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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. Norm..call me 1-809-555-4122 and I will explain this to you..be prepared this may take a bit of phone time to get this all across....
  2. wtih no disrespect to our lawyer buddy Louman...but...chances are he will get let go on a technicality..as in, was the officer's gun safety checked on a timely schedule and signed off and if not documented then it is neglience on the Police Dept. and they are accountable for accidential malicious wounding while a professional was executing the skills of his trade (drug trafficiing)
  3. you gotta work on posting your links..last few have not worked...
  4. she said she has never considered dating older married men that she is here to just chat...now just what good is that?????????
  5. I always like that game...
  6. look at one of the high bidders..has done over 61% of his e-bay history with this seller..some of the others are way up there in percentage also...winner under 10 actions...
  7. You can do as he suggests, just slip the boot on the plug end, remove the elbows by unrolling the crimp, route through the metal tube..cut to correct length per cylinder plus a bit to strip off and fold under the metal elbow you will reattach....
  8. I see your 53 and my 54 share the same affliction..surface rust...I washed the deck lid one eveing with acid..looked like new paint at 5 foot...amazing what a bit phosphoric and scuffy pad will do...it is in prep for paint..got the roof all prepped..the hood and front fender tops will be most time comsuming..car is solid though..no holes..know wehre one of these 53's with an OD is sitting right now..guy wans too much for it..1200.00...supposed to be a runner but I did not ask to hear it run as I was more or less just along with another person looking at another car when we saw this one...
  9. I have to agree with Bob, stripe maybe..I for one really do like matching wheel color...or at minimum a slighly contrast color but never anything harsh...the addition of pin striping would truly accent those rims and make the whole thing just POP...nothing to lose..don't like it then change color...it would be just too easy to use 3M pin stripping to check it out...
  10. carry a sign with you ....... Will work for old Chrysler parts.......
  11. For once I have to agree with you...I will take a stab and say that these were probably mounted at the wheel opening..could have been a choice between them and curb feelers.
  12. No offense to those that have red wheels, but those cream puffs look good on that car...lots less stark..the wheel should compliment the car..not be the only thing the eye focuses on..MHO
  13. Thank you James..the wife does indulge my shop and hobbies..she knows where I am..and she also knows that these are investments that will pays us back in the long run...as I do not nor can anyone really do this stuff and claim his labor...it is a losing proposition that route...but it beats sitting around on the couch watching TV..I do not have surround sound, I do not have wide screen TV ..I do not have Hi-Def...I do not have premimum channels..but I do have over 400 movies so finding something to watch is never a prob...I have some here I have never seen yet... I guess it all boils down to whatever one is happy doing..my bud has the best of everything TV and is happy as a clam..he cannot see how ANYONE would want to buy an old car much less WORK on it...we do swap movies back and forth though...see twice for half the price...and DVD's at 3.00 a pop is cheaper than rental...buy them at the pawn shop..view them for less than the rental..keep them forever..never worry about a late fee... Charlie..let me know which route you go...I am busy tring to get a car on the road for the kid..my parts came in tonight so I go the freeze plugs in and the manifold and header back on...got to pick up a bit of 1/2 heater hose next..do the brakes and the clutch master/slave..this OD is supposed to engage electrically with full throttle applied..this will be a trip...put the hard top on for winter...
  14. looks more like scags on a surfboard
  15. Joe..it is a chunk of coin but from all the reports from satisfied customers, the George Asche OD is the only way to go...should last a lifetime with proper service and care over the years...you do not need the high dollar pre war tall second gear..stay stock ratio and all should be within reason with cost.
  16. I'm guilty of the ":" Greg answered that pretty well..and I would also caution against going below 3.23 with stock gearing..actually the 3.55 should you go with stock OD would give a net drive of 2.48 gear ratio when you are figuring rpm per axle rotation is a multiplier of the gear ratio times the final gear ratio..where first gear of 2.90 times the stock 3.9 rear gear would be 11.31 first gear that is why first gear can snatch a 3000 lb car from stop to a quick roll.. third gear is normally 1 to 1 ratio and OD is an underdrive usually in the .68 to .72 range...yeild is about 30% reduction in RPM
  17. Charlie..did you finally arrive at the direction you intend to go on your 'burb...? I ordered all new glass for my 'burb couple weeks ago...not in yet..will be regular glass for the windshield but the rest is oven tempered like todays sideglass..all will be green tinted..as the car willl be green thought that may be a nice touch..
  18. you ought to just send that radio to me..get it out of your hair and therefore the issue of fit would be gone... Wish I had the answer..nice looking radio...would look good in my BzCp
  19. Dwell can be determined with the meter attached, dist. cap off and points just snug so you can vary the gap while spinning the starter...the dwell will accurately be displayed on the meter. However I am sure some of you remember engines starting back in the hey day of the hi-po engine..tune up a hi-po 383 while engine is hot and that sucker will start and run while setting the dwell..cap or no cap..little diesel effect there...
  20. Joe..couple things hre you want to keep in mind...the overall width flange to flange is the mounting surface on the axle faces...the measurement in backing plate to backing plate and the distance between the spring perch centers.. Know ahead what ratio you are looking for and know how to identify the axle in question in this manner...late models have tags on the axle cover bolt and also is on the engine compartment tag of trucks and vans..else it is on the build sheet but decoding is a must. The track of your car is 56 inches..this is also important. (center of tread one tire to center of tread opposite tire) My Suburban has a 8 1/4 Dakota, I have a 9 1/4 under the Clup Coupe and 8 3/4 under the 41 Bz Cp The Suburban is the only one that will be close to stock and the Dakota axle and wheels fit like a glove...I got the 2:94 ratio and will be using the 4 speed auto here..no biggy as I also have the V6 pushing it. You may opt for the 3:23 or 3:55..think a lot of the 4WD had 3:79 ratios...the early Dakota will also yield matching bolt pattern. The 5th Ave and Diplomats use very high ratio rear gears, double isolated springs. Spongy setup..use your original springs and spring mounts and weld to newly selected axle..when measureing for placement of the mounts...meausure correctly..some pumpkins are offset...unequal axle lengths. centering to the backing plates will work every time... Changing axles also brings up other probs...in using the Dakota I got smaller brakes..not what I wanted so I changed the backing plates from the 5th Ave..who's rear gear is 7 1/4 2:32 ratio but with the larger 2 1/4 10 inch brakes, they will bolt straight to the 8 1/4 Dakota gear.....take the entire backing plate and brake assy from one to the other.
  21. I have been collecting these movies in an "as I find them basis"... Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry Vanishing Point Bullit Italian Job (original) Cobra American Graffiti... Mad Maxx Road Warrior Blues Brothers Blues Bro. 2000 Christine plus a few more goodies...Walter Matheau in "Charlie Varrick" where Joe Don Baker drives a big Chrysler with top end unlimited..
  22. WW and the Dixie Dance Kings...Burt was at his best in that one..rob the stores and give cash to the little guy...always got a big head start on the law...
  23. What happened to Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry? Must be old or something as I have a goodly portion of that list in my collection. One other movie with some great car scenes is "Fear is the Key"..Barry Newman again...have not been able to get that in a format for our region...
  24. Your 49 Plymouth is the only year Plymouth had a narrow rear end..there is about a 2 7/16 to 2 15/16 more marrow
  25. I know that Norm..its the same thing on a minature scale..just making a funny where a model cars needs a parts car...again..mirror image of the real thing.. I have models of the cars I own when I can find them and if affordable..however I do not spend any big bucks in this area...you eventually run out of room to put this stuff...I am out of room now with old cars...I put myself over the top in storage with the purchase of the Studebaker...I will play musical cars this weekend and move a smaller Triumph GT6 to another spot and allow the Stude to slid in home there...I moved the Spitfire that was in that smaller bay last Wednesday...one of the 6 cars I bought in a package..never messed with it till that night..was purring in about an hour...spent a bit of time on the engine electrical..PO had it pretty well dinked...only thing left is to put a dropping resistor back on the ignition and all should be well..got all the hydraulic kits (7) coming in and rear shoes and front pads, freeze plugs, gaskets...cheap little cars to work on..130.00 for all that...never driven one of these with an OD but this has one...might be fun..got new tires I removed from a Honda car given to me years ago..sold the car, kept the tires for the Triumphs..
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