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Everything posted by HanksB3B

  1. No doubt the T5 is a great way to go. I especially liked the way JohnT53 accomplished the installation. I forget where the T5 comes out of and how hard are they to find and for how much.they cost. Don you are not thinkink about going back to your old rum running days with your car now are you ? I see alot of those moonshiners on TV live down your way. Hank
  2. Thanks Don, Hopefully the guys on the car side share the same high opinion of you as the guys on the truck side. Hank
  3. Thank Don, I'm sure there's good information there. it's just that I can't figue out how that works between car/truck. The approximate center to center of the spring perches on my B3B is 41" I don't expect to just be able to swap Axle for Axle but I am hopinhg the Pumkin to Pumpkin swap works without touching anything else. There will be a moment in time where my pumkin is out from under the truck and that is my chance to properly (weld) the original carrier that a PO must have backed into a tree stump or rock. Once I'm running and I know all the measurements hopefully the better housing from the Custom Royal Lancer can be modified an used. (I'm afraid it might be narrower) I wonder if you'd be my uncle Bob on the car side and find out if someone can scan any and all nomenclature that the guys on the car side have for the 1956 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer. It would really help at this information gathering stage. Did I ever tell you about when I was a small boy visiting Maryland and met Cornel Studeler who had a horse 22 hands high and told me he fought in the Civil War ? (Well I just did) Your help is always welcome Don and I know it's not just by me. Happy New Year and many more, Hank
  4. Tricking it out, but don't worry the familys tat's are all "Mopar" (and then some could be an offshoot of the Evans clan for all I know) And Jeff, I can't thank you enough, but then it's not every man you meet that retrieves his grandfathers fishing book like three generations later. Maybe my little B3B will cruise right along with your well thoughtought ride. After the pumkin, it's only a kingpin rebuild, Rusty Hope Kit, and seatbelt install away from doing the distance....(hint Tim) Merles (ref pics) try to be more inTIMidating ! next time...my starter leg is starting to "hang" and I can't afford to let that happen..so there's another get-busy...IOU big time buddy and Thanks mucho much that and the differential looked great under my imaginary Christmas tree. Mark I am all geared up and ready to rebuild your radio if I said nex t year would you have still bought it ? Happy farm property hunting (what a few of us need too) Paul hope Santa bought you an HLVP gun a roll of plastc and a stack of 2x2's for Christmas (if not make sure it's on the list next year) I took me two solid years to rebuild my truck the first time so stay healthy, take your time, work hard and you'll be done in no time (less than it took Noah to finish the ark). Happy New Year Everyone, Hank
  5. A Mopar Family It was totally un-expected when I pulled up to David Kings house. There were not any cars (or truck) that were not Mopar. David was not there yet but we got to talking with David's dad, a heavy equipment operator that drives his slant six truck everywhere (the only other person I know that does that is Rod. Well there's the donor car a 1955-56 Dodge Royal Lancer. The good news is that my 4.11 has 11 nuts and the 3.54 also has 11 nuts that mount the pumpkin to the housing. In general it looks like a match. My next step is pulling the axles and then unbolting the pumpkin. Christmas Day....can't get greasy, maybe at David's house..they're all into it even the girls in the family ! Hank
  6. Edrowesuave, Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on your 51 B3B (I have one too) It sounds like a previous owner swapped your original truck differential in exchange for a car differential. Everyone (Tim) knows I've wanted to find/exchange my original 4.11 for either a 3.73 or 5.54. Some things take a long time to find and I'm so thankful that a fellow Forum member Jeff Balaz gave me the heads-up on a differential from a 1955 Dodge Royal Lancer not too far from where I live and a family that had a whole bunch of old Dodges and a small fleet of new Mopar family models. I'll post some photos as sonn as I t can. I'm not a follower of the Car side of our Forum but like us truck guys I'm sure there must be some real knowledgeable members and then some with cars they take it a notch up because of the many options that were made available by Mopar back in the day. (not the actual donor car just the make and model) (I'll most likely post the request for assistance on the Car Side as well but not yet) 1. Please attach, forward or direct me to where I can find pages from the Parts Manual and the Repair Manual for a 1955 Dodge Royal Lancer 2. It seems I can piece together information as to what is interchangeable and necessary to make the transition from my 4.11 to the new 3.54 My plan is to pulls the drums, brakes, backing plates and axles, remove the pumpkin, clean, replace any worn/damaged parts and get it to work in my currently installed housing (which must have backed into a tree strum by a PO). By what I've read/reading I'm fairly confident this can be accomplished. Hopefully if the housing from the car is adaptable with the possibility the perches are/made to work. The car housing could then be reconditioned (maybe powder coated, maybe rustoleum or POR product. Thanks in advance, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, Hank and Thanks Mopar Santa !
  7. I guess things just take longer in the desert. Good luck and keep on rolling, Hank
  8. How come the steering wheels are on the worng side ? Oh, I see... G'day then mate and welcome. Watch out for this guy. Even as as off-duty policeman you can see his angry lights flashing. (DesotoDav from Down-Under) Don't get caught speeding with you trucks when they are finished ! I guess he's alright though mate, he does av a very nice Ute. Welcome, Hank
  9. A very good question...I'll look thru my tailight folder to see what pictures I've gathered along the way. Somehow I'm guessing that the housing is a 60's one from Minnesnowta. Which ones would you like enlarged ? hank
  10. See all you 48-50 guys, a 51-53 series is an "Upgrade" Hank P.S. Just ribbing...good luck with your new truck Npence I will however be glad to send you a free can of black Rustoleum for you. Unless you live in Miami friends just don't let friends drive around with white bumpers.
  11. Coils go bad and worn wires can short out within the distributor. It is not uncommon to find that many of the problems you will discover are due to previous owners or mechanics doing less than top quality work and the occasional "Detroit could have done better" (fortunately these are few). Here's a link to my past distributor problems. http://p15-d24.com/topic/35791-distributor-woes-be-gone/ Hope this helps, Hank
  12. hum..something to rival Tims collection... I'd be surprised if he knew nothing about our forum..but you never know.. Don't tell him anything (maybe the trucks are for sale for $500 ea) but don't tell Mark either...he'll buy all of them (Oh his post is just above mine..tee he he..) Hank
  13. Just keep at it Paul and it'll be done in no time, Hank
  14. Thanks a lot mate, that's my green truck and I was set to bring home a trophy when this blond (bad name for a girl beginning with the letter "B") parked her clear coated raw steel Fricken Ford next to me and stole my trophy. You owe me one now mate, Hank
  15. So is it stock ? Sure looks nice ! Welcome to the greatest Forum on earth ! Hank
  16. I'm all for anyone that has a hand in developing any aftermarket product for our Mopars. More power to you and our Flatheads as well ! Where you gunna get more DTE-1's though that is the question. Thanks. hank
  17. Welcome Glen77 Brother/Sister of my B3B, I can promise you one thing, your truck wasn't always in Arizona (more like Minnesnowta). During the early 80's when I was restoring mine and Junk Yards were Junk Yards, finding a truck with Arizona plates was the best. Nuts could actually turn without weeks of soaking with Liquid Wrench before actually being able to remove your part. Trucks from Arizona were rust free! I found my DODGE script hood plates and much more. I did miss the floor plates but imagine they were perfect. Wonder where the dyes are ? Good Luck with yours, Hank
  18. Roy where you hidn, O.K., here goes my "Boy Did I Get Lucky" photo and some useful information for you too. I got very lucky to be able to buy this OEM in a box. 1. The Gasketing of the Vacuum Unit is as thin, detailed, and conmplicated as I've ever seen.Unless you have the original die, you are not X-Acto-ing anything (even from a scan). 2. Bob Ficken (Not Fricken Bob) purchased what remained of Trico some years back and makes a living restoring Vacuum Wiper Motors. He is the x-po-facto only guy (in the world?) that does this and he's very nice to deal with . Hope this helps, Hank .
  19. I'm saddened Tim now I feel awful. Hank
  20. I thought there was a drought over your way Paul... Hank
  21. Here you go.. Hope this helps, Hank
  22. See if Tim will let Sakura stay over your place for the winter. Problem solved, No dryer sheets required. Hank Mark aren't you thankful the forum is so supportive with so many good suggestions ?
  23. Wow that flywheel looks hypnotic! This guy may have taken forever but all his machining seems top notch. Won't be too long now, Hank
  24. That was not a movie. The actual military footage was just used in Hawaii Five O. The truck was on it's way to Florida where back in the sixties the nerve gas cannisters were then encased in concrete and then dumped off the coast of Florida. You know when you see 200 dolphins dead on the beach and the spin is "for some unknown reason" Now you know the real reason. Think cheerful thoughts and remember when you are driving your truck it really is 1950 and everything's gonna be alright. Hank
  25. I wondered why the name change but what about Poly head people. Afterall not everyone has a flat head. Andy has a truck like yours, (below) he's not a forum member and is definately missing out. Lucky wefound/youfound us. Welcome (I'm in Torrance) Hank
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