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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. Boy do I feel your pain on the steps in the way..I have steps and hedges that are close to the house and about 10 feet thick..just way too big a hedge..step ladder will barely go between the porch and the hedge but with 16 inch overhang it is of little use..wish I had a quick answer for you..not fun..I built some scaffolding years ago for a temp job and I have no clue as to how I did it..
  2. I was fortunate to have a friend with about 30 sections of scaffolding..he sure bailed me out when I built the garage with the high bay..I am sure that for the cost of the lumber you may be able to rent this stuff plus the walkboards that clip on the rails for safety..check with your local rental units..or in they don't rent...check the pawn shop for some..sometimes you can buy from them..sell it back and stillbe about a rental payment..but gives you a bit more time to use the stuff...
  3. trivial
  4. trivial
  5. The one that matches the adapter for the SBC...
  6. Brad..when you place your hand over the carb the restriction actually are now drawing fuel through both the idle and the choke passage..
  7. trivial
  8. trivial
  9. Subject:
  10. trivial
  11. trivial
  12. outdated data nla
  13. here it is..
  14. Joe..that was cut with a thing cutting wheel mounted on a 31A Rockwell right angle air grinder...they are the cats meow for metal working..14,000 RPM it was pictured in one of the photos of Don's e-brake install last Saturday.
  15. trivial
  16. No longer needed
  17. something eating my cookies...
  18. Yes they are shaved door latches and trunk latch.. left button...one click left door..click twice within 5 seconds and right door pops..trunk is funtion button number two and both together is the electric door unlock. Modified miniture shock absorbers are now my door poppers as the one's in the kit just would not quite do what I wanted. Bear claw latches are smoother and less effort to operate externally for you and internally resistance for themselves. The ones from the Dynasty just fell in place..I did not picture the post earlier so here it is, it sits on a polished aluminum plate and is adjustable as stock vehicle though the plate is fixed.
  19. Thanks..I was nervous to start but it just fell in place..I needed these due to the way the original latches worked and trying to mount opening solenoids on them is a logistical nightmare and requires super strong solenoids..these are a breeze and the solenoids are spring coupled to the latch so never a question of over torque on the latch..being rear latches I can lock out the inside handle and park my car with the window down and the inside lever is non-op this way..unlocks and opens with the remote entry transmitter. All four functions are committed on my car.
  20. Thought I would try my hand at this sequence of installing Dynasty latches int he 41 Dodge
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