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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. I think I dated her once...
  2. My Suburban on the rear has two extra leaves in the springs...
  3. Sad part is either way whatever company..the parts that they engineeered if failure occurs was due to improper installation..that is the catch 22 we all are faced with when altering the vehicle.. If you are not doing the work yourself and having this farmed out to a speciality shop..be sure to check with them as they have supplier they trust and are used to working with..if there is a rod shop in the area you live..visit them and as their opinion..can save you plenty of dollars and headaches in the long run...
  4. With all due respect that information is usally provided by the company marketing the the linkage and brackets needed to install this set up. Otherwise I think Summit Racing sells a chassis book that should also have this information..Search on the internet may yield this also. To turn to a page and find a HOW-TO on P15/D24..don't really think yuou going to get that lucky..there are a number of companies selling these components..I know my firend had a book of some kind with drawings and info for alignment..
  5. sounds like you got a good deal on the car..just remember you can do this work in stages so it won't kill your budget right off the bat... like your plan..luck to you...
  6. dmackustom...lowering a car is a personal thing I guess..the ones I have seen slammed lose all handling and driveabilty aspects and truly a discomfort to drive..however a car lowered at all four corners and yet retains it drivelability gives the car greater value both to use and resale...the others saying "build it right" is taking all consideration into the project, the driveabilty, future re-sale of the car...safety and maintainability and alignment is also in the equation..the spindles are a large chunk of change but well worth it for smooth low ride and the abiltiy to drive at speed on/through road imperfections without bump steer therefore keeping the car safer to operate, alignment a snap and tire wear at minimum..the eventual saving in maintenace will be enough to make this an affordable cost. So many cars out there on auction sites that have had custom work started and abandoned due to the realization this is just not a cut and weld job done in minutes..a lot of these are very botched jobs also..The "do it right" approach will make this car more desireable even if not finished...protecting your investment to a greater degree. There is always more than one way to skin a cat..some leave you a dressed animal and the other is known as a butchered animal.
  7. If you make it from shakey land to here..you deserve a cup of good coffee...in our small town we have county water but wait, it is from our own 165 foot well and serves just us..good part is that it makes the best coffee going and was rated number three best tasting water in the NATION...now I am sure there are still alot of people with private wells with excellent water..just that this is still a county utiltiy and taste this good is saying something.
  8. There are two appraoches to front end upgrade in the Fatman book..one IS the frame cut with their own sub frame allowing the use of any stage of their Mustang II suspesnsion..this kit is very very nice and has road manners and rideability that can be set up any way the owner desires and to any level of show or utility. The second approach by Fatman utilizes the stock front suspension with slight mods, lowering spindles, relocated shocks, disc brakes and R&P steering, you choice of power assist or standard steering. Both kits are well engineeered and offer the customer the chance to upgrade and targets the low dollar approach as Chrylser engineer suspension was excellent design or allow you to go extreme with chrome suspension pieces, coil overs, bags whatever trips your trigger. The cutting of coils is a destructive course that alters the geometry of the steering, causes problems and you must buy new coils should you screw up or just flat not like it. Slamming a car to the ground by cutting the coils gives the driver the look he wants but driveability suffers greatly. Safety issues such as they are..your braking and suspension are true concerns no matter stock or modified.
  9. If you are the type that don't carry maps, never ask directions and find that you are in middle Gerogia..drop in..we kick a few tires and down a pot of coffee
  10. Amen..but when you got deep pockets..skys the limit...
  11. The L8 was a duece..being sam location and linkage set up..use one of them...
  12. you may have a plus with the cooler temps this time of year..if it starts to creep up in temp..turn on your heater..this will do a job helping to maintian temp..if a bit unfoncoratble you have the vent to open to help adjust inside temp..luck to you..I would carry at least 2 gal of 50/50 and a bit of oil. Is your water pump is one with a grease fitting and has it been serviced..a spare fan belt is always a good idea.. drive carefully..
  13. Man have I climbed a lot of scaffold while working in the Navy shipyard...they build that stuff in a dry dock to the top of the mast...talk about a work of art...twist lock pipe for extensions and double jaw clamps that are adjustable 360..remarkable stuff.
  14. Boy do I feel your pain on the steps in the way..I have steps and hedges that are close to the house and about 10 feet thick..just way too big a hedge..step ladder will barely go between the porch and the hedge but with 16 inch overhang it is of little use..wish I had a quick answer for you..not fun..I built some scaffolding years ago for a temp job and I have no clue as to how I did it..
  15. I was fortunate to have a friend with about 30 sections of scaffolding..he sure bailed me out when I built the garage with the high bay..I am sure that for the cost of the lumber you may be able to rent this stuff plus the walkboards that clip on the rails for safety..check with your local rental units..or in they don't rent...check the pawn shop for some..sometimes you can buy from them..sell it back and stillbe about a rental payment..but gives you a bit more time to use the stuff...
  16. trivial
  17. trivial
  18. The one that matches the adapter for the SBC...
  19. Brad..when you place your hand over the carb the restriction actually are now drawing fuel through both the idle and the choke passage..
  20. trivial
  21. trivial
  22. Subject:
  23. trivial
  24. trivial
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