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Everything posted by HanksB3B

  1. Don, Thanks. I have a vacuum gauge but I've never seen a tool like that. Because you know, I;d like to know if it's possible and if so how I can use my gauge to determine my vacuum pressure. Thanks, Hank
  2. +1 on that Hank
  3. finmad, Not according to Paul's cat, but on another note: Your distributor doesn't look like this does it ? I also posted in post #66 of http://p15-d24.com/topic/39700-daily-driverfirst-impressions/page-7#entry420149 Your problem could also be the intermittent short that can occur at the coil wire insullator going into the distributor. It's something you may want to replace. Hank
  4. Jeff, I'm glad your truck is working better and running cooler. The transition from idling to acceleration sounds like the vacuum advance problem I just discovered on my truck. It's easy to remove and if you can blow through it, the diaphram is shot. These little things take time to discover. Another little thing is the insullator (7-oclock position in the illustration) that isolates the coil wire going into the distributor. Some models have a ceramic insulator which is prone to breakage and may cause intermittent shorting. This part can be and in my opinion should be replaced with a nylon shoulder washer available from your local Ace Hardware store. . Hank
  5. Great ! It's not the gas pouring out of the carb that's the problem. Unless Paul's Fire Starter Cat happens to be riding under your hood he could light up your engine compartment and that's why we MUST carry a firte extinguisher, but it's the gas pouring from the carburetor into the engine that causes the flooding and heat soak problem. If this ever happens to someone else: Your truck won't start in this condition and rather than wear out your battery it's better to remove the oil bath air filter and let the whole mess cool down before attempting to start. Not fond of using starter fluid or WD-40 although they can help, I'm always nervous of detonation and usually choose (if I'm not in a desperate situation) to just wait for the engine to get down to 100 degrees. Glad to have been of help, Hank .
  6. Merle, I'm very happy for you and Michelle Hank
  7. Hi Guys, I have a differential that's out of a 1956 Custom Royal Coranet. It's soon to be on jack stands and I'm hoping to remove the "Pumkin" on Halloween (wooooooooooo....!) just kidding but close. I call my 4.11 "Tree Stump" not only because it's good for pulling trees, but because the previous owner, a roofer by trade.not only trashed my bed but.must have backed into a tree stump each night after work after having a few with "the boys" To make a long story short (or my real question: can you make an axle housing (((the coronet housing is pristine) longer ((assuming the Coronet has a shorter width)) (((because my "dish or cover plate imight as well be a pie tin))) Thanks for helping me in advance, I'll try to be as helpful as I can but I'm still learning too, scans & pics to follow; Hank .
  8. It is also possible to boil gasoline into carburetor which can put more gas into the engine while it's running. It's sort of like flooding your truck while driving. Too much gas for the piston to fire wetting the spark plug and when it does fire there is more gas in the cylinder that it likes and then it'll backfire. If you can see gas seeping out of the sides of the carburator below the 5 screw top check the float level and set it down maybe 1/16" lower than spec. Hank
  9. The good news is that our trucks are simple and I've found that usually warrants a simple fix. My last few minor breakdowns got me scarred and made me think there was something seriously wrong like blown rings or a burnt or stuck valve and like my truck. I hope your trucks problem, turns out to be an easy fix. I'll describe my three situations. You might remember the first one (I think you even may have helped me) 1. I was riding with two big girls and lost power. It felt as if my truck was getting no compression. I envisioned doing a compression check and imagined major engine work would be required. It turns out that I had routed the wires within the distributor incorrectly and the rotor had rubbed then bare causing a short that kept me running on all fours not on all six cylinders. Fixed! 2. The next one convinced me I needed a new battery. I'd try to start the truck and it would turn over but not catch the first time which can be normal, but the next foot stomp on the starter pedal would leave me blank no power no cranking over, dead. It took a while to figure out that the green plastic buttoned quick disconnect was the problem. I guess spark within the mechanism caused oxidation and virtually eliminated contact. When I installed two new straighforward $5 solid brass battery terminals it was as though my 5 year old Optima (higest cranking power of any 6V battery I could find) became a brand new battery. I think even while running, my battery was getting an intermittent charge. 3. The most recent situation was loss of power and the inability to get the truck to drive within it's power band. I had to baby my gas pedal and drive the truck very tender footed when accelerating from idle or the truck would take a dive in power causing me to hav to shift at just the right moment to try and smooth out the lack of acceleration power and get it up to speed. Again I'm thinking major problems. I've had my truck for a while now actually 34 years of it's 64 years and even though I think I have gotten pretty good at guessing, find I can be completely wrong. I first wanted to blame the carburetor and had a discussion with Tim where he explained the circuits within the carburetor. My next door neighbor Kent came over and the first thing he said was "how old are those wires" I had also suspected that those 5 year old "original" cloth covered wires did look a bit shabby and pulled out a brand new set of wires connected to a new distributor cap with masking taped numbers at each of the wires (makes it a simple job to route the wires to the plugs) Kent was impressed. Next you can't really overlook that you have to check the point gap, the spark plugs and timing and you do at some point realize it's a whole lot easier to pull the distributor and make sure the gap is correct and the wires are nice and tight. I suspected the VACUUME advance and sure enough you could blow right through it which means the diaphram is shot. Luckily I had one from an ebay carburetor purchase that looked brand new and was good. Really this was it. Replacing the vacuume advance, setting the points, replacing the fouled very rich blackened spark plugs made all the difference, the idle jet was set at 1-1/4 turns out, but by the time Kent was done tuning he said he got it running much leaner and as the idle speed increased at each slow turn in, sort of boasted the idle jet is only about 1/16 of a turn out. My truck is running better and stronger than I ever remember...my cost a few spare parts a new set of plugs and a BBQ steak, potato and corn dinner for Kent. I guess there is no other choice than to start at the beginning the simple things, Best of luck with yours Merle, Here's to a simple fix, Hank .
  10. Exactly. They sponsor our website. AutoZone doesn't know a Pilothouse from a hole in the wall. NAPA maybe but they have become pretty useless too. Buy your antifreeze from WhoCares but we need our guys VPW, Roberts and Bernbaum, Steel Rubber and others that are there for us Vintage Mopar guysHank
  11. Best Inversment you can make in a car cover I have one of Noah Cloth (would also like a summer lightweight cloth) but have yet to have the mirror pockets cut it (PITA) but the'll do it for free If I show up. If I were to do it agian (and hopefully I will) this time I want a cab-only / bed only independent cover. Hank
  12. Jeff, don't do it...After a while it does become second nature..like Merle suggests and one less beep is one less beep,, it's a noisy world, Hank P.S. It's having a protcol when leaving the truck that you have to be concerned about but a fully charged battery will blink your directionals for about an hour or more (least my Optima does) then you pray when you get in the cab.
  13. Mike, You are young...finish the Chevy do your very best then sell it buy a Pilothouse and apply all the mistakes and corrections you learned and you too will have a Pilothouse. Good luck, Hankl
  14. ChTopping They've been there...done that..me too....now it's up to you. If you want to stick to original for a time like me, I'd make sure to do your utmost to find drums that can be turned within spec. and shoes suitable for relining (they'll have shoes ready in a box) Springs don't buy there. Cylinders I'd support Gary Roberts, VPW, or Bernbaum and a couple more of those guys..they are our "local stores" in a sense as they have served us Mopar Truck/Car guys for decades. It's worth the trip, but call first.. Hank
  15. Hello and congratulations on your new old truck. . Here's the guy you need if you live in Los Angeles (trust me, they are terrific) http://www.chtopping.com/Home/ Hank P.S. My truck is running great (should post the details in a new thread) I've had my truck for 34 of it 64 year old existence) Hope to meet up and see your truck somewhere sometime.
  16. Ther's a few of patina trucks out there I like. This is one of them. me too, Hank
  17. Don, you are one of the most resourceful guys I know. The cardboard ground was just a diversion and your boss never suspected or figured out how you used that ground wire to make Direct Deposits now did he. No wonder you are such a happy guy Don. Hank (Attention Chet and Federal Agents: THIS IS ONLY A JOKE (as if anyone would take this seriously)
  18. Paul, I was thinking you would squirm and loose sleep over that. Hank
  19. One thing I notice about this thread is there is not one picture of the stock floor shift knob. Hank
  20. That's really quite beautiful Jeff. Hank
  21. Brent, Why leave something so simple in the hands of someone thinking Negative (ground) thoughts Hank
  22. For what it's worth: I had a similar problem but thought that my 5 year old Optima 6 Volt battery needed to be replaced. I removed a "suspect" quick disconnect battery terminal lead and installed two new solid brass terminals. I and was sure to wire battery brush both the battery terminals and new terminals. The difference in starting up was truly amazing. And yes I also have a ground strap from the engine block to the frame. Hank
  23. How did your truck "Jump Into Gear" ? Geeze, glad you are o.k. Paint can be redone..re-.attaching an arm or leg...much more difficult Hank
  24. This little flathead looks good in "Hank Blue" I know ,,"I blue it". Hank
  25. humm...Bless his heart...Paul likes paint ? hehehe P.S. Hey anyone spoken to Tim lately ? He o.k. what about Reg they both live somewhere upthere near the Valley Fire (hope not) Hank
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