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Everything posted by HanksB3B

  1. Turned out real nice..like you can't wait to see it in the daylight. What kind of paint did you use and how many coats do you intend to apply ? Hank
  2. ^WOW^ and Welcome Is that for real ? Please, a little history is due... Thanks, Hank
  3. Plymouthy don't have a dog in that fight...while I rib PP a lot on his truck about this and that..never have I wished him any ill will or harm to come to him or the truck. Personally I never got that you were wishing him any harm or ill-will out of your posts. I don’t think anyone (including myself) thought that it was more than kidding around. as I really cannot see what the big deal of point a finger toward me. . I didn't mean to come across pointing a finger. Paul and I go way back…and I and probably everyone else got a kick out of teasing poor Paul from time to time…Heck I wish I lived closer and had about 3 gals of polyurethane primer to start off with . but hey if it makes you feel superior..go for it(I didn’t intend to give that impression) maybe one day you will have a friend (I do, Paul) you can rib and still talk to almost daily on the phone and on chat and help with his ever changing project (I’m sure you are a good friend to Paul. It’s really tough to come back from there and no ones had it tougher than Paul in my opinion) and know when the conversation is over the door is still open for further communication.(that’s what a friend is) Lastly, I do apologize if I offended you in any way I didn't mean to. Hank
  4. Surprized Ply"Mouthy" didn't chime in "Thank the Good Lord we don't have to look at it again" by now, but Hey Paul you can take a ribbin'an still keep truckin"...(Which is more than I can say for myself) Hope you enjoy the BBQ have one of Tim's Famous Pilothouse Grilled Dodge Burgers for me and chase it down with a cold one eh...Hats off the Trampsteer ! Woo Hoo ! Hank
  5. Got a call from Tim this morning (he's that kind of friend when you get to know him) and I had to say diparagingly that I wouldn't make it to the BBQ this year. My wife Blanca and I had such a great time (along with Davin) that it wouldn't be fair to jump into my car and Head for the Foothills! My wife got gypped this year and because of corporate you know what, lost her vacation well sort of at least for this first year with the new management company..but next year..I'm hoping NO EXCUSES and hopefully that means a 3.54 differential and a couple of people adventureous to caravan from the California Southland on up to Tim's magnificent Central California and on back. (a one week journey would be nice) I hope everyone has as great a time as I had last year. My best regards to all, hank
  6. Wow Looks Like If Paul Bought It HE Would Be Done Hank
  7. Who is that guy ? (contact number?) Thanks this may help a friend of mine. Hank
  8. With these trucks, It always comes down to whether you have more time than money or more money than time. The good news is that both senarios work, but only with Mopar trucks (and cars too).. They'll turn out fine, Hank p.s. 4mula-dlx: I'd like to know who was Mr. Happy Drill on stake pocket (in your picture)
  9. 4mula, Don't worry that is definately restorable (I think we are going to need a bigger torch) Bruce Horkey restored mine close to perfect ! Bruce can do just about anything.... x x Bruce can do just about anything.... Hank
  10. More than impressed, Hank
  11. It was One Big... One horn...Purple Flathead People Eater or is it One Big... Flathead Flying Purple Ford Eater...(sure looks good to me).. Hank (dated)
  12. It was a one horn, flathead, flying Purple People Eater or is it a One Horn, Flathead Flying Purple Ford Eater...sure looks good to me ! Hank
  13. 2 die 4 Nice ! Hank
  14. I like the fact that although slamming my truck door can wake up the whole neighborhood, the door can also be closed more "silently" that a modern truck, if the handle is kept in the open position and then released when the door is in the fully closed position. I also like that the runningboard is a great place to get organized with keys and whatever else you are carrying. There's lots more but what are some of your favorite things. Hank
  15. You'll Shoot Your Eye Out ! Hank
  16. What ? You have never used your Cruise Control...I can't believe it ! Hank
  17. I don't think the dump bed is how it left the factory but then there is always some sort of mystery with these old trucks. The bed alone will require more paint than the whole rest of the truck. Now if only truck beds could talk, Awesome Brent ! Hank
  18. Opportunity to do a T-5 implant. John T-53...show him how you did it in your thread... and Welcome ivyolly52 good choice Mopar Rocks ! Hank
  19. Proper grounds (clean metal to metal and star washers) and the addition of an actual ground wire can do wonders on a single wire/ground system. Fire it up ! (oh Paul, maybe you shouldn't take that litterally) Hank
  20. Thanks for the link TodFitch, Hank
  21. Think I have a beautiful 1-11/16" Dia recently rebuilt Carter Ball & Ball it's a E9G1. It ran on my B3B but unfortunately for me it's for a bigger boy. I would trade it for an equal shape (good) DTE-1 which is spec for my B3B. E9G1 My current carburetor an E7T1 has a 1-9/16" throttle bore which is correct, but I haven't delved deep enough to find out if there are jetting size differences between the DTE1 and E7T1 I'm running I do have a good deal of Carb Info and Carter Specs if you need to refer to them. Hank
  22. Martin, In post #9 of the above linked thread, there are two .pdf files that you can print out and cut your own Cover Plate and Shims. Some things you'll only find here on the Forum from Industrious organized people (not counting myself) Good luck and here's a hint: Take lots of pictures before you take things apart and a few after to show off! Hank
  23. Just got a chance to see this.... purrs like a kitten....she idles nice and low...that's when you really know how good everything is tuned... Congratulations ! Hank
  24. +1 on that meep meep, Hank
  25. Uh Oh... Hello Martins B3B, I’m HanksB3B so I might be able to help. First I have to open my Pilothouse_Threads.docx folder ….run a search for steering and .there it is... http://p15-d24.com/topic/19395-steering-box/ Hope it helps...and got your back... B3B's Rock ! hank
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