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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. The 3rd picture of the B3J truck is of the drivers side. Notice the pin that I pulled up for the picture. It looks like if you remove the pin you can fold the mirror in. I have no idea if that is original equipment. Todd B
  2. These are pictures of a B3J.
  3. These are pictures of a B1B. Let me know if the are original.
  4. I can probably help, later today I will take some pictures to make sure the ones I have are what you are calling original. Todd B
  5. we have had this discusion several times before. I completely believe that my truck runs extremely well when I burn Shell Premium. I know several of you claim the engine was designed for a lower octane fuel, but I have tried several different fuels and it was clear that Shell premium fuel was a very noticable difference. I noticed it more when I am pulling my trailer. Todd B PS. Thanks for clearing up the difference between vapor lock and vacuum lock. I had no idea there was difference. Thanks again.
  6. I bought mine @ NAPA and mounted them on the frame in front of the fuel tank. When I turn the key I can hear the pump turn until the line is full, then hit the floor starter. I was sick of changing the normal fuel pumps, I had lots of problems with them.
  7. I have to wonder if the gas has changed. I have driven my semi on many hot days and the first time I ever had a vapor lock was a few weeks ago on a very hot Sunday afternoon. What I did was open my gas cap to check if I had fuel and I heard and felt the presure behind the cap. I realized it was a vapor lock and hit the starter and it immeditaly started. I have electric fuel pumps on all my trucks so the heat shield theory don't make sense with me. Very Interesting, Todd B
  8. wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks nice.
  9. What is the beer count up to now?? I would like to know so I can budget for the future.
  10. I will be in need of the rear fenders, what company did you go with???
  11. Thank you, very much
  12. My exhaust maifold is cracked on my semi (251 ci) Does a 236 fit?? Thank you for the input.
  13. I can't say I have ever seen a wide front on a "B". Very cool. My oldest grand daughter is 7 years old and every time she comes for the weekend we "must" water with Johny B (my John Deere and then go to the local icecream shop for icecream with the old semi. I told my wife is something would happen to me that she should have our grand daughter show her how the water pumps start, how to start Johny B & blow the horns, and how to start the semi and blow the air horns. She is a city girl so all the things here are very interesting for her. Proud Grampa, Todd B
  14. I ditto Hanks comment. Todd B
  15. Does any one believe in he radiator stop leak products, I have heard good and bad about it. Will this work to repair the little hole in the honey comb area or do I need to pull the radiator and get it professionally repaired.?
  16. when I drive my semi just 2 miles down the road and shut it off antifreeze will piss out on the very top of the honeycomb section (one hole). If I drive it 15 miles it does not leak. WHY???
  17. This was my dads tractor, I have been using it for pulling my water tank for the past 25 years. When my dad passed away 3 years ago my mom said I can have it. I think of my dad everytime I use it, which has been daily because of no rain. When I was 12 my dad completely restored the tractor. Dad told me to drive it through town to the woods so we could pull trees over. The only thing he forgot to do during the restore was to tighten the wheel on the axle. The tire worked its way over and fell off in front of the library. The tractor fell on the draw bar bracket and did not hurt anything other then my dads pride. Dad went home to get a jack and the local newspaper stopped and snapped some photos, made the front page. He used cheap aerosol can paint and it needs a new paint job. Its on my bucket list but part of me likes it the way it is because of my father. Todd B
  18. The same people who know how many "ILLEGAL" immagrants live in America and choose to give them benifits that I am not "entitled" to.
  19. looks awesome all cleaned up. You should get many thumbs up. Todd B
  20. Rough sawn??? I would think that it would be imposible to keep clean. Run it thru a planer first then paint. Todd B
  21. Looks awesome!!! I am thinking you added a few more beers to your book after that run. It must have been alot easier to drive up your steep driveway then push it up like last time. Keep up the great work. Todd B
  22. I love the color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Forgot the picture.
  24. I got them all shined up and hope to be back on the road by nightfall. It feels like Christmas!!!!!!
  25. Thanks for all of the input, this is what I came up with. I first found new wheels that have the identcal look of my original 20" wheels, except they don't have the locking ring. We mounted one new radial tubeless tire and it fit the center hole and all 6 lugs perfectly. However the outer diameter of the wheel was a 1/4" wider then my original one, that made my simulators sit out on top of the wheel. My simulators were made to cover the wheel, the new wheel was visible and I just did not like the way it looked. I took my tire guy in the office and showed him this thread and asked if he could look a little more for the tire that would fit my original wheels. 2 days later he called and I brought an old tire and wheel to him and he mounted the new radial tire on my old wheel. I took it home and installed it back on my truck and everything fit perfectly. Yesterday he came and picked up they other 5 and he called today to tell me they are ready. I am going to get them tomorrow night and will install. I am happy with new safe tires. The old ones had great tread but had several weatherchecks on the side walls. My grandaughter loves to ride in the semi so I felt it was time to make it safe. Thanks for everyones input, if it wasn't for this site I would have settled with the new wheels, (an extra $1,500 just for the wheels) Thanks again, Todd B
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