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Everything posted by DonaldSmith

  1. Halon system: If the cat starts a fire, the system will extinguish it. (The fire or the cat you may ask. The answer is Yes.) Halon systems were used in computer rooms, to put out a fire without damaging the equipment. Apparently someone could breathe the halon, but I suppose that the halon could displace the oxygen. Also, halon has some bad stuff in it, chloro-fluoro stuff, so think it has been banned.
  2. I suspect that Sante Klaas and other versions of the name were derived from the Latin for Saint Nicholas.
  3. Then there'e Eye-talian: Boun Natale. I picked that up somewhere. I dabble in some foreign languages, just enough to get in trouble, and no way that I could understand someone saying something in the language. My sister-in-law had twelve years of Spanish in school, so she is fluent in Spanish, and a few other languages, too. I have just begun to explore that language, but was able to tell her: "Take care, Amos." which is phonetic for "Te queremos", (We love ya, second person singular familiar).
  4. Bear Claw latches are sold for hot rods, etc, to get the safety door lock feature. Their installation looks a little too complicated for my skill level. Also, I would have to notch out the woodgrain plastic laminate door panels on my DeSoto Suburban, a desecration I would not want.
  5. Those suicide doors make it nice for getting into and out of the back seat. Too bad they didn't have safety door latches and seat belts back then. Early thirties Fords had suicide front doors. Real easy in and out.
  6. Olive wasn't very nice to Rudolph; "Olive the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names."
  7. Fascinating engineering, how to attach a trailer to a bike. The neighbors' kiddie hauler works the same. I would have created a huge gooseneck to attach to something behind the back seat. These trailers have a simple side arm to attach near the rear hub. The theory is that you are not going to turn the trailer too sharply. Another case of the simpler, the better.
  8. Post 226: Two bicycles connected side to side? Looking closely; nope. But the far bike has two trailers.
  9. An 8 is not the same as a V-8. The 40's Chryslers had in-line 8-cylinder engines. Just like the straight 6, but with two more cylinders. "L-head" means that the valves are in the block. Cadillac had a V-8 through the 40's that was a flathead, like the old Fords. Buick had a straight-8 engine with overhead valves.
  10. I was driving along when the key to knowledge and wisdom hit me. "...you'll go DOWN in History." Of course; Eureka! I had to explain it to my wife. See, worse mark, down in history? Get it? A play on words. Now that the conundrum is solved, I can go on with my life. A few weeks ago I was trying to understand why in the children's song, the dog chased the cat, etc., the mouse chased the cheese, but the cheese stands alone. Then I figured out the most plausible explanation: Someone had cut the cheese.
  11. Don, I'm kind of slow on the intake this morning. OK, Rudolph the Red nose reindeer gets a D in History for the second quarter, just before Christmas. Worse than the first quarter. But I guess, if you have to explain it... It will come to me in the middle of the night.
  12. Earl, that's a power steering hose in the photo of my air cleaner. Long story.
  13. Here's my adaptation for my DeSoto, using a Fram CA6370. I used the top of a coffee can to get a good seal at the top of the filter element.
  14. White rings instead of whitewalls. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. (My dad in his new Suburban, circa 1947:)
  15. Before you take the carburetor apart, look down the throat and work the throttle linkage, to see a squirt, which would show thaqt the accelerator pump is working (unless your brother's father-in-law already checked.) There's also a seasonal accelerator pump adjustment at the end of the throttle shaft,Summer (short stroke), intermediate, and Winter (long stroke)
  16. Sex bolt. Google it. But stay on the hardware topic, and no adolescent remarks. Sex bolts have been called for typically to attach a door closer to the top of a door. Years ago, when architectural specifications were typed new for every project, I would write "sex bolts" but the typists would consistently type "hex bolts". So I printed a hardware data sheet illustrating a sex bolt and titled it; "Everything you wanted to know about sex bolts but were afraid to ask", adapting the title of a popular book of the era. Oh, go ahead with your adolescent comments, guys.
  17. And it's not "a gape" in church. It's "Ah ga pay". (Maybe the fender skirts are "a-gape".)
  18. I start my projects with the highest expectations of perfection, but gradually relax the parameters. What I wind up with is, well, acceptable, I guess, considering.
  19. My heavy DeSoto Suburban can do 70 or so, if I let it sneak up on me. Then I wonder why the engine is so loud, and I'll settle down to 60 - 65. It's got the 236 c.i. engine and 3.91 differential.
  20. 45 degrees, sunny, balmy. (3 inches of snow earlier in the week, rain this coming Friday, and then settling into freeze-thaw.) (Edit: close parentheses)
  21. I can check my map again. 360 degrees. Michigan is about 82 degrees west; 180 degrees from that would be 98 degrees east. 42 degrees north, 42 degrees south. Oops, I would hit the Pacific somewhat southwest of the southern tip of Australia. Anyway, that's pretty far from China.
  22. China is in the northern hemisphere. It's just day there when it's night here in the good ol' US of A. They used to tell me that if we dug all the way through the core of the earth, we'd wind up in China. I checked the map. We'd wind up in Australia. Talk about diametrically opposed.
  23. These long station wagons were the product of custom coach builders, the guys that built ambulances, hearses, and "livery" cars. . Google "professional cars". I think the company that did Packards (Hennings, or something like that?) (Edit: Henney; thanks, PA ) tried to market the long station wagon for general usage.
  24. Are the bottom edges of the coupe and sedan trunk lids the same?
  25. Cool museum. They also have a Ford staff car, but who wants to see that? Here goes, anyway.
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