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Todd B

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Everything posted by Todd B

  1. Not original, but this what we did on the current project. I don't have them on yet. I sandblasted the chrome off, spray painted the face, sanded very lightly the face, had the painter tape off face and spray brown paint and then sprayed clear coat over everything. I did find out that all knobs are not brass under the chrome. I had to steel knobs from other trucks because some where a red looking material under the chrome. Todd
  2. Does anyone have a picture of "factory turn signals"?
  3. I have a 236 truck pan, pick up & cross over tube that came out of 1.5 ton truck. It is dent free. Todd B
  4. Today I had some fun and tore apart the 236 engine that I tried to sell. I had no luck and thought I would tear off the starter, oil filter, vavle covers and the head for parts. I proceeded to keep the oil pan and I thought it would be fun to tear apart the motor further so I now have a crankshaft that I am thinking might be a table leg or some piece of art. I noticed on the "I believe" they are called connecting rods. There are different numbers. 2- DF317 3- DF319 1- DF320 Why are different? Just curious. I can turn bolts but I have never seen an engine that deep. I enjoyed pulling it apart and am going to think of something to make out of the parts. Todd B
  5. Sorry Merle, If I had an extra I would give it to you for all your knowledge you give to this site. One is in the camper, one in the semi, one goes back in my b1b and I am keeping one for another b1b I want to redo next for my daughter. I will keep looking for another. Todd B
  6. I have several, PM your email address and I will send pictures. Todd B
  7. I understand the right hand visor seems to be hard to find. I wonder if it is a regional thing because 4 of my 8 trucks have them. Todd B
  8. when my dad was alive we had several talks about this. He wanted me to be completely original and that I "Would ruin the value" of the truck by putting chrome wheels or not a stock color. I strongly beleive you have to do what you want, and in most cases keep the wife happy too. I enjoy the original look and the amount of work and money it takes to do that. However, if I had a choice I would rather have a fast truck that stands out of the crowd. To answer Jim's question, what guides me? When you spend 4 hours cleaning and go out for dinner and the people look and say, wow that is nice. Its all worth it to me. Todd B
  9. I had to also cut out for the steering brace and also the center vent support. Todd B
  10. What do you mean?? My JA has 8.25x20. Do I have a misfit?? Todd B
  11. I just noticed on Dolly's there is no cut out for the heater and fresh air. My Quiet ride panel came with the cut out in already. It kind of made me decide to put a heater in this truck just to hide the cut outs. Is there options on ordering?? Todd B
  12. That went very well!! My electrician buddy did not show up but I installed the firewall piece. The only thing I had to do was put a cover on the starter hole and the cut out for an e-brake and cut out for the brake & gas pedals and steering column. I wonder if they could make one without the E-brake hole. I have 8 pilot house trucks and only one has an E-brake through the firewall . That was exciting, Its the first time in a long time I did not get dirty working on my truck. Todd B
  13. I never put the one in I ordered from Quiete ride for my semi, I had the truck completely done with all the wires through the firewall, I have the cardboard one in there from roberts that is ten years old. I planned on changing it in the spring but decided to donate it to my 49 b1b project. Today I am going to put it in and start the wiring process. I have other obstacles to cut around because my brake & throttle are mounted to the firewall. I will check in tonight with an update. Todd B I hope mine turns out half as nice as Dolly's, that looks great!
  14. I can't seem to find the thread. I was talking about someone who video taped a grey truck and several people made comments of everything he said and did wrong. It was a grey truck, I believe he was from NJ. Todd B
  15. Interesting, I learned something today. The reason I thought it was for the wipers is because when I had the original 218 in my 49 it had vacuum wipers. And like you said when you climbed a hill or under power the wipers would stop. So my dad took a coffee can and made a supply tank and mounted it right there where the red can was sitting on that picture. The can helped with the wipers but the truck still lacked the ability to go fasrer then the cops. That is when I (against my fathers wishes) changed the engine to 327 and the wiper motor to electric. Thanks for the very interesting history lesson. Todd
  16. You have big balls posting a video after the way this group ripped on the last guy who worked so hard to make a video of his truck. I appreciate the amount of work you are taking to share this with others. I am on my fourth pilot house restoration and I keep saying this time I will take more pictures. I am getting better but I am impressed with guys like you who take the time to do it right. Keep the pictures & videos coming. Looks great. Todd B
  17. My guess and strictly a guess is a supply tank for the vacuum wipers. Todd B
  18. I have the truck down to the chassis, I have the front axle, engine is a 236.6 , 4 speed transmission with 2 speed components and steering box left. I drove it to my bone yard in 2002 and it was a daily runner just before that until the original owner passed away. I am not sure what to do with the remaining parts. I pulled it in for the sheetmetal and I am keeping the cab for my next project. Is anyone interested in the remaining parts? Todd B
  19. I missed the LP thing.
  20. Pump the gas 3 times, pull the choke and hit the starter. works everytime on my dodges. Todd B
  21. I am bringing in a 50 truck for some parts I need on the b1b. I will have several parts for sale. This truck is very solid and that is one reason I want to pull it out of my boneyard and store items inside. The running boards are in perfect condition and I have 3 different sets of them for the bigger trucks. I robbed the parking light assembly and could not beleive how they looked almost new, the lenses and all. PM me if any interest, Todd B
  22. Looks very nice, I wish I was that close. Todd B
  23. that is how I got mine, it is a little different design then the one Mark posted. Mine fits perfectly and you use a 1/4" ratchet to remove them.
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