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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. Then you have the correct engine in the car if the first two characters on the engine boss are S6. The 39 Desoto is an S6 model the S is used to designate Desoto. If the bottom of the battery tray is not complete you can weld a new bottom to the battery box. The 37-39 Mopar car gas tanks will fit your car but these are very hard to find. You might have to take yours down also drain the gas first via the bolt in the bottom of the tank. Flush it with water and then let it dry and find a guy that will either cut out the bad sections and then weld in new sheet metal. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  2. When the stabil mixes with the current gas in the tank it then creates a vapor that then rise up to coat all of the exposed metal parts that currently do not have any gas surrounding the ex[poserd metal. It then also mixes with the current fuel and help prevent corrosion inthe current fuel lines and other fuel components. I am getting this inform ation directly from their webpage and also reading the packaging. I am not advocating that this is the be all end all for our problems but might help when storing our cars for long periods of time. It will last upto 12 months when the car is parked. Just trying to pass on information to help others when storing their cars. Here is a link to the Stabuil 360 web site: http://www.sta-bil360.com/how-it-works Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. A custom made tank would run, and I am estimating a good 500-1000 dollar. To help prevent runst inthe tank you might want to reserach the new Stabil prduct called Stabil 360. When poured into the gas tnak is creates a vapor that will coat the upper and all the metal parts of the tank to help prevent rusting with the new ethinol gas. A bottle runs about 20 dollars. Go to the Stabil web page to read more about. I plan to use some this winter when my 39 desoto is dormant for the winter. The reason why most gas tank repairs guys do not like to torch the top of the tank is because of possible explosion becasue of the potential of the fumes even after the tank has been cleaned. I have heard that some repir guys fill the gas with water and then cur the top and then patch the ariea that is bad and weld the top bak into place. As suggested I would try to get the old coating removed and then use the Stabil 360 product and also a coupel of filters. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  4. Today I was doing some house cleaning in my basement of my car catalogs and other items and came across an Instruction Book for the New Dodge Six Code D2 this is basically the owners manual for the car owner This book was printed in sept 1935 The book is complete and is almost perfect there is one spot on the outside cover but the entire book is perfect on the inside. I am looking to sell the book to a 1936 Dodge owner at a reasonable price plus shipping. I can send some pictures if you would like to see the book. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157 home 610-630-9188 Philadelphia pa area
  5. Check the anchor bolts for the eccentric since these have to be loosened when doing the major adjustment. I had one of mine come loose and after we tightened the castle nut it stopped. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  6. This winter I plan on using the new product from Stabilizer called 360. When poured into the tan of gas it then creates a vapor mist that also coats the to of your metal tank and helps prevent any rust from the water in the gas tank. Some one in one of the posts on this conversation stated that our US gas will last a long time. I have heard that the ethanol gas is only good for 3 months. So I guess we should at least run the car at lest once a month and check the brake system by pumping the brakes. I like to do this to insure that they keep moving the brake shoes and pistons. Just a tiny thing but works for me. For the guy in Sweden you might also want to put on a tricel charge to keep the battery fully charged up. The cold is not good for a battery. Hartung Desoto1939@aol
  7. according to my 36-42 Desoto master parts manual Section 19 steering for model S2 the steering gear shaft and roller tooth assembly is Mopar part number 639266 the part number tht you got was for the 1937 S3 model. I can look up part numbers for you if you want a specific part just let me know what the items is. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  8. up on the side of the block near where the generator shoulb be there is a flat boss on the block. The Desoto engines started withan S So my 39 Desoto is an S6 and the engine number starts with the S6xxxxxxxx. Let us know the engine number and then we can identify it for you. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. I would not even think about this car with no engine. I purcahsed my 39 Desoto back in 1988 and the engine had just been rebuilt and the car was a running car and was totally original except for the rebuild onthe engine and it only cost me 2500.. i know prices have gone up but if you can not do any of the work yourself then on some major cash being put down to get the car redone as a total frame up car. Like other have stated find a good quality driver and inspect the heck out of it, ask lots of questions and then make an educated discession. Good Luck Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  10. I will recheck my ook again maybe I added i a number. The eyes and fingers sometimes do not get coordinated with each other. I made a typo yesterday the correct number 631753 Rich Hartung
  11. the end that you are looking for according to my 1936-42 Desoto Master parts book is Mopar Part # 6931753 this is called the Drag Link End assembly IN my McQuay catalog they do not have anything listed for the S2 for a Draglink end so I can not help you out with any number. but the regular tierd ends aree ES-50 rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  12. The first picture with the green Dodge is a very rare car. It is a 1939 Dodge Haye Bodied Coupe and only a total of 1000 were product between Chrylser, Dodge and Desoto. I have personally seen all three of these cars at Hershey over my 27 years of attending. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  13. Ok the other day i was watch a car show and the Stabil company was having a hot rod made for them and they also where showing off some of their product line. One of their products called Sta_bill 360 is a gas tank additive that when poured into the tank then send up a vapor that they report will coat the upper tank to help prevent rust and also help protect the entire fule line and fule system. They state that this will help protect the cars when they sit for approx 12 months or untilo the tank is refilled, Thought that htis might be a good additiver to use during the winter motnhs when the cars are sitting in the garage and are not being used. The bottle goes for arounf $20 and will protect about 60 gallons. For motre info go the the stabil web page. This si the same company that make the red atbilizer for our gas cans that we have in out sheds. ANy thought from the MoPar Gurus on this product. All input is welcome. Just htought this might be a good topic for discussion sin ce winter is fast approaching. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  14. I feel that Steele has the best rubber products but he is the most expensive. You can try Roberts and or Bernbuams also and maybe Metro rubber. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  15. When you did the brake job 20+ years ago did you use the Ammco brake gage tool to set the correct arc for the shoes. If you did not then the real issue could be that the brake shoes are not properly set to your drums. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  16. sEND MY YOUR home email and I will try to find some picture of the wood graining that i did. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  17. 1950 Plymouth tierods right rod ends ES60 r ES60 L Left rods ES131 r ES 131L Outer ends ES166R ES166r Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  18. Bingster: I thought you were the one that posted the issue of about no being able to find the vent rubber. This was my bad reply. Sorry, Rich HArtung
  19. Bingster: Did you ever look at your post about the vent rubber gaskets. I found gaskets at Steele rubber. and you have not replied as to if this is what you were looking for. Forum members are willing to help but we have not heard back from you on that post. Rich HArtung with a 1939 Desoto Desoto1939@aol.com
  20. dear 42 Plymouth owner. These brakees on these old Mopars are different that what you might expect compared to a more modern car. These are Lockheed brakes and have an eccentric pins that is used to adjust the heal of the brake to get them properly arced to the brake drum. Please refer to the reference section on the forum prior to doing the brakes This will provide you so great information. The mopar dealers used either the factory Miller tool or the Ammco 1750 brake gage to get the brake shoes properly arced to each individula drum. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  21. You can basically take the dizzy out of the engine block in any position sinc e the end of the shaft is a slot in a keyway inthe oil pump. I mark the engine block in comparision to a specific point onthe dizzy body then also make a mark onthe dizzy body to refernece where the current position of the rotor. Remember and I state again DO NOT, Again DO NOT hit your starter motor this will then chnage your refernece points. MAke the necessary chnages to the points or minor adjustment bracket. Then sect the reference points back up and then reinstall the entire unit. MAke sure that the slot onthe end of the dizzy goes into the key way in the oil pump. Tigh up the dizzy but not all the way. Hookup your timeing light start the engine and then fine adjust via the timing mark. The first time is the hardest if you have never done this but after you have done it you willbe proud of yourself. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  22. I just sined on to Steele rubber did a search on 1947 dodge custom 4 door sedan 6 passenger rear window is know as Quater vent weatherstrip PN 40-0377-76 $221.50 for the pair front vent window pn 40-0264-55 $175.00 for the pair 2 door convert front door vent pn 40-0404-55 246.60 pair 2 door coupe front door vent pn 40-0264-55 173 pair 4 door 7 passenger fron vent pn 40-0264-55 173 quater vent rear pn 40-0377-76 221.50 Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  23. Ply Adams: I also have my doubts about this new tire design. i would like to get some real input from people that have them on their cars and trucks to see how they are handleing the corning aspects and the wear on their suspension components. I would not go out anpurcahse a set right now but wait for some more data reports. Rich Hartung
  24. Cocker Tire has reently come out with a radial tire that looks like its a bias ply tire. Do not know alot about this new tire but if you call them or go therir web page you might get more info. Saw them at Hershey last week. If you plan on having you car judged at an AACA show then you will lose major points on just the tires, just wanted topoint this out to you. So you also need to know what you plan for the car, judged or a driver. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. I have converted my old oil bath air cleaner to using a modern paper air filter. It all depends on the style and type of metal airfilter that you have. I got my paper air filter at a NAPA store and the one that I have is a perfect fit where the old mesh oil bath filter did sit in the filter assembly. You will have to make measurements and see what can fit yours. Since we do not drive our cars that mush in dirty roads as compare to what they had back in the 30's then I felt that I did not need the old oil bath. I do know that some of the members do live on dirt roads so they might still use the oil bath filter. It up to you and your own situation and driving habits and also the type of roads that you will be using. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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