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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. Very nice looking truck, you did a great job making the wrecker part looking to proportion. Todd B
  2. I don't remember, My truck is stored 20 from home, I will look next time and try to find a part number in my receipt pile. I thought it was a hole new everything that just bolted in.
  3. I pulled many trailers with my first b1b, you won't even know 2500# is behind you. However, if your wife is game for a hemi I would tell her there is no way that little 6 will pull our camper. Todd B
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. Animals will always love you no matter what. Todd B
  5. Many years ago when I was 19 years old. I owned a 1972 ford 3/4 ton and the truck had a hand throttle. My buddy and I went up North to my parents cabin and drank way to much whiskey. On the way to the cabin I was showing my buddy how much snow this 2 wheel drive truck could go through. Well, I got very stuck so he got out and tried to push me backwards. I thought I could help if I pulled the throttle and locked it on, that way I could push too. It did not take much and the truck grabbed the blacktop and took of like a streak in reverse. All we could do was watch it go about 300 yards and run into the opposite ditch up onto a guide wire. Now the truck rear axle is dangling 3' in the air, sparks flying from the power pole and my truck is still running wide open. Not recommended to to use a throttle lock for this use. Todd B
  6. when I did the semi I went to a company that sells lights & everything else for bigger trucks and trailers and he had a bucket & amber colored sealed beam light with a chrome ring. It fit perfect, the place was in Appleton WI but cannot remember the company name. Todd B
  7. I remember the last ones I changed its a really pain in the ... You have to start them at the correct thread. Thread into the frame about 2 threads first then start threading the shackle so when you bottom out the bushing in the frame you are close to the end with the shackle. It took a few tries to get it just right. Good luck, Todd B
  8. I can't tell you the difference but when I rebuilt my semi and camper the tire guy looked at my rims (8.25x20) and some were widow makers and some were fine. We looked at my bone yard trucks and found enough good ones. I sand blasted & painted them. I believe there are safe wheels for these trucks. I just don't know the difference. (they say the first thing to go is your memory) Todd B
  9. I have'nt heard Ken's name lately and I tried to PM him and have had no luck. Anybody hear anything.
  10. Merle, August 18th. I said something to Mark & Young Ed when I met them. I would like to invite anybody who wants to come. We have a great place to have get togethers and many places to camp on our land (21 acres), there is also hotels 7 miles down the road. Most of the pictures of my semi, bone yard of trucks and camper were taken on our land. Looking forward to get some of us together. I will talk to Nueske's and see if he will bring my old camper over so you guys can look it over in person. Todd B Anybody interested, let me know.
  11. Merle, I would say it fits the clever area. We are planning a Luau in August this year. It would be cool if the center of attention would be a whole bunch of restored Pilot - House trucks. I will post details for anyone in the area in a few weeks. Todd B
  12. Just hit me , I know what YOM mines
  13. 1) what is YOM? 2) is this the same in all states?
  14. wow, very solid looking truck. Interestng choice for a toy, I would have taken that one differently. Todd B
  15. Very Clever!!!!!!!!! Todd B
  16. I found this tag on the engine block, not sure what it is.
  17. It is actually loaded with wood, I have some cherry that we use for grilling on th camp fire. I did not want to mix it in with the rest of the firewood so I stacked across the back.
  18. I found another truck, its a 53 JA just like my semi. I got it cheap and after seeing it in real life it has only 34K miles and is very solid. I wanted it for back up parts for my semi. Great find. I also stopped by and visited with Mark & Ed in Minnesota. I really enjoyed seeing Marks project. His truck looks great and is very close to driving it. I parked her next to her sisters in my bone yard. Todd B
  19. I am looking for all 4 fenders on a 49' B1B. Ours looked good until we took the paint and bondo off. Todd B
  20. This took alot of work to put together, Thank You, Todd B
  21. can we talk about building a house, maybe I won't feel so left out and very uneducated. Todd B
  22. is there a source for new front fenders or front grill piece.
  23. what happens if you have gasoline in your oil? do you go boom?
  24. what size rims, for what tonnage truck.
  25. I looked on the map and it looks like I will be going right past you. I would love to stop and see your truck. PM me a phone number and I will call you on friday to verify we are going. This way you can save the shipping and I won't get stressed out trying to wrap the dam thing. Todd B
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