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greg g

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Everything posted by greg g

  1. This pic pretty much explains "Lake Effect" that we get hear abouts and some other places. First significant snow of the winter. Thanks to arctic air and warm lakes.
  2. no but Zimmerman's Farm, in DeSoto, Ks. makes award winning BBQ,
  3. here is what is listed in the suppliers page of the site,254-893-2610 (TX) looks like you transposed the last two digits.
  4. Sure it's not down on the top and out at the bottom??? That's how I remember on teh P15. But each end is bolted.
  5. still 2.49 here in the state of Taxes. Central NY a great place for three days in May.
  6. Usually gas coming out of the carb is caused by two things, an improperly set float level, causing the needle not to seat and shut off the flow of fuel, or some debris in the needle/seat area preventing it from closing. Some of the sealing goop may have broken loos and lodged in there.
  7. Gotcha, forwarded to interested party. G
  8. here is a link to a fellow who makes them up out of tubbing. These are early pics, andhis quality of construction has improved from these. The makers name is moose, and he can be reached either through the linked page or on the HAMB forum. There are also a couple of guys one of whom is a participant on this forum who makes dual exhausts and intakes out of stock manifolds. Look for Charlie Ackers in the members list or google rusty hope for his home page. Here is the lint to MOOSES stuff; http://homepage.mac.com/rmccombs/StumblinIdles/PhotoAlbum49.html and a pic of real early stuff. Usto be a fellow on here who had a set from moose, and was pleased with his product and work.
  9. The red I used was a bit darker, and I left out some of the detail lines. (another personal preference) Also used the same red on the "Deluxe" fender plates, and in the "Plymouth" script on the rear stop lamp bezel. Since the pic was taken , the mayflower has suffered a couple broadsides from bugs and stones, leaving some character marks.
  10. Norm, check you personal messages for some model RR stuff. G
  11. Some background on the Banana. It is a covert effort at an early warning system for illegal aliens entering Canada through the US. The will start monitoring them as they enter across the Texas border and attempt to track them northward using a variety of fruit shaped lighter than air sensor platforms. After all who is going to think the fruit of the loom guys are actually big brother (or whatever Canadian Beureaucrats are called).
  12. camber 0 to 3/4 degree caster -1 to +1 ( 0 preferred) toe in 0 to 1/16 in (0 preferred) King pin angle 4 3/4 to 6 degrees
  13. They are longer than the standard tube type fuse. A .22 calibre long rifle brass could be substituted....recommend it be discharged first.......or you could wrap the old one with some chewin' gum tinfoil.
  14. Man you're Johnny on the Spot. I was just gonna say that the windshield frame and vent windows looked GM.
  15. Hey Pete, Ask him how much more he will throw in for my 99 Cherokee, 97000 Miles I 6, with throttle body spacer and 62mm Throttle body. Just went on 5000 mile road and off road trip no problems. Cooper Adventurer 235 70R 15 MUD and Snows AUTO PS 3.55 diffy with Selectrac part time 4WD, Hell for 15K, I'll deliver it to his private shipping company.......
  16. some folks report that signs painters stuff works very well, thin as needed with mineral spiits
  17. There is a product called OSHPHAL or something close to it that 3M makes, it is available in a sprayable liquid from body shop supply houses. It is a combination of Phosphoric acid and a zinc phosfate suspension. This will etch the surface, and leave a zinc deposit on the surface which will prevent more surface rust from forming for about 3 to 4 months. Then when its time to primer, a quick scuffing of the surface will prep it for paint. It is more expensive than just phosphoric acid but if you can't get from etch to primer right away, it is worth the added expense.
  18. Not really Kidding!!! Where do you want the suburban delivered??? Or is it Trade in Kind???? I am seriously considering bidding my "keep me off the streets job" good bye and pushing the button on collecting my retirement annuity, as the annunity would essentially multiply my current income by 1.5 times. Just waiting for them to post my profit sharing deposit for last year, then tell them it's time to blow their little popsicle stand. So if the seller will hold it till the end of Feb or the Beginning of March, or you can work a deal with Merle for temp storage, and your not in a hurry to have it in your hot little car thievin hands, we may be able to work something out. (excuse the run on sentence) Not looking forward to crossing the Continental Divide in the dead of winter, but the southern route might prevail. Would you consider funding a couple nights in Lost Wages???????
  19. Congrats!!! Looks like a good buy, and just what you need.......Buy me a plane ticket to chicago, or other nearby airport. I'll drive it out, you fly me back.
  20. imperial quarts???? minesays 5 plus1/2 when the filter is changed.
  21. Probably why it looks familiar, but I don't have it in any of my pic folders any more.
  22. Reg did you take that pic or is it a previously posted shot. That tape measure looks suspiciously familiar as does the wheel.........
  23. Just noticed this in a new Street rod mag. From Bitchin Products in Arizona for 260.00 Universal floor and toe boards. Says fits early mopars most likely with some trimming and adjusting, but looks like it might be a good starting point that would save some cutting, banging, and cussing. www.bitchinproducts.com. for their homepage and put in floor board kits universal on the search panel http://www.parts123.com/PartFrame.asp?ZTM=cadegdjb&GHOME=www.bitchinproductsinc.com&TITLE=Bitchin_Products_Inc www.parts123.com/parts123/yb.dll?Parta~ShowThumb~Z5Z5Z50000108bBAAIA~Z5Z5Z5305~Z5Z5Z5360~Z5Z5Z50000108b~Z5Z5Z5x~Z5Z5Z5BAAIA
  24. I have been corresponding with Charlie Ackers (Olddaddy) on an off topic mater concerning some vehicle and DMV laws and procedures in Florida on behalf of my daughter who lives there. He was kind enough to scout up the info, package it up, and mail it up to me. He now refuses to accept reimbursment for some pretty pricey postage, value of his time, and inconvenience. So in place of sending him a check for money out of his pocket, I will send him a forum wide "THANK YOU" for his assistance. Just another example of the spirit of help and community fostered by the denizines of this fine forum. And once again, Thanks Charlie!!!! Greg G
  25. The link goes to an RV financing site, not carburetors.
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