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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, I have re-wired my 47 Chrysler, but on the map light dome light circuit, I may have screwed up. The dome light comes on when the passenger door opens, the map light does too, is this correct. When I turn on the pillar switch drivers side, the dome light and map light also go on together is this correct? The map light switch under the dash on the drivers side also turns the map and dome lights on, I think this must be wrong, as it should only turn on the map light from this switch. I do have the schematics, but it looks like how I have it wired already, so I do not need a pic of that, just want to know how they work in cars, that are wired correctly.......................Thanx Fred
  2. Here is my lower 1/4 rust repairs, fabbed the tin, welded it in, bondoed, shaped and primed.............Fred
  3. My car was a real piece of crap when I got her, the drive train was good, no brakes, no exhaust, no glass, except the front, no seats, not trim, all apart, with rusty rockers and outer floors, and rusted trunk floor, a real dang mess. I would never repeat this, I am not sure why I did except that Chrsyler Coupes are a bit rare, I have the only one on the road in Manitoba, another one is coming but so far is in the build stage, and it will be hotrodded. I did own this car since 1988, but did no work on it until the summer of 2005........Fred
  4. Here is a pic of my engine last year, I have since put on new battery cables, soenoid switch, battery disconnect switch,new wiring etc. I am going to paint this oil filter, the genny, give the fan and pulley a quick spray, and the oil filler cap,give the engine a new coat of Mopar silver, then put on new engine decals
  5. Thanx Ed, that looks like the colors on the filter now, but of course most of it is wore off already. Iplan to paint the oil filter, the genny, and give the engine another coat of Mopar silver, should look spiffy after that...........Fred
  6. Cars a beauty Lou, what temp did she run at on your 50 mile trip...................Fred
  7. Hi all, I plan on disconnecting my oil filter housing soon to clean and paint it. Should I just disconnect the 2 lines after draining the oil out of the housing. I also want to know what color it should be painted, I was thinking red body and black lid, or should it be black body and red lid. It is a partial flow filter, looks like it was painted yellow body and an orangish/red lid before.................................Thanx Fred
  8. Merle, not sure if these old engines would like 3000 rpms sustained for hours on end. In the factory they underwent 50 hours of 3600 rpm, or until the engine blew. Max HP is at 3600 rpm.................Fred
  9. Robert is that the high heat Tremclad aluminum, or the regular paint, it comes in bombs and in the can, does it not. I am going to do the same thing on my engine soon.................Fred
  10. Bob,I think those are a great idea, when i went for a short drive the other day, I noticed I got a little snow up in that rear fender area, these flaps would keep gravel and dirt out of there too.......Fred
  11. Robert, do you think that is my issue the needle and seat, these are fairly new, but I suppose that don't mean nuthin.....
  12. Robert you could do what Norm did or go to Princess Auto, they custom make hydraulic lines and such..............Fred
  13. Bob , you are are creative, that is why you are a musician also, an artistic type. Maybe your points would go down in a show, but who cares, you like it, and it looks good, you should extra points when things look good or better..........Fred
  14. Hi Cole, that sure sounds like a possibility. Today I started the engine, let her run till warm , just idling, gave her the gas a number of times, the carb stayed dry, the idle speed was not picking up on it's own. If I would have gone for a run of a few miles and returned, I am sure the carb would have been wet, and the idle speed is little higher. I think the carb is getting lots of gas, because the float level is too high or something is sticking. I think I will have to lower the float also..................Fred
  15. Don On my 218 Long Block, it does not have the diamond shaped boss, just the oil lines coming out of the block. On my 251 it looks different that what your pic looks like, but the oil filter looks like your but it is not mounted to the block like yours is.....Fred
  16. I dunno Bob, that painted throttle linkage,chrome heads nuts, looks pretty fancy schmancy to me, not what a real simple man would do........Fred
  17. Thanx For the reply and pics Don, it may be a bit of work to change, but would be worth it, even if I did not do it now, it can be done when I rebuild the 251 Engine I have.............Fred
  18. Thanx Ed, just went on the Antique Auto Cellar websiote, the kits are $29.50, it includes all parts, these parts will survive modern fuel...........Fred
  19. Hi all, I have a full flow oil filter on one of my spare engines, which is a 251 Chrysler engine. I have a 218 Canadian Long Block, which is the same block as the 251 and 265, just different bore and stroke. I am thinking of cleaning up the full flow filter and installing it on my current engine with the partial flow filter. Will this work?
  20. Hi all, I have a spare fuel pump, it is in real nice shape, all cleaned up, but never was rebuilt, so I am not sure if it leaks or not, it seems to have good suction. What do I need to do to get it operational, the glass bowl gasket looks a little rough, probably would leak................Fred
  21. All the screws were tightened , I have extra gaskets, so maybe if I lower the float a bit and replace the gaskets, it may solve the problem...............Fred
  22. Those look good Rodney, I laso sandblasted my wheel cyls and MC, honed out the cyls, installed new kits, cleaned up all the bleeder screws. I have not had a single problem, except one rear wheel cyl weeps on occasion, I will replace that one. I have never had brake fluid leak on the drums, this wheel cyl is a bit wet when I pull back the boot, but will redo this one or replace. My wheel cyls had pitting, but I honed them and put in new kits, it has worked so far, but maybe I should replace them all. I have strong legs, so I don't mind these brakes on bit, I know they aren't disc, but they are pretty good.............................Fred
  23. Thanx Norm, this is an obsession of mine the operating temp of my engine and cooling system...............Fred
  24. Both middle and top gasket, I had a very experienced mechanic reuild her, the engine does run well inpsite of this problem......Fred
  25. Hi all, after my 12 mile ride tonight I also noticed the carb boby was wet with gas, the screws on the carb are all tight, what gives this carb was rebuilt just a year ago. This may explain why the engine is picking up speed on idle after a run, carb is full of gas and is delivering too much. Is this a float issue or and accelerator pump issue..............Thanx Fred
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