Last Fall, I installed the Pertronix ignition in my 47 DeSoto, and barely got the car running . Driveability stunk, or sucked, as the younguns say. The engine idled very slowly, yet it would not die. vrump ........vrump........vrump. Vacuum was only 5 inches. I figured the timing needed adjustment, But enough messing with it for the season.
Today, I loosened the distributor bolts and found that the tube to the vacuum advance was keeping the distributor set where it was. I started the engine and pushed down on the tube, advancing the distributor and greatly improving the idle. So I advanced the distributor (rotating clockwise, right?) by an imprecise amount. Idling is good, driveability is good, and the vacuum is up to 16 inches. Room for improvement, of course.
So, maybe the secret to the Pertronix installation is to rotate the distributor clockwise, as in advancing the timing. (But since the igniter is not where the points were, maybe the timing was way off.)
But the timing marks seem to show the timing retarded.(?) I still have to figure this out. As seen from the front, the crank and pulley rotate clockwise, and the marks are past the pointer when the timing light fires.
But the car is running much better.
I've forgotten more about auto maintenance than most people know. But the problem is that I have forgotten more about auto maintenence than I need to know.