1962. Dennis:rolleyes:
  2. In this area they have removed all of the Route 66 Signs and replaced them with the Route 66 logo painted on the highway. (See photo earlier in this thread) Dennis
  3. This is like old home week, first Mike and now you. How have you been? Welcome back. Dennis:cool:
  4. Normspeed, Here is a photo of your friends car from hotrodhotline.com Dennis:cool: http://www.hotrodhotline.com/feature/2009show/09gnrsdrivein/
  5. The 2 car clubs here cruise Route 66 on Saturday nights. We have our meeting then cruise from one end of town to the other, then back to the starting point. Route 66 is Main St here in Barstow. Dennis:cool: Here we are traveling Route 66 between Victorville & Barstow. That is a 69 Cougar in front of me & I had a 70 Boss Mustang behind me.
  6. Hi Mike, long time no see, hope everythings good with you. Dennis:cool:
  7. The owner of the Dodge in the top photo got tired of people asking him what type of vehicle it was, so he put the Dodge Ram on it. He said that the question of what type of vehicle has droped. He is the local NSRA Rep and spends most of his time at car shows doing car inspections for NSRA. Dennis:D
  8. Here is a photo I took the same day on Route 66 heading east from Victorville. We were in the 56 Chevy and that is a 69 Cougar in front of us. Here are some more photos from that day. http://www.hotrodhotline.com/feature/2008show/08highdesertdennis/ Dennis:cool:
  9. So Normspeed, Did you buy this truck? Dennis:cool:
  10. Thank You. Dennis:cool:
  11. What the stoty on it? Dose it run? You got a snow plow, tow truck and transportation all in one vehicle. More photos please. Dennis:cool:
  12. PLEASE & THANK YOU. Dennis:(
  13. I like the way they look. Dennis
  14. Can you show us the article? We have people here who aren't members of the POC. Congrats to Young Ed. Dennis:cool:
  15. I see a photo of a Dodge parked next to what looks like a garage. Dennis:cool:
  16. Welcome Moose, Didn't you post on here a few years ago? Dennis:cool:
  17. That is a neet looking truck. I have always liked the Hudson Trucks. Dennis:cool:
  18. Don, Did you notice that his car is parked in front of the house? Maybe he wants to keep it's location seceret. Dennis:cool:
  19. Mine opens about the same as yours as you can see in this photo. Dennis:D
  20. We have the Cal-Nev pipe line pump station here and I have watched gas trucks from different companys lined up to fill up there tankers. They only thing they did was add 5 gallons of something into each tanker before filling. Dennis:eek:
  21. I have J.C. Taylor Insurance on my cars. I do not have to report mileage. When that EZ-UP landed on my roof a few years ago, I called them on a Thursday, they called the owner of the EZ-UP that same day and I had the insurance check on the next Friday. Dennis:D http://www.jctaylor.com/
  22. I like this Hemi powered 1951 Plymouth Savoy Woodie Wagon better. Dennis:D
  23. Here is a shot of a 1949 from woodiesusa.com Dennis:cool: The one Reg posted
  24. Howard, I don't know if you seen it but I posted the photos of your ride that were in the Goodguys magazine on here. Dennis:cool: http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=13138&highlight=howard+tarnoff%27s
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