Not really Kidding!!! Where do you want the suburban delivered??? Or is it Trade in Kind???? I am seriously considering bidding my "keep me off the streets job" good bye and pushing the button on collecting my retirement annuity, as the annunity would essentially multiply my current income by 1.5 times. Just waiting for them to post my profit sharing deposit for last year, then tell them it's time to blow their little popsicle stand. So if the seller will hold it till the end of Feb or the Beginning of March, or you can work a deal with Merle for temp storage, and your not in a hurry to have it in your hot little car thievin hands, we may be able to work something out. (excuse the run on sentence) Not looking forward to crossing the Continental Divide in the dead of winter, but the southern route might prevail. Would you consider funding a couple nights in Lost Wages???????