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Jerry Roberts

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Everything posted by Jerry Roberts

  1. Do you have the usual heat shield on your fuel pump ? When you touch the fuel lines are they hot ? Some guys have re-routed their lines away from the exhaust manifold ... as much as they can anyway . Others have wrapped their lines with insulation or covered the lines with rubber tubes .
  2. As Don said , the drum would keep the brake cylinder from over extending . And I am not trying to bother you Martin , but how could you see the wheel cylinder parts moving when you were inside the car pushing the brake pedal ? One way to see if your wheel cylinder is working is to jack up the wheel and have someone try to turn the wheel while you apply the brake .
  3. Check out " Zoom Spout Oiler " it has a long thin plastic straw and a squeeze bottle . It works good for lubricating things that are uphill . A telescoping spout .
  4. Yes , J B will " let go " . It is good stuff , but it can be removed .
  5. See if the needle is somehow stuck . see if you can nudge it back to the middle . Gently .
  6. Lots of seals have a part number stamped on them . If you have a part number you could try ebay . If there is a shop in your area that specializes in bearings they might be able to help with the seal too .
  7. When you do this be sure to run a ground wire to sender flange . Also your sender probably will go in the tank only in one position as the holes are not symetrical.
  8. From my experience , if it has a larger chamber , that chamber would be used for the front disks .
  9. Some of the speedometers and gauges have a piece of semi-clear plastic wound around the opening for the bulb . The plastic does turn more milky over time and you might be able to just remove the plastic with tweezers . Others have found brighter bulbs .
  10. The underside part often comes up on ebay , for more photos if nothing else . Dodge Central of Michigan shows one ; Spare Tire Carrier part number B-606 with bolts at $255 . For 15 " , 16" , and 20 " wheels , for the guy who doesn't want to make his own .
  11. Isn't that " float pin " just a short steel rod ? If so , perhaps a hobby shop of a hardware store would have a rod that you can cut to fit .
  12. " So I do have to have a 2 wire sending unit? The one wire unit on my car now won't work, right? " Why don't you try using your one wire sender connected to ether terminal number one or two . Lift the float with your hand and see what happens . You will probably also have to ground the sender . The reason that I say this is because there is an aftermarket sender for the trucks that hooks up to only one of those two terminals marked 1 & 2 . .
  13. Some of the guys have been running their 6 volt starters on 12 volts . I would be checking out the mechanics of the starter . Worn parts ? sticking parts ? Weak parts ?
  14. The last one that I put in that didn't line up , I was able to see what was going on by shining one of those very small flashlights into the area . When I could see what wasn't aligning , I just adjusted the alignment and it went right in .
  15. I would not put any anti freeze in it yet as you might have to clean it up off of the floor . And i would just use plain water for the start up and check for leaks . After you find no leaks , then put in the good stuff . Also you are correct to not let the engine idle for a good period of time , that is what the experts have told me . You have pre lubed with pressure so I don't think that you need to remove the cover of your oil pump .
  16. There should be two heavy ' pins ' holding the bell housing to the block . Drive the pins to the rear and you will get more clearance to slide the bell housing to the rear .
  17. It looks like the pivot cover should have a gasket at the bottom too .
  18. The part in your circle is a set screw , it is loosened about 1 turn in the photo .
  19. I am trying to identify a windshield wiper pivot cover 883087 . It is marked DG , probably for Dodge and it has the CPCD mark . Thanks in advance .
  20. It will work just fine , I have a 2.94 with 218 / 3 speed . If West Texas is hilly country , you might not like it though .
  21. If it needs to be straight , put it in a vise and straighten it out . If it bends again , replace it .
  22. If it is the bolt part of your clamp that has hit your oil pan ... can the clamp be turned downward for clearance ? If you have a shop manual for your car , it should show the ' stop ' bolts that Andy is referring to .
  23. There is an clutch inspection cover underneath the bell housing , just a few bolts to remove . Oil on the clutch disk ?
  24. Rich , Have you used this method with success ? I would guess that the O ring would tear or slip out . I have only seen a copper washer used in this location .
  25. Your lid might be distorted downward in the center from years of over tightening , causing the center bolt to be bottoming out before the lid gets tight enough . The solution is to hammer the lid center back out to where it should be .
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